
Zen Devilry On Dr Phil Show?

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I just watched an episode on doctor Phil and interestingly this time it was about enlightenment. For some background knowledge:

There is this guy who has neglected his family, lost 200.000$ for his family and now spends most of his time pursuing enlightenment. What fascinates me is that he got scammed out of 200.000 dollars and he did not give a fuck. Literally. He did not even try to go to court or anything. He just called it "bad karma" and that trips me the fuck out.

His wife thinks he is going insane and to the average observer, he is. What scares me though is the amount of incongruence in the way he lives life and what he says. He also seems very arrogant/close minded. He claims to know everything and it seems like he's just a complete dick. However, what is fascinating is that he uses many of the correct terms for enlightenment and has a certain understanding of spirituality. But it is intellectual understanding and he clearly does not embody the principles. In my opinion, I think he is psychologically unstable and a clear example of false enlightenment.

Just watch the video and you will know:

Questions for a discussion:

When do you think people are ready for enlightenment?

What are the dangers/traps along the path to enlightenment?

How do you evaluate whether or not you are ready for enlightenment?  He clearly did not and look what happened :o

What is the distinction true and fake spirituality and how to avoid fake spirituality?

Would love to hear your opinion on this, especially @Leo Gura . What do you think?


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@Christian I mean Trump's the president. There is nothing else in the fucking world I am ever gonna be surprised by. Swear to god lol.
But in all seriousness, why not. Could be legitimate. The only thing that seems to me unlegitimate is that the guy would reached the 6th density (7D? prolly) without seemingly being extremely service to others oriented?
But that is just a little scratch on my head, I know nothing of the situation.

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Haaahaha, fair point. No one expected Trump to be president where I am from too so when he became president, everyone was in shock.

But back on topic: The guy just seems like he has the conceptual understanding of enlightenment, but his life does NOT reflect his understanding. If you are  truly enlightened, you would have passion, be loving, care about the people around you, be authentic, do what is best for everyone, not just yourself.  He does clearly lacks these characteristics, but he seems to use enlightenment as a way to dive further into delusion. Watch the full video and you will see what I mean:



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@Christian yeah thats what I meant service to others oriented, at the same time tho yo, youre seeing a sketch on TV.

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20 minutes ago, Christian said:


Haaahaha, fair point. No one expected Trump to be president where I am from too so when he became president, everyone was in shock.

But back on topic: The guy just seems like he has the conceptual understanding of enlightenment, but his life does NOT reflect his understanding. If you are  truly enlightened, you would have passion, be loving, care about the people around you, be authentic, do what is best for everyone, not just yourself.  He does clearly lacks these characteristics, but he seems to use enlightenment as a way to dive further into delusion. Watch the full video and you will see what I mean:



AH this is so lovely. Its 2 egos fighting with an enlightened consciousness. Beautiful lol, what a presentation. 
But yeah he does seem kind of a douche, from their point of view.
What comes to my mind though is the following:
To break-down certain egos and to allow for them to come to their heart, they usually NEED TO BE BROKEN by the sole nature of what they are trying to avoid (abandonment).
So from his point of view, it might seem like the most rational, loving and harmonious thing to do for reality to unfold as effortlessly as possible.

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@Christian Omfg they brought in the Deepak police. He came in in a Chopper. Holy fucking moly this is so hilariously beautiful :D

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He seems to be acting a little elitist. 

Probably hasn't been happy with his wife and is using spirituality as an excuse to distance himself from her. It's a little sad.

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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2 hours ago, Christian said:

There is this guy who has neglected his family, lost 200.000$ for his family and now spends most of his time pursuing enlightenment. What fascinates me is that he got scammed out of 200.000 dollars and he did not give a fuck. Literally. He did not even try to go to court or anything. He just called it "bad karma" and that trips me the fuck out.

An idiot can start pursuing enlightenment. Pursuing enlightenment doesn't makes anybody wise. But if he is not deceiving himself, if he is not playing game with himself, his intelligence will grow.

 Jesus says: Only those who are like children will be capable of entering into the kingdom of God. Child-likeness is not childishness. Childishness is foolishness, stupidity: idiotic it is. Child-likeness is totally different: it is a flowering of innocence.

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2 hours ago, Christian said:

I just watched an episode on doctor Phil and interestingly this time it was about enlightenment. For some background knowledge:

There is this guy who has neglected his family, lost 200.000$ for his family and now spends most of his time pursuing enlightenment. What fascinates me is that he got scammed out of 200.000 dollars and he did not give a fuck. Literally. He did not even try to go to court or anything. He just called it "bad karma" and that trips me the fuck out.

His wife thinks he is going insane and to the average observer, he is. What scares me though is the amount of incongruence in the way he lives life and what he says. He also seems very arrogant/close minded. He claims to know everything and it seems like he's just a complete dick. However, what is fascinating is that he uses many of the correct terms for enlightenment and has a certain understanding of spirituality. But it is intellectual understanding and he clearly does not embody the principles. In my opinion, I think he is psychologically unstable and a clear example of false enlightenment.

Just watch the video and you will know:

Questions for a discussion:

When do you think people are ready for enlightenment?

What are the dangers/traps along the path to enlightenment?

How do you evaluate whether or not you are ready for enlightenment?  He clearly did not and look what happened :o

What is the distinction true and fake spirituality and how to avoid fake spirituality?

Would love to hear your opinion on this, especially @Leo Gura . What do you think?


I suspect that he probably did have some type of spiritual experience and an awakening. But to my perception, he seems to use it to add to his self concept. He seems to enjoy being different. So, no doubt that he's a seeker and I'll buy he had some kind of experience. But I don't see him as being enlightened. Or if he is, his mental framework has quite a ways to go before it catches up with being compatible with his enlightenment. Also, he may be experiencing some form of mental illness as this can be an unintended consequence of certain spiritual practices if done in excess or if the person is not ready for such an expansion. 

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@Emerald There seems to be a period of deep confusion for many "freshly enlightened ones". That is, you realize you just... fucking dont care about the game. And things that were perhaps only mildly annoying to you in the past, now become just ridiculous. You realize you don't have to deal with it if you don't want to.
I'd guess that he is going through enlightenment childhood in a sense. 

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@Emerald just watched Rali's new video.
He mentioned that "Homie Rakesh" =D used to at the beginning stages walk around telling people they're retarded including his boss.

So I don't wanna be picky pointing out things... but to point something out xD... enlightenment, and its embodiment isn't something that will fit your expectations. Non duality expressed in form can look like many things.

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The fact that he considers Deepak Chopra as a teacher or "enlightened" is proof enough that he cannot be enlightened. Case closed.

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@Toby wow such proof, much logic, very case, forever closed =D
Give the guy his enlightenment dudes. He has such a nice smileee <3

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9 minutes ago, Martin123 said:

@Emerald There seems to be a period of deep confusion for many "freshly enlightened ones". That is, you realize you just... fucking dont care about the game. And things that were perhaps only mildly annoying to you in the past, now become just ridiculous. You realize you don't have to deal with it if you don't want to.
I'd guess that he is going through enlightenment childhood in a sense. 

To be honest, he reminds me a bit of how I was right after my experiences. I really went crazy. So, this is why I don't really think he's enlightened but that he had a Satori or Samadhi experience, and it went to his head. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Emerald To be honest I can imagine once you reach certain level of self-realization, there are aspects of your life that you thought you would be able to contribute in but you just can't anymore.
I remember several days ago I had literally my enlightened consciousness calling to me to join it in a sense (metaphorically of course). But I went like... yo but if I do taht right now, I will fail my exams. And I don't wanna do that! :D
And the opposite can happen. It is probably just a matter of priorities. I have never been really a seeker and never chased enlightenment. Maybe that's why the idea of sudden liberation isn't appealing to me.
On the other hand, if dude spends several decades and then it finally comes, iI could imagine being like "K... np, to hell with my family, awareness here I come... MOOOOM??? (GOD) IM HOOOOOME! GOSH THOSE TURDS IN MY FORMER FAMILY PISSED ME OFF" =DD

Edited by Martin123

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Before we explore the dude's state of being we first have to consider if that whole thing is even real and not staged. That is always a possibility. I've even seen Dr.Phil episodes where alleged murderers were taking a lie detector test and then agreed to reveal the results in the show.

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@Toby Its just entertainment, I mean... why would you wanna investigate this xD
Its just so beautiful and funny... 

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