
Zen Devilry On Dr Phil Show?

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@Martin123 @Scholar Even more interestingly, considering text on a screen, when you meditate on it, is just arbitrary meaning produced by your own consciousness, why are you guys talking to yourselves like a mentally ill person?

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@Martin123 @electroBeam

It's interesting to note that you don't know whether you are right or not. The concept of non-existence is just as illusiory as the concept of existence. Talking to yourself is just as delusional as talking to someone. Both are not what is, are they?

When you think that I do not exist, it's just as much a thought as when you think that I do exist. Do any of the statements hold any truth? 

There seems to be a process of abstraction, conceptualization, that imposes onto what is. That process is what creates claims about reality. The claims do not realize that they are part of reality, not reality themselves. Infact, when a claim about this very fact manifests itself, the claim seems to reach the limits of concept, and see the entire absurdity of any claim, it's so absurd, that it's not even absurd anymore. It seems as though nothing seems to be true and nothing seems to be false, the seeming of seeming to be true itself becomes just seeming.

The concepts seem to fall apart, so that no concept can hold, even the concept of this very concept I am just conceptualizing. It's so strange. In a weird sense, the not making sense of anything makes complete sense.

It almost seems like any claim of reality is completely and utterly valid and true. But, the sense of truth and validity itself is simply what it is, a sense of truth. Truth is not more than simply what it seems to be. So, the perception of someone, and the non-perception of someone, are both exactly what they are. Both are true and valid, but none of them are more than what they are.

Truth is like a game. It's words, not empty of meaning. Instead, meaning itself is empty. But it's not really empty because it's meaning, yet meaning is no more than meaning. It simply is what it is, just meaning. 


The process of abstraction so, does not impose onto what is, it simply is. The abstraction is simply reality. Validity is part of abstraction. So, everything is real in an absolute sense, but not really. Because this concept of everything being real is just a concept, it is simply what it is.

It's even stranger because it seems like everything is just coming into being. The though about coming into being is simply the thought about coming into being coming into being. It's not more than that, but even the concept of it not being more than that is not more than the concept of it being more than that.

Seems like the mind cannot compute this? But even this is just a claim.


When there is a sense of a process of abstraction imposing onto what is, it's nothing more than a sense of a process of abstraction imposing onto what is. And even that sense of a sense of abstraction is simply an abstraction. This is how it unfolds, it keeps going and going, and there is one claim after the other, simply appearing and disappearing, even the appearing and disappearing is just the sense of appearing and disappearing appearing and diseppearing.

There is no stop to it, the thoughts just keep going and going, the appearing keeps appearing, and then they vanish like nothing, but already something else took the place, creating a sense of the disappearing.

So, the disappearing of perception itself is just the appearing of another sense, and even that sense is the appearing of another sense. The disappearing is never truly witnessed, because the witnessing of disappearing itself is another appearing.


When the absolute sense of truth appears, it's simply the absolute sense of truth. It's not more than that. The knowing of something is the knowing appearing. Knowing is not more than knowing. This is the reason why the mind can impossibly grasp this. The coming into appearing is already the content. Every content is simply content, none of it is more than itself. Even the sense of it coming from somewhere, is nothing more than a sense of it coming from somewhere.


The noticing of being peaceful is simply the noticing of being peaceful. It's not peacefulness itself. Peace cannot be noticed, but even the sense of it cannot being noticed is simply a sense of it not being able to be noticed. It's not more than that. Even the sense of it not being more than that is not more than the sense of it not being more than that.

Every sense simply is a sense, but yet, even the sense of everything simply being a sense is nothing more than a sense. This seems to be a loop, but even the seeming of it being a loop is just a sense of it seeming to be a loop. The being a loop is simply being a loop. The words are just words. The claim that words are just words is simply the claim that words are just words.


Reality is simply being reality. All is illusion, and all is completely real, just as it is. This is a sense though, a sense of reality being this way, but even the sense of reality being this way is just a sense of reality being this way. Reality is what it is, not more than that. The words cannot describe this because description itself is simply what it is, a description. It is somehow beyond the process of coming into being, it is beyond the what isness of what isness. Yes, even the sense of this what isness, the being beyond, is nothing more but this very sense.

There are no thoughts to describe this, because it is before the creation of thoughts. It is ungraspable, because grasping itself comes from it. The awareness of it, is coming directly from it. It's not equal, ever. The awarenss of it is simply the awareness of it. It's like looking in a mirror, into a reflection. But that reflection simply is a reflection, it will never be the source. The source simply is. No, it's not even being. It's completely beyond, even beyond the sensation of beyondness. This very sensation, this very concept that is appearing, is simply an output. Even the thought of this very same thought is simply a thought. It's not it, but yet, the content seems to be aware. It's like the content contains the source itself, but even that is just a sense coming from the source.

The awareness of it is just the awareness of it, not more. It's completely beyond coming into being, but I can repeat these words as many times as I want, it will not bring me closer. Because the very thoughts are the coming into being. It's endless. Even the sense of me thinking this is a sense coming into being. The sense of me coming into being is another sense.

It's like the mind is recognizing that it cannot recognize the source. The very recognition of not being able to recognizing the source is proof for the source. The sense, the noticing, of coming into being. It comes from nothing at all, it's nothing because it's completely ungraspable. It's so beyond that even the sense of beyondness is not even close to it.

It's the absence of coming into being, but even the sense of absence of coming into being is not it. It simply is the very absence of coming into being, not the sense of it. The source of this sense, and the source of all senses.

All the sense are the coming into being, so no sense, ever, will capture what is making it coming into be. It is beyond the senses. It's right there, all the time, but even the sense of it being right there all the time is not it. It's so beyond everything that it is even beyond the sense of beyoind being everything.

It's not anything at all, not even the sense of it not being anything at all.


It has no location because location comes from it.

It has no form because form comes from it.

It has no sensation because sensation comes from it.

It has no concept because concept comes from it.

It has no coming from, because coming from comes from it.

It's not anything, because everything comes from it.

It's not it, because itness is coming from it.

Edited by Scholar

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