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East and West - meaning of meditation, enlightenment and superpower

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These three words are seemingly quite unrelated in western and eastern terms, but some magic of words has made that they actually have the same underlying concept.

In west, the terms are collective and intellectual - intellectuality is the way to think collectively, intellectuals share their thoughts and create something bigger out of it. In east, the same terms are individual and introspective.

Meanings of the three words:

  • Meditation. In West, the meditations of Descartes and similar ones, like the ones of Marcus Aurelius, are made to create the philosophical scrunity about the world as the science sees it - the shared, collective world. It starts from "I am", and then proves the existence of the world and the people - when you are philosophical, skeptical about all this, you have reached somewhere with your meditations. The Problems of Philosophy, by Bertrand Russell, is also about the philosophical questions about the world you need to solve to be skeptical and thus, scientific. The common, shared mind is created through those meditations, where you contemplate on intellectual ideas your intellectual mind can reach. The intellectual knowledge is shared. In the Buddhist meditation, you contemplate on your inner world, your mind, and reach the same kind of skeptical attitude about this. The inner and outer world, both solve the whole - as you know your mind, you know also about the objects your mind can see.
  • Enlightenment. In west, this is collective. Emergence of Science, Democracy and other such things are the way out of Dark Ages, and those processes are called enlightenment in western terms. This is where the people come out of darkness. In East, the enlightenment is personal, it happens to each person individually.
  • Superpower. In west, superpowers appear from the collective good karma reached by civilization. Superpowers - for example, when I was born, Soviet Union and United States were called superpowers - appear when the collective work has purified the karma of the people. When the architecture and the common habits are such that people can not easily create bad karma, and when the tax system is making every person to give some money to the poor, the effect of the good karma appear. It's not personal, thus the enlightened being is hidden somewhere in the government corridors, but it's not the government itself - it has connections to aliens, psychic powers etc. Government of US told that they are fighting to get some access to alien data - so the superpower must be a different entity of any person; it appears somewhere in the collective and identifies with all the people together, but it has a typical signature of enlightened person - as the law makers fight for people to be civilized, an individual don't do much to this, but they cannot exercise bad karma so much, as it's effects are neutralized - good karma appears. In east, similar things like connections with aliens and psychic powers appear personally.

I think the superpowers are all friends. The governmental superpower is very understanding to the enlightened person, even when the government is not - it can understand the "magic", which comes out of good karma.

The miracles come from good karma - it's the basic essential, which gives rise to all the siddhis. I don't think the natural laws are broken, rather they are made stronger - but we see there is a lots of progress achieved from good karma in all the fields; one superpower of a civilization is advanced technology, which inevitably appears where the masses have good karma. They cannot easily exercise the effects of the bad karma.

Christianity and the Advanced Civilization are western collective exercises of karma. There is the saviour - either the Church or the God is going to save your soul, or the government is saving you, like educating and protecting from evil; evil itself gets better karma as it's being kept under some control and supervision. The general conception is that people, collectively, are reaching the state, where the individuals are being saved from their bad deeds, and they have much more than would come from their personal efforts. You can say a person is lost in this, and this is bad - but also, they are saved from many things. This is the yin aspect of a person, and the yang aspect of the government.

In east, nobody is going to save you, but you have to work up your karma and it's directly having the effects on your life. Here, the state is having somewhat a yin aspect, and the person is being yang about their lives. In China, you can see the buddhism is somewhat mixed with the civilization and they have a different authority - you can see the buddhists are learning the enlightenment in west, for example they are interested in scientific results about their work.

From the history of war you can see buddhist countries have been conquered and civilized by the west. I think the true buddhist has not been under attack, but the pagans, which they could not civilize, were civilized by others. This creates some constant feeling in eastern buddhists, who show a lots of respect towards the powers of civilization and science. They cannot win this, unless the science and civilization are corrupt - but the west, also, learns a lot from the buddhist teachings of the personal level, as the personal level of the west was quite underdeveloped.

The christ wanted to bring heaven to earth, where all the people get something, whereas the buddhist help people on earth closer to heaven - in first case, you live in a grand reality and unify this under a greater good; in second one, you make yourself a person from who the world can benefit more.

Real power is connecting the yin and yang into one unified power. The intellectual knowledge, which leads to science, needs to be connected with the individual wisdom, which leads to personal enlightenment. The power of politicial and financial theories and the systems of many people they create need to be unified with individual goodness.

I call the western superpower the "reason". It's not going to better place by personal journey, but it's going to worse places and making them better, it's trying to find solutions outside this personal sphere.

The spiritual people in west, lately I see the enlightened people, indigo children and others, who are seeking personal enlightenment or achieved some level or gene, they are very often left on streets, losing jobs, unable to marry and get children, or they are considered insane or mad, or with some psychological problem of community living - they have a lots of personal problems, which are supposed to be solved collectively. The personal enlightenment makes you a better person for everybody, for the collective - but you are not specifically a collective thinker, who "saves" others and guides them to better life with authority; you only want them to understand the reasons and work on themselves. The government and the church make karma of people better not by them understanding this, but by analyzing the actual process of karmic consequence and controlling the environment so that the consequence is better. Thus, the person cannot achieve enlightenment, but the collective soul can - the person does not identify with his better karma, but it appears higher than the sight of the persons, as a collective evidence we can see when we talk about governments having contacts with aliens and entities, which create psychic powers. We can see some grand power is protecting a civilized person quite entirely from witchcraft - they can live in safe, material surroundings. The witchcraft actually becomes a problem for a person out of civilization.

The reason is another superpower of the mind, and it's needed by any person with psychic powers as well. They can meditate on better politics, economics etc., but when they do not reason, the normal material causes and effects block their work; you don't win much when you just create good feelings in people of business and politics, or the nation - you have to create good and rational feelings, and those people need to work together. The material process is very real and I do not think that the spiritual process actually breaks the material law - as with any science, spiritual people can reach some effects and consequences, which are not covered easily by theories of physics, economics or politics, but any specialized field does this - it finds something specific not covered by general theories very directly. Once the spiritual people have found this anomaly, it's fixed - there is no effect of psychic powers, which constantly breaks the natural laws and does not become a part of developed science; in terms of modern psychology and quantum theory, the effects of magic and spirituality, or enlightenment, are not exactly outside of theory. With models of enlightenment and spirituality you can reach effective and easy to work with models to make yourself more effective - but when the theories of good karma are applied to scientific work and the material processes, they also invent new technologies, which were not there, and the material knowledge of the world gets "broken". I don't think the reason behind any spiritual theory is to find anomalies in physics, economy and politics - those will not become miraculously different, but still go with their slow progress and definitely develop the sciences further, with the help of spiritual people or without. This is the thinking of naive atheist, who thinks that their science would be debunked in case some spiritual person proves their claims - the usual claims are quite normally expected from science. People get more sensitive, effective, and calm, and they definitely see the life appearing richer than before - this is the way up, but it's not breaking the things we know as science.

By this, spiritual theories goind with resonance with science - to be more intellectual, spiritual people need to talk about what they really do in shared, material world; for example, more sensitive girl can be more effective in social relations and they can prove this efficiency by it's material effects; it's stupid to claim that they break the natural law - a good psychologist with good attitude towards people and work would break the same "laws", which appear in the lives of the worse people. A model of mind, which is directed to pure results in something - definitely it leads to better results and sometimes, you can not easily understand, how the science would reach those results. But what is really in effect, is the good karma and the logic, and it creates similar theories and results everywhere - in physical and in mental aspects of the world. What we can all communicate, is the material process, and we can see the material laws are very clearly followed when we are efficient - from having psychic powers, you reach some extra points in efficiency, but to be a social person and enlightened in western way, you need to explain those extra points based on evidence, and you don't need to talk spiritually - with material theories you also reach the claims that you "are in the heaven", when you have much money etc., and in normal communication, you should hide your psychic talk into these normal parts of the sentences nobody would notice much. Otherwise, you are really insisting people that you are doing anomalies in the theory - when a meditative enlightened person meditates on the well-being of the nation, they get some extra feeling and energy finally, you resonate a better thing when you communicate with them, but the natural causes and effects are still there, you cannot explain their better results without considering these. So, really, you need all this collective effort and IQ to do this.

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