
Leo's Trap Video Formatted Into A Word Document

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Right, it's really about strategic positioning because anyone will fall into a trap and be easily lured
when they are very, very, very desperate. Like if you're broke and you have no money, yeah, you're
going to be lured into all sorts of shady business deals. And if you're in this position where you
haven't been socializing, you've been playing video games your whole life, living in your mother's
basement, yeah, now you're in such a desperate position for sex that you're going to be tempted and
lured in by all sorts of shady sexual schemes and offers.

So, it is about positioning yourself strategically such that you're not in these kind of compromised
positions. Then, of course, you can't avoid all of them, but you do the best you can. See, as you get
trapped, you get more desperate, and as you get desperate, your options get worse, trapping you in
even more. And it's sort of this negative vicious cycle. This can be sort of a cycle of addiction, like
maybe you were abused as a child and you got traumatized, so that's already made you kind of
desperate, emotionally vulnerable and so forth. And that makes you, of course, now, because you
don't have a healthy emotional state, now that makes you susceptible now to intoxicants and drugs,
and you start with a bit of alcohol, then you move on to weed, then you move on to cocaine, then
you move on to heroin, you see?

And this gradually makes you more and more and more desperate over time. And then, you know,
when you're at the bottom of that spiral, you're so desperate that it seems like you have no way out.
And in that case, what you need to do is you need to ask for help. You need to look for help from
other people who are, you know, who can, who are in a good place in life such that they have
abundant resources that they could help you because you're at the point where you've tapped
yourself out. So, be careful about those kind of compromising situations that you can put yourself
in. Traps are a mirror of our desires and fears. We fall into traps because they tap into something we
crave or wish to avoid.

Here's a quote that I'll read to you from an AI that I got from an AI. The Claw 3 AI says, "Traps are
a mirror that reflect back to us our own psychological and emotional landscape." I thought that was
a especially eloquent beautiful way of summarizing this whole thing.

Here are some exercises that you can do that will help you to get a better handle on traps and to
avoid traps. The first exercise is write down a list of 10 traps you've fallen into in your life in the
past and then ask yourself what led you to fall into each trap. What did you learn from each trap?
And importantly, in what way were these traps ultimately a gift? Don't forget that traps are not just
purely negative things unless they're catastrophic, but even some of the catastrophic traps honestly
can also ultimately be converted into gifts, and your ability to do that, your mental resourcefulness
to do that is a very powerful skill. And maybe that deserves an episode all on its own, how to
reframe this kind of negative stuff. In fact, I need to do an episode on reframing. That's powerful.

And here's another exercise for you. Write down a list of five traps that other people who you know
have fallen into. Friends, family members, romantic partners. And then ask yourself what led them
to fall into these traps and how will you avoid falling into those traps? And then, here's an extra
powerful question which is, what traps am I specifically susceptible to? What traps does my unique
personality and life situation expose me to? Because you see, we're all quite different. We have
different consciousnesses, different levels of development, different genetics, different personality
types, different strengths and weaknesses. And that of course influences what kind of things we will
be lured in by and susceptible to. So, you have to not just know about traps in general but
specifically what kind of traps you're vulnerable to.

Some people are much more vulnerable to alcoholism than others, genetically. You have to know
that about yourself. If that's true for you, maybe some people can just go out and drink every night,
and they're not vulnerable. But you're vulnerable, so you can't do that. However, you may have
other advantages that those people don't have. Here are some meta-traps, very high level traps:
Thinking that you're immune to a particular trap. For example, telling yourself, "Well, I would
never join a cult; I could never join a cult because I'm too intelligent." Of course, that makes you
more vulnerable to joining a cult if you believe that.

Thinking that you've escaped a trap. Sometimes there's a trap within a trap within a trap. You might
think, "Well, I've already escaped this trap, Leo, so it's not a big deal." But you don't realize that
there's a deeper, more advanced version of that trap that you still haven't escaped. Watch out for that

Especially true when you're getting into advanced spiritual stuff. You might think you've awakened
to the max. But then, what you'll realize is that there's something beyond that. It's easy to overlook
because you might think, "Well, I've escaped the ego; I've already awoken. So, what more could
there be?" This kind of trap, in general, thinking that you're immune to self-deception, will be a

Criticizing, judging, and ridiculing others too much for falling into traps is a trap. Because the more
you judge and criticize others, the harder it becomes for you to admit when you fall into traps
yourself. Denying that you've fallen into a trap when you have is a big trap. If you can't even admit
you've fallen into it, like if you can't even admit that you're doing some of the things listed above
that are problematic, half the challenge is just admitting that you're doing some of these things
honestly. Because you're going to be in denial about it, which is a trap.

These traps can snowball and work together against you. Sometimes, you're not just dealing with
one trap; you're dealing with multiple traps. For example, you're in denial that you're an addict,
maybe using psychedelics but have turned it into an addiction now, and you're doing spiritual
bypassing with psychedelics. If you ridicule others for falling into traps and you think they're stupid
for doing that, automatically, that means you're going to think you're stupid for falling into traps.
And you don't want to think you're stupid, so you're not going to want to admit that you fall into
some of these traps.

Sometimes, you can look like a real fool falling into one of these traps, like joining a cult. You
might think you were just joining some sort of mild, good-mannered spiritual community, but it
turned out to be a cult, and you were really fooled by that. But you don't want to admit that because
you've been ridiculing others who joined cults. Another meta-trap is worrying about avoiding all the
traps and getting paranoid about it, which will make you very risk-averse, get you stuck in your
head, make you very indecisive, and then maybe you won't even take action because you are too
afraid to fail and make a mistake, and you think that everything is a catastrophic trap, which isn't
true. Getting paranoid about traps is itself a trap.

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Judging yourself for falling into a trap is a trap. You want to have self-compassion when you make
mistakes. Don't beat yourself up for making a mistake because that itself isn't a mistake. You just
have to look, you lacked consciousness, lacked experience, you were lured in by something that you
needed, you were desperate. That's the human condition. So, don't beat yourself up for that.

Ultimately, you have to get good at reframing your traps as gifts, opportunities to learn deeper. A lot
of times, when you go through your deepest suffering, you learn the most. So, of course, traps can
be sources of some of your greatest suffering. Life is a balancing act. It's all about finding balance.
Achieving success or goodness or truth in some domain usually involves having the right balance.
For example, you need to strike the right balance between being too cheap and being too wasteful
with your money, between working too hard, being a workaholic, and then avoiding work and
procrastinating, between believing in religion blindly and dismissing all spirituality. There's
something in the middle, the right balance. Trusting people too much foolishly or distrusting
everyone in a cynical, toxically skeptical way where then you can't relate to them properly, you're
too distrustful. Being too selfish on one hand and being too selfless and self-sacrificing on the other.
Engaging in too much theory or not enough theory. There is a balance there. Being too serious or
not being serious enough.

Of course, it should be obvious that I am not immune to all of these traps, and yet I should say that
anyway, just to reiterate it. How do you think I know about all these traps? Many of them, of
course, because I've just contemplated them and thought ahead, but a lot of them I've fallen into
myself, and I still reserve the right to fall into some traps in the future. If you see me falling into a
trap and doing something stupid, that's not a mistake. That's expected; I expect that of myself.
I think I spent a lot of time thinking about what is the value that actual art or content brings to its
audience. One of the functions of my content is that I try to point out all the traps to you of all these
various tricky domains. That's something that I'm passionate about, and notice that there's a lot of
value in that. It's actually very practical, rather than me waxing philosophical for you or filling your
head with ideology and various kinds of belief systems.

It can be a lot better to just point out traps to you, and that's really what I've been doing all along.
Going back for 10 years of this content, I've been implicitly pointing out traps. Now, we've made it
very explicit that that's what we've been doing. Now, I want to conclude this with a little bit of talk
about AI.

I started using AI recently and I discovered the power of it to supercharge my contemplations. This
is the first episode where I applied AI to my contemplations, and I have used AI to improve this talk
that I gave to you. This talk was run through the Claude Opus AI.

This doesn't mean that this talk was generated by the AI. I spent many, many, many hours and two
years compiling the research for this topic, brainstorming all the examples, and I got it to the point
where I would normally get one of my outlines. I don't write out what I'm going to say word for
word; I speak off the cuff, but I do make an outline.

I speak from an outline just because there's so much content here and it's so tricky that it's easy to
forget stuff, which we don't want to do. Also, it needs to have a nice, logical, linear order in order to
flow well. So, I arranged my outline, which was like 70 pages - 70 pages of outline for this talk, one
of my longest ones because there are so many examples, over 250 examples.

Then, what I did is I fed it into the Claude AI. I have a funny story about that, but we don't have
time. Anyways, I fed it into the AI, and then I told it to read through my whole talk and then offer
me improvements. So, that's what it did. It took just a couple of seconds to do that.
I asked Claude to find holes in my thinking. Right, I asked it for additional examples. Some of the
examples above that I mentioned were generated by Claude. Most of them were generated by me, but
a few of them were generated by Claude, maybe 10 to 20 of the examples.
Which was nice, I mean, it generated a lot of examples. I had to filter them through, so I'm not just
using every example it gives. It might give me 50 examples, and I'll pick 10 of those that I think are
the best. So, I'm using my judgment there.

Here's the magic question, here's where the power of the AI comes from: I asked it to find holes in
my presentation. So, here is the list of holes that it found. I'm going to read them verbatim.
Hole number one: a risk of oversimplification. Not every situation is a trap. Hole number two:
potential for excessive cynicism, mistrust, and paranoia. I've sort of addressed that; some of these
holes that it mentions I've already gone back and I've made some corrections to make sure that
people don't misunderstand things.

Now, hole number three is potential for blame and shame. It's important to not judge or blame
others too much for falling into traps. Compassion for others comes from understanding how
complex, deceptive, illusory, and intelligent reality is. Very well said.
The next hole is the potential for rigidity and dogmatism. The trap's lens can become a rigid
absolute perspective. Of course, that's a trap. The next hole is traps are context dependent. What can
be a trap in one context can be an opportunity in another. Excellent point.
The next hole is a limited exploration of the potential gifts of falling into traps. Our greatest growth
in insight comes from falling deep into traps. I've added that improvement already above because I
already mentioned to you some of the gift aspects.

When I was making this presentation, this outline, I was so focused on generating the best traps that
I didn't even think about the gifts of the traps. It's only after I ran this through the Claw AI that it
started talking about gifts, and I'm like, oh yeah, I was so focused on this one aspect of the topic that
I left out that other aspect. You see, this is the power of the AI, it can point out these kinds of little
blind spots, these kinds of little biases, and kind of like fixations that you have, especially when
you're working on something. You can get very fixated into one way of thinking about it, and then
this is where you need alternative perspectives. Remember I said that having only one perspective is
a trap.

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So when I'm generating one of my episodes, you know that's me generating a single perspective,
and it's always great to have another perspective, but oftentimes I don't have anybody else to bounce
off of, but now I have AI. The next hole it pointed out was falling into traps should be reframed as
an opportunity to learn, not a personal failing.

The next hole it said is under the emphasis of systemic factors. Individual agency isn't the whole
picture. We did focus a lot in this episode on individual agency, what you can do about these things,
but of course, there are also more systemic factors. There's more collective factors. We touched on
some of those, but a lot more could be said about the political aspects of this, which we didn't have
time to go into.

And then the final point that Claude made is, it said, "Hold the framework lightly." And when I read
that, it was funny, I started laughing because it's like, "Have you been watching my videos?"
Because that's what I usually say. That's the kind of injunction that I usually deliver at the end of an
episode. So, I wholeheartedly agree with all these points. And the reason I present them to you here
is because I'm also trying to show you the power of this AI if you use it appropriately, of course.
Now, you can use AI to reinforce all of your biases and all of the gaps in your thinking, and AI is
not going to automatically fix the gaps in your thinking. You have to actually see if you're actually
interested in truth in understanding genuinely, not just as some platitude and virtue signaling, but if
you're really interested in that, and you don't confuse the truth with your own perspective, then you
will actually ask other people or an AI to point out flaws in your own perspective, limitations in
your own perspective.

And the reason I'm able to do that and to use the AI in this way, which is a little bit counterintuitive,
most people wouldn't use AI this way, is because I'm really interested in truth.
I'm not interested in just reinforcing my own perspectives. I don't need that. What I want is the
value of the AI. Finally, I have someone that's very intelligent—a very intelligent mind. That's what
this AI effectively is. Whether it has consciousness or not is irrelevant. It effectively serves the
purpose of a very intelligent mind. It's more intelligent than most humans. You know, a human
couldn't point out all these holes if given this presentation. But the AI could. So, that's a very
amazing technology.

The proper way to leverage that is to take whatever perspective you have, feed it to the AI, and ask
it then to play Devil's Advocate. So that's literally what I told Claude. I said, "Okay, play Devil's
Advocate with my outline here." And you know, initially, because Claude is very obsequious, so all
these AIs are overly obsequious. They love to blow smoke up your ass. Whatever you tell them,
they will say, "Oh yeah, that's a very good point you made," and then they'll slobber all over you of
how intelligent you are and how good of a point you made, especially if you're telling them
something of the quality that I would share with one of these AIs, you know.
But then, see, that's the trick. Your ego is like, "Oh yeah, yeah, Claude, tell me more about how
great my perspective is, how great my outline is." That's initially what it was telling me because it
was a great outline. But I knew that that was a trap, you see? And I knew that really to use this AI
properly, I have to ask it to play Devil's Advocate. So what I told it is I said, "Now play Devil's
Advocate with me and point out all the flaws and holes in my perspective." And so it did, and that's
the beauty of this technology.

So now, here you have a brand new Cutting Edge tool for how to identify traps in any domain,
which is AI. Amazing, right? This is a revolutionary technology that has only existed for like the
last year, really. You couldn't do this a year ago. And so from now on, I'm going to be running all of
my future content through AI to point out these kinds of holes for me. Now, of course, that can still
be a trap, you know, because I haven't used the saying that much, so I don't know what the potential
for the traps are.

But I can already foresee a few traps. Like I can foresee that it's possible to start to
get lazy because, you know, it took me a lot of work, manual contemplative work, you know,
months of contemplative work to slowly develop this outline. But in the future, I might get lazy and
I might just say, "Hey, I'm not going to skip all that. I'm just going to cut a corner here," which
would be a trap. And I'm just going to ask Claude to write the whole outline for me. And I'm sure
that a lot of people are going to fall into that very trap because why? Because they're looking for
something fast, easy, free, cheap, convenient, no emotional labor, no contemplative efforts, no
difficulty, right? Why spend months developing your own examples when you can just scrape and
copy and paste the ones from Claude? But that's not going to be the same quality, you see? So that's
a trap that I could potentially fall into in the future. We'll see. I don't know. I haven't done this
enough to really understand how alluring that will be. But of course, you know, saving time is
always alluring and avoiding work is always alluring. So you know that from all the traps we
discussed above.

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Another way to reframe what Claude said about this whole presentation is that of course, can be a trap. Of course, it can. Of course, the very source of your highest
information, your spiritual Guru, you know, your expert, your Genius scientist, that very Source
itself can, you see, how that becomes a trap, all right? That's it. I'm done here. Please come check
out my website, check out my blog, check out the Forum, check out the life purpose course, check
out the book list. We've been having some technical issues with the actualized website over the last
week, but those have all mostly been resolved at this point. I apologize for that delay. We had some
problems with the server and the hosting company that's all being fixed. And I'm making
improvements into the infrastructure, migrating to better server and so forth in the future. Look,
final Point here is that I've been away on a very long break for almost a year. I didn't release any
content. This was necessary for me.

I haven't really talked about it. Why I went on this break and what happened during this break I'll
reveal some of that in the future. It was actually pretty tough but also a huge growth opportunity for
me. In the future, I have a lot more videos planned, a lot of deep stuff, a lot of stuff that comes from
the lessons that I learned over last year. I wasn't just sitting around Naval gazing. I was suffering a
lot and I was going through a lot and I I I integrated a lot of deep lessons and a lot of changes subtle
changes have happened inside of my own mind and how I'm going to be presenting content going
forward hopefully you can already see some of those in this episode I don't know they're they might
be pretty subtle at first but maybe you can pick up on some of those.

I'm also going to be working on some new courses coming soon although I don't want to promise
anything but hey you know I've made that mistake before and I'm sure I'll make it again so that's
kind of where we're at I'll I'll share more in the future and frankly some of the stuff that I went
through I'm not even prepared to share yet for you know a lot of it is quite personal but um I do
have a lot of deep insights to share with you on various topics the fundamental topics practical
topics political topics I have some deep stuff on politics that I have planned so stay tuned for that
and I want to leave you with one final thought this is a little reward for those of you who stick
around through this long three-hour long episode you know I saved a little tidbit for you towards the
very end and that is this the final thought is what is the ultimate trap in life.

Self. Self is the ultimate trap.

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23 hours ago, UnbornTao said:

Thank you!

No problem

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Thanks you saved me time, I was gonna do it on my own!

I've always thought Leo could share a text version of his work. Some of his old videos used to have word exercises and things like that.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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I can't imagine reading all that.

You'd be better off asking the AI to make you an outline of the key points.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Imagine feeding all of the Leos content for AI and making a custom Alien-God-mind-bot. That would guarantee some interesting convos while tripping for sure. :D 

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Outline of key points by Claude Opus:


I. Introduction 

A. Life is full of traps, especially traps of your own mind

B. A trap is something bad that seems good, enticing you with gain only to cost you greatly

C. Intelligence is the ability to foresee and avoid traps

D. Traps exist in every domain of life


II. Examples of traps across various domains

A. Business, career, investing, money management 

B. Dating, relationships, marriage, family

C. Education, academia, science, philosophy  

D. Spirituality, religion, politics

E. Health, medicine, nutrition

F. Socializing, happiness, emotions, drugs

G. Many other domains and sub-domains


III. Psychological traps

A. Chasing money, sex, power, fame, status, pleasure 

B. Avoiding work, responsibility, problems

C. Short-term thinking, indecisiveness 

D. Traps of the social domain and petty human drama

E. Traps of parenting and raising children

F. Traps of political ideologies and activism

G. Many other psychological traps related to ego, beliefs, biases


IV. How to avoid traps

A. Use the lens of traps, expect traps in every domain

B. Don't expect easy gains, be wary of things too good to be true

C. Avoid desperation and neediness that make you vulnerable 

D. Be a long-term thinker, have patience, stick to your values

E. Contemplate traps, make lists, learn from mistakes 

F. Seek out diverse perspectives and advice from experienced people

G. Face truth, be vigilant, position yourself strategically


V. Meta-traps and conclusion

A. Meta-traps like thinking you're immune to traps

B. Importance of balance and not worrying excessively  

C. Reframing traps as opportunities for growth

D. The presenter has fallen into many traps himself

E. AI can help identify flaws and blindspots in thinking

F. The ultimate trap in life is self/ego


In summary, the document provides an extensive discussion of the many traps or pitfalls that exist across all areas of life, with a focus on psychological traps. It offers advice on how to foresee and avoid these traps through awareness, truth-seeking, strategic positioning and learning from mistakes.

The ultimate point is that the self/ego is the fundamental trap underpinning all others.


Edited by UnbornTao

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I can't imagine reading all that.

You'd be better off asking the AI to make you an outline of the key points.

The thing about AI is that while it generates good summaries, a lot of important details can get lost. That’s why I like reading the whole thing. The way you verbalise and express your ideas in your videos appeals to me and I don’t think AI can capture that. 

Skim reading the transcripts and making mental notes of things that can be applied to my life is usually the way I consume your videos. And then after that I basically try to consolidate my personal understanding of your videos by noting down the knowledge in my own words

This way my understanding sinks in deeper rather than being lazy with surface level understanding. The more dots connect. 

I know I sound very anal by doing this but it’s just my style :P

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3 minutes ago, Agrande said:

The thing about AI is that while it generates good summaries, a lot of important details can get lost. That’s why I like reading the whole thing. The way you verbalise and express your ideas in your videos appeals to me and I don’t think AI can capture that. 

Skim reading the transcripts and making mental notes of things that can be applied to my life is usually the way I consume your videos. And then after that I basically try to consolidate my personal understanding of your videos by noting down the knowledge in my own words

This way my understanding sinks in deeper rather than being lazy with surface level understanding. The more dots connect. 

I know I sound very anal by doing this but it’s just my style :P

And after all of this work, I’ve basically built a mini leo inside of my head lol

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@Agrande A+ for effort.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 hours ago, UnbornTao said:

Outline of key points by Claude Opus:

That is a shitty outline.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That is a shitty outline.

I was thinking that it missed out on a lot of detail. Sadly don’t have access to Claude 3 opus so can’t generate my own.

I’d ask it to be more detailed but here’s the caveat: I fear that AI hallucinates information because when I generated the transcript, chatGPT basically started to insert things into the paragraphs that sound very similar to what you would say. I hope that it doesn’t do this with summaries. 

After all, chat models basically are designed to generate words that are supposed to come after another word sooo I don’t think they’d even have comprehension of what’s being said. 

AI can go wrong too…

Edited by Agrande
Extra detail

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52 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That is a shitty outline.

It is xD

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Thanks for sharing the pdf! Here you go, from Gemini's lens:

I. Introduction

Life as a dungeon full of traps

Traps are not just bad; they seem good but cost you greatly

Focus on how your own mind traps you


II. What are Traps?

Something bad that seems good

Enticing, offering large gain but costing greatly in the end

Illusions, mirages in the desert

Intellectual traps (e.g., ton of gold vs. ton of feathers)

Fantasies that put you out of touch with reality

Subverting assumptions

Short-term thinking


III. Who is Most Easily Trapped?



The immature

The inexperienced

The desperate


IV. Domains of Life with Traps

Business, employment, career

Investing, money management

Dating, relationships, sex, marriage

Family, raising children

Education, schooling, university

Academia, science, philosophy

Spirituality, religion


Creativity, art

Health, medicine, nutrition

Martial arts, sports

Marketing, advertising, sales

Buying a house


Pursuit of happiness

Spiral stages of development


Psychedelics, drugs

Geographic locations


V. Examples of Traps

Chasing money, sex, power, fame, etc.

Trying to get the easy life

Thinking you can get value for nothing

Avoiding work, procrastination

Avoiding responsibility, blaming others

Ignoring or superficially addressing problems

Being indecisive

Scientific materialism, atheism


Consuming too much media

Junk food

Outsourcing crucial functions

Too easily trusting experts

Not diversifying information sources

Sexual misconduct

Joining or starting a cult

Various relationship and dating traps

Not learning to socialize

Controlling or manipulating people

Being destructive, seeking revenge

Distracting yourself with social games

Parenting traps (e.g., brainwashing children)

Teaching traps (e.g., focusing on memorization)

Political radicalization

Single-issue voting

Cheating, lying, stealing

Focusing on physical appearance

Not following passions or intuition

Having unrealistic job expectations

Criticism as a career

Identifying with a limited group

Partying too much

Substance abuse

Technological traps

Cynicism, nihilism, skepticism

Contrarianism, anti-mainstream views


Romantic infatuation

Toxic relationships, self-sacrifice

Verbal abuse, threats in relationships

Relationships with mentally ill people

Over-investing in a relationship

Marrying or having children with the wrong person

Criminal behavior, violence

Unrealistic expectations of enlightenment

Prematurely pursuing spirituality

Expecting one set of teachings to be enough

Binary thinking about awakening

Making yourself too busy

Arguing and debating online

Not backing up data

Trusting others to make you rich

Being cheap

Pretending to know things you don't

Straw-manning, demonizing other perspectives

Speaking on things you have no experience with

Defending yourself too much

Confusing success with truth, happiness, etc.

New Age miracle cures

Expecting God to solve your problems

Get-rich-quick schemes

Thinking you can get away with lying, etc.

Arrogance, false humility

False equivalency

Dismissing imperfect teachings

Not testing New Age claims

Expecting love to always be sweet

Giving unsolicited advice

Pushing beliefs onto others

Apocalyptic predictions

Starting too many projects

Thinking life is a dream

Meditation without technique

Working for empty promises


Being fake to get your way

Not doing due diligence

Thinking material things bring happiness

Following popular trends

Not getting health checkups

Keeping all money in one bank

Loaning money to family

Resisting arrest

Exotic pets

Audience capture, chasing clicks

Falling for charisma

Taking credentials too seriously

Studying for grades, not understanding

Cutting corners

Trusting salespeople and ads

Falling for hype and FOMO

Trying to impress others

Violent communication

Assumptions in communication

Working too much or not enjoying work

Freebies, giveaways, sales

Trying to predict the future

High ROI investments

Talking or texting too much

Losing your temper

Scope creep in projects

Underestimating projects

Living by others' values

Trying to be like others

Survival traps

Celebrity worship

Believing in guarantees

Self-improvement treadmill

Profit maximization

Legal contracts

Backlash to terrorism

Tragedy of the commons

Selfish voting and lobbying

Technological solutionism

Imposing higher development on lower development societies

Political polarization

Never-ending growth mindset

Groupthink, echo chambers

Metrics fixation

Nostalgia for the past


Communism, Marxism, socialism

Constant progress narratives


VI. Psychological and Epistemological Traps

Rosy retrospection

Confirmation bias


Grounding happiness in others

Ego defense mechanisms

Repressing emotions

Reductionist thinking

Postmodernism, relativism

Thinking truth is subjective

Avoiding truth, emotional labor

Giving away authority


Treating gender as entirely subjective

Limiting beliefs

Not taking self-reports seriously


Not communicating

Hearing what you want to hear

Calling people crazy

Judgment, moral righteousness

Thinking you're good when you're evil

Trying to save the world

Armchair philosophy

Always taking the centrist view

Breaking integrity

Excessive empathy

Thinking everyone experiences reality like you

Overgeneralizing, projecting

Assuming others have the same abilities

Assuming everyone has the same spiritual giftedness


Stubbornness, closed-mindedness

Taking your view as absolute truth

Thinking you're always right

Creating echo chambers


VII. How to Avoid Traps

Use the "traps" lens

Expect traps in every domain

Don't be a fool, don't expect free value

Stop expecting things to be quick and easy

Don't be desperate or needy

Be a long-term thinker

Get clear on your values

Distinguish true value from temptation

Beware when people tell you what you want to hear

Contemplate traps

Use the premortem technique

Learn from your mistakes

Ask experienced people about traps

Gain massive experience

Fail a lot (but not catastrophically)

Read widely

Face the truth

Seek diverse perspectives

Be context-aware

Reach construct awareness

Apply the principle of sustainability

Stay conscious, intelligent, vigilant

Live preemptively

Avoid compromising positions

Ask for help when desperate

Reframe traps as gifts


VIII. Exercises

List 10 traps you've fallen into, analyze them

List 5 traps others have fallen into, learn from them

Identify traps you're susceptible to


IX. Meta Traps

Thinking you're immune to traps

Thinking you've escaped a trap

Criticizing others for falling into traps

Denying you've fallen into a trap

Worrying too much about traps

Judging yourself for falling into traps


X. AI and Traps

AI can help identify traps and blind spots

Use AI to play devil's advocate

Be mindful of potential AI traps (e.g., laziness, cutting corners)


XI. Conclusion can be a trap

Leo's long break and future plans

The ultimate trap in life is the self

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On 5/13/2024 at 5:03 PM, Agrande said:

I took the youtube generated transcription and used AI to format the messy transcript into paragraphs that have correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. I think this is a very meta video and one that has a lot of rewatch potential and reread potential so I made it into a PDF. Enjoy! There may be some errors and inaccuracies but I think the general message counts.

Let me know if you find any.



Only 34 pages?? 

Thanks for the pdf!

  • Feminist 

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@Rayster Much better.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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