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You should balance your focus on each domain in life if you are young

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In the new episode at 1:07:47 Leo says something that he regrets spending or focusing too much on spirituality at young age and in your 20s 30s 40s you should focus on money, socialization, relationships, business etc. 

Although Leo just said the trap is focusing too much on spirituality at a young age i still think we can somewhat put philosophy and psychology somewhat close to spirituality.

The thing is that you want happiness. Not success and women and these things.

If you only focus on these things you might become a type of self-help junkie young man, for example:

  • You get so immersed trying to get rich and on success thinking that if you achieve this or that then you"ll make it(=be happy), playing the social game of who is more succesful, feeling negative if your colleague makes more money than you or have more status. Or you constantly listen to people who are not educated in the finance field and put a lot of money on really high risk stocks.
  • Or spend so much time on forums and consuming dating content or you can actually make yourself depressed just because you are virgin. You feel lonely and start thinking that once i'll have a partner then i'll be happy. 


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