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Why a partner wont make you happy

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I was wondering why people say i cant be happy if im single or i'll be happy when i get married. And i asked is love a stimulation too? I mean companionship or friends are stimulation too- they are not happiness itself but they will stimulate you a little bit and thats it, when you are done socializing u feel fine, and while u socialize u feel fine. When you earn a goal and you feel success you feel good for a few days or weeks or maybe even for few hours and then thats it, u want more. Same with money or whatever.


Now, when we are in love with our partner that high-feeling usually lasts around 6months-4years lets say. And after that your partner kind of feel like a best-friend but you all are not hyped up.

So thats when from lust, attraction we go to kind of bonding. Bonding is when we can share each others feelings and we are close together. But that is too stimulation. You will get used to it and want more and its not happiness, right?

I was also thinking about what if im simply at work or cant spend time with my partner then what, im gonna be unhappy? no.

Or what if 1 day my partner breaks up with me then i have to find an other partner.


You might think that its just simply a wrong idea that only this is what happiness is based on of course. But im trying to debunk that whats the problem with it?

this is a mind-opening video about stimulation and happiness

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