
Enlightenment And Leaving The Physical Body

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Sadhguru explains that 99% of enlightened beings leave their physical body, so they don't stay usually.

He is saying that most people die at the time of enlightenment and you never see them again. The enlightened beings have to consiously create karma to maintain their body. He quotes Ramakrishna Paramhamsa's obsession over food as an example for consiously created karma.

Why should we become enlightened if enlightenment means actually dead?  I thought enlightenment is about ego death.

Now i'm afraid of practicing any more spiritual practices because of leaving the body. I have to take care of my children and can't leave now. 

Edited by dice

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@dice Look for any other teacher saying the same thing.

You probably won't find many.. Because it's bullshit.

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5 hours ago, dice said:

Sadhguru explains that 99% of enlightened beings leave their physical body, so they don't stay usually.

He is saying that most people die at the time of enlightenment and you never see them again. The enlightened beings have to consiously create karma to maintain their body. He quotes Ramakrishna Paramhamsa's obsession over food as an example for consiously created karma.

Why should we become enlightened if enlightenment means actually dead?  I thought enlightenment is about ego death.

Now i'm afraid of practicing any more spiritual practices because of leaving the body. I have to take care of my children and can't leave now. 

I don't have any evidence for there being a separate you that could leave the body. I dont believe in souls, but im just speculating. 

I never like when someone is flashing about statistics as if they know absolutely everyone who got enlightened.. I call total bs!

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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8 hours ago, dice said:

Why should we become enlightened if enlightenment means actually dead?  I thought enlightenment is about ego death.

One out a million, who start a spiritual journey reach full enlightenment, it is very rare phenomenon. Your body is  going to die whether you are enlightened or not. When you grow spiritually you will find death is an illusion. Death after enlightenment is a blessing.

Most of the enlightened people in the world have died almost immediately after enlightenment - the shock is too much. The body may not be able to take it, unless the body is specially prepared to take it.

The phenomenon is not natural; one should say, it is beyond nature. When a phenomenon occurs which is contrary to nature, or which is beyond nature, the entire harmony and adjustment of nature becomes disorderly. A great deal of preparation is needed if one wants to save oneself from such a disorderly state. Various yogasanas and mudras, yoga postures, are very helpful in this respect. In fact all the techniques of Yoga are useful in this direction. So you need an extraordinary body -- an ordinary body won't work. You need your body to be made of steel so that it can withstand an unnatural phenomenon of such great magnitude. 

Very few people survive enlightenment, and the reason why these people survive is strange: people who have been adventurous, people who have enjoyed taking risks, who have lived like a tightrope walker, whose lives have been on a razor's edge, may survive. The shock will be there, but they are accustomed to smaller shocks. They have never had such a big shock, but smaller shocks have prepared them to accept even this enormous phenomenon. They still continue to breathe; their heart still continues to beat. But still the body suffers in many ways because something has happened that the body cannot understand.

No scripture of the world discusses it. The question of discussion does not even arise -- no scripture even mentions it, and it has been happening for centuries. Perhaps they were afraid that if they say it... People are already not interested in enlightenment, and if you tell them that this is going to be the reward -- that you become enlightened and your fuse goes off -- this may prevent even those few who might try. They will say, "What nonsense it is. You work hard to attain enlightenment and what do you get as a reward? -- that you are finished! You are not even going to see yourself enlightened. So what is the point? It is a strange game.

Edited by Prabhaker
missed a word

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You are not in the physical body already. In some sense, what you call the physical body is within you.

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