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My Football Career

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First of all, my english is not so good, sorry if you can't understand well
The most part of the time while I'm playing football, I'm like a normal player because, I'm always scared to lose the ball, and what the coach will tell me, and think of me, and my partners the same thing, and sometimes, only sometimes, I feel like I'm the best player in the all world, because I'm not scared to lose the ball, I just think that I'm the best, and then I feel so confident the is amazing, I really enjoy the game, and I don't want the game to be over...  I now that I'm really good, but really good player indeed, but I don't know why the must part of the training's or games, I just want to be over, and I can't show my best, and I get tired easily, then my legs weak... But while I'm in my best state, oh man it's so amazing, is inexplicable, I can't explain... I feel like I should be alwayys, in that state, because is the state where I feel happy, and when I can play football like no one can... than I see some player's that played with me, being famous and playing in that state, but I can't yet, and is no one fault but me, I now I could be earning millions of money, and my partners they also know that, and they tell but it's hard... Even in real life A lot of times I'm in that state, I can get any girl I want, being really congruent, being just me, don't care about what other people think of me, but never get's forever that state, that I now that I should be there always, is my higher self!
   I remember after I Finish to read Anthony Robbins book (unlimited power) ohw man I so happy, and I was one person that I've never been before, was so amaziiing, I thought that I was enlighten ahah, but than After 4 day's I came to my normal place, that is terrible, even my family was feeling so weard with my state, but was amazing guy's
  Can someone Help me? I'm trying to help my self with book's but I always keep backsliding

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Only because you feel very bad sometimes you are able to feel good on other times. If you didn't know cold you would never know hot. Your problem is, that you are attached to an image of your best football version. In your mind you have to always play like this version in your head otherwise you are a failure. These thoughts make you feel stuck during the game. The reason is for example that you consciously or subconsciously check every move you make on the pitch in your head BEFORE you actually do it

 That stops you from playing intuitively and joyfully. Meditation can help a lot with this, getting out of your head and into your body. It will also help you let go of the expectations that hold you back.

I hope this is helpful to you. 

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@Ludwig yeah that's so true, I don't play intuitively, only while I'm on my best state, you're right, I use to check every move before I actually do it, thank you very much, do you know How can I do the meditation to go into my body?

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5 minutes ago, Vida said:

@Ludwig yeah that's so true, I don't play intuitively, only while I'm on my best state, you're right, I use to check every move before I actually do it, thank you very much, do you know How can I do the meditation to go into my body?

I suggest that you try body scanning. You basically scan every part of your body one after another with your attention. This may take some time when your lost in your thoughts a lot. For example beginn with your feet. Put your whole attention on them until you really feel them. Try not to lable, just feel the sensations in your feet. You can close your eyes to do that. Continue with every part of your body. As you progress in the practice with time it will become easy even during the day to keep your attention on your body instead of your thoughts. When thoughts come while you pay attention to a body part that's fine. Just be patient and return to the body sensation. 


That's just one way but learn about meditation in general and find out what helps you (by practicing). There are dynamic meditations as well, Elliott Hulse has some good advice on this on YouTube. Search Elliott Hulse Bioenergetics.

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