
Leo, why aren't most politicians in power still not populists in this day an age?

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2 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Will black people eventually riot against corporations,

Black people are doing fine.

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16 hours ago, Sincerity said:

Wait until you hear about Europe ;)

Wait until you hear about Scandinavia ;)

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Black people are doing fine.

Not as fine as white people.

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3 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Not as fine as white people.

Fine enough not to revolt.

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Fine enough not to revolt.

I see....

but will there probably be some kind of revolt in our country before our country completes its transition to stage Green?

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14 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Not as fine as white people.

What kind of a statement is this. You think white people are doing better than blacks. It's not a color thing. Get off your high horse thinking blacks aren't doing better than white people. Why generalize people based on color. This is just utter ignorance and stems from stereotyping.

You seem white to me but still having the same problems black people face so does Chinese and Indians. Same problems. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

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2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

What kind of a statement is this. You think white people are doing better than blacks. It's not a color thing. Get off your high horse thinking blacks aren't doing better than white people. Why generalize people based on color. This is just utter ignorance and stems from stereotyping.

Please, don't tell me that you bought into the whole right-wing narrative.

Edited by Hardkill

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2 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Please, don't tell me that you bought into the whole right-wing narrative.

I know nothing about any right-wing anything. I speak from my own authority. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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15 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I know nothing about any right-wing anything. I speak from my own authority. 

Sounds to me like you have been very misguided even though your heart is in the right place.

Edited by Hardkill

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25 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Sounds to me like you have been very misguided even though your heart is in the right place.

You said white people are doing better than black people. If that's not mis-guidance I don't know what is. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Hardkill A widespread revolution is almost impossible in our day and age. The socialists, especially on Reddit, hope for a general strike of the working population for example. That's basically collectively giving up our lives and all inning on a random hope for a utopia. Do you think the average poor or broke person is willing to literally die so that another poor person perhaps has a better chance in the future? No way. 

The only revolution we're getting in the near future is gonna be AI based; that will ultimately change the paradigm of mankind as it has the potential to end scarcity itself. 

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24 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

You said white people are doing better than black people. If that's not mis-guidance I don't know what is. 

Per Capita, African-Americans have still been suffering unfairly compared to whites:

- A larger percentage of blacks than whites in America still get incarcerated and hurt from police brutality to such an unfair degree

- A larger percentage of blacks than whites in America are still hurting from Generational poverty in countless way.

- A larger percentage of blacks than whites in America are still unable to get access to good quality education.

- A larger percentage of black than whites in America suffer from voter suppression 

- A larger percentage of black than whites in America suffer from redlining

Should I say more? It's all still abhorrent.

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45 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

You said white people are doing better than black people.

Statistically what he said is true. But it is irrelevant in the context of revolt.

Edited by Leo Gura

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Statistically what he said is true. But it is irrelevant in the context of revolt.

So, no revolt is coming for the foreseeable future, even as we head into stage Green?

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1 minute ago, Hardkill said:

So, no revolt is coming for the foreseeable future, even as we head into stage Green?

It would take a major catasrophe or black swan event to start a revolt in America. Americans are too comfortable otherwise.

Edited by Leo Gura

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18 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

So, no revolt is coming for the foreseeable future, even as we head into stage Green?

Consider a pure stage green person, and then think about what they'd be like in a revolt.  Putting aside that you could push anyone into revolt if their survival was threatened, so the climate threat sometimes gets enough attention to get some pushback.

Stage Green might sit down in mass protest in a peaceful way; at most, they'd tie themselves to a boat or tree, but I don't see them swinging pitchforks, looting, and burning out cars. Sure, the right likes to say, 'oh, look at those protestors, how terrible are they!" but in the context of a riot or uprising in centuries past, it's hyperbole. Remember, almost all governments are rightwing, so the anti-protest sentiment is skewed right now.

After that, in yellow, the concept is amusing, but it's more possible in an effective and organized fashion, just very unlikely. A yellow revolutionary probably wouldn't seek to disrupt the system from the outside but rather understand and integrate themselves into it, unless change like that proved impossible and they could still see a path to do so from the outside. Plus, in yellow, you are more aware that the imbalance you are watching is a natural result of the people and aspects of yourself that are present in your own reality.

Thus the phrase to alter your reality, alter yourself, and accept others (reflections of you) for who they are.

Edited by BlueOak

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It would take a major catasrophe or black swan event to start a revolt in America. Americans are too comfortable otherwise.

Then, will there just be more civil unrest and culture wars to come in our country before America becomes totally stage Green?

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3 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Then, will there just be more civil unrest and culture wars to come in our country before America becomes totally stage Green?

We'll be dead before America becomes totally stage Green.

Culture wars of course.

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@HardkillSuffering is suffering. It doesn't discriminate. You can go ahead and categorize suffering all you want and package it up into little boxes of race and color. What you're failing to realize is that people are suffering from all walks of life, all races, colors, nationalities, etc. Just because you've categorized the one's you know about doesn't eliminate the rest. There's probably a white suffering from the karma that he induced upon a black person but is experienced in a different form. A form that isn't visible to others and cannot be put into a box and labelled. 

No one gets a free pass and there's isn't pain that can be inflicted upon a person or group that's caused by another person or group that doesn't have a negative impact upon that person or group that inflicted the pain. It's called balance. The Universe is balanced in it's nature and no one or group is fairing better than any other person or group when it comes to the bigger picture of which there is really none because of the nature of oneness. When one can start to see life from this perspective that is when they have become one with it. Not from separation, which only breeds the type of narrative that you are suggesting because you believe you are separate from society and have free will and choice.

1 hour ago, Hardkill said:



Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

We'll be dead before America becomes totally stage Green.

Culture wars of course.

Okay then, I now think I have enough of an understanding as why it is so improbable that the people in the USA will ever want to overthrow and replace the entire establishment with "populist" leaders, particularly in such a radical way, despite the historic rise in anti-establishment sentiment throughout our country.

Thank you!

Edited by Hardkill

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