Buck Edwards

Highway to Enlightenment

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Ultimately there's no fundamental separation between the self and the universe, or between the individual and the divine.

In this frame of thought, the distinction between subject and object, self and other, or any other dualities that we commonly perceive, are seen as illusory or ultimately unreal. Instead, there is an underlying unity or oneness that encompasses all of existence. This perspective suggests that the true nature of reality is beyond dualistic concepts and can only be understood through direct experience or realization.

You should seek to transcend the limitations of the ego and the mind in order to experience a sense of unity with the universe or ultimate reality. You can do meditation,sef inquiry and contemplating for that. To recognize the underlying oneness that is believed to exist beyond the realm of dualistic perception.

 Concepts such as enlightenment, liberation, or awakening, where individuals come to realize their essential nature as being interconnected with all of existence. This realization can bring about a profound sense of peace, freedom, and interconnectedness with the world. I have felt this sometimes during my contemplations. 


Edited by Buck Edwards

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Engaging in acts of kindness and compassion holds great importance in the quest for enlightenment in my opinion. 

Why? Kindness fosters connectedness. Connection with Others. Acts of kindness and compassion  foster a sense of connection and empathy with others. By extending kindness and compassion, we recognize the inherent worth and interconnectedness of all beings. This sense of connection can deepen our spiritual understanding and promote a sense of unity. You need that fabric of connectedness. I have seen great changes in my life since my compassion practice, especially loving kindness meditation. Any opportunity in this regard should not be wasted. In fact I would feel guilty if I did that. Anything that births itself from kindness will never be lost in vain. Kindness is a virtue, a gift that keeps giving. You'll never see it until it actually does. 

Kindness and compassion are considered virtues in many spiritual traditions. Cultivate virtues. Engaging in these acts helps cultivate qualities such as empathy, generosity, forgiveness, and love. These virtues are seen as essential for personal growth, spiritual development, and living a meaningful life. Bind them to yourself. See every act as an opportunity. 

Suffering exists due to a dualistic nature. Nothing is really separate. Alleviating Suffering. Suffering of some form will always exist though.compassion is often motivated by a desire to alleviate the suffering of others. By showing kindness and compassion, we contribute to creating a more compassionate and caring world. This can bring comfort, healing, and support to those in need, and it can also enhance our own sense of purpose and fulfillment. Why bother to alleviate suffering right? Welll... When you reduce the burden of suffering you stop the cycle of suffering. Again this is a principle of vompassion. Spirituality without compassion is like a car without fuel. You can't really go anywhere with it. It wouldn't make sense long term. In its absence, everything is egoic. 

We have an inherent self centeredness anyway. Practicing Non-Attachment is ideal.Engaging in acts of kindness and compassion can help us develop a sense of detachment from our own desires, ego, and self-centeredness. It shifts our focus from personal gain to the well-being of others. By letting go of self-centeredness, we open ourselves up to a deeper spiritual experience and a greater sense of interconnectedness. This also fosters our inherent non duak nature. 

We are our true divine self. We have within us divine qualities .many religions like christianity don't focus on this  I don't believe we our sinners. Reflection of Divine Qualities.Many spiritual traditions believe that acts of kindness and compassion reflect the divine qualities within us. By embodying these qualities, we align ourselves with the divine and express our true spiritual nature.

If you want real transformation in a spiritual sense, look inwards. Personal Growth and Transformation. Engaging in acts of kindness and compassion can be transformative for the individual. It promotes self-awareness, empathy, and personal growth. It helps us cultivate a more compassionate and loving mindset, which can positively impact our relationships, attitudes, and overall well-being.

 Acts of kindness and compassion are considered integral to spirituality as they foster connection, cultivate virtues, alleviate suffering, promote non-attachment, reflect divine qualities, and contribute to personal growth and transformation. They are seen as a way to live in alignment with our spiritual values and create a more compassionate world.I want to cultivate a more compassionate heart and mind. I want to be giving to this world and see change in the well being of others. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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One of the greatest powers of the human mind is being able to convince yourself something is so true you will live by it and use it during your darkest hours. It really unlocks potential and additional energy. It is a great source of strength. Religion being just one example. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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I believe in enlightenment. But I believe it's a forever process extending into eternity. We have forever. In that regard I agree with Spiritual Renaissance. We already have forever. We are enlightened beings. I believe the divine acts through us. Regarding evil, I think the evil intercepts through us too, if we give it enough leeway to do so. It's not so much about being evil, it's about letting evil. We are our true divine self and this self is the same for everyone, like the rays of the sun. We are but one soul. One self that is Brahman. One self that is the universe, the Divine Nature. We tap into this divine nature sometimes and sometimes we are human. This existence is nothing in comparison to our universal existence. We feel fulfillment only when we live our higher self. That's what I believe. 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Awakening versus being mentally ill. 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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It's a type of energy that transcends the boundaries of conventional intuition and empathy. It's an innate connection to the unseen realms of energy, consciousness and wisdom that permeate our universe. Those who possess this gift aren't simply more attuned to the world around us but they can really tap into the very fabric of reality itself, they can access knowledge and wisdom that's hidden to most. The depth of this ability is remarkable. It allows the individual to perceive the interconnectedness that binds all things revealing the patterns and synchronicities that shape our lives. 

They can sense the subtle energy shifts in people and environments, intuiting the unspoken emotions, and potential that is, beneath the surface. This gift might not be limited to the present moment. It can also grant glimpses into the past and future, offering guidance and warnings that can alter the course of destinies. Its not merely a passive ability, it's a phenomenal gift of transformation and healing. They are able to channel divine energy and wisdom using their unique connection to the unseen realms. And this is how they inspire those around them. Their presence alone can be a catalyst for profound shifts in consciousness. I just can't believe it but I have such a phenomena sometimes at least in my personal experienc. 

Their perceptions might defy conventional norms and beliefs. Those with this gift can see past surface level appearances and behaviors and even the limiting beliefs that people hold onto about themselves. They are able to recognize the untapped potential, the hidden wounds, and the unspoken desires that drive a person actions and choices. This insight allows them to approach others with a deep sense of compassion. Seeing the inherent worth and beauty in everything, they have a keen sense of understanding and non-judgmentnon-judgment, no matter how lost or misguided someone might seem. This is not just limited to individuals. Those with this gift might be able to tap into the collective energy of a crowd, sensing the underlying emotions and tensions and aspirations that bind people together. In interpersonal relationships, this is a powerful tool for fostering deep authentic connections. They can see beyond the superficial and still be able to see the divine essence present in each one of us. Those with this ability can create a space of trust, vulnerability and mutual understanding is what I believe. Theyre able to help otherrs peel off layers of social conditioning and self doubt and see their core strengthsstrengths, revealing their true beauty and strength. Howevee this ability can be very overwhelming at times. So what do I think are the struggles that these people might face from time to time. They might struggle with boundaries, self care and a sense of responsibility for others. This can sometimes get the better of them making them quite vulnerable to people who avt like energy vampires and drain rheir energy through useless endeavors. They help others reconnect with their authentic selves. They also possess an inner knowing and wisdom. There's an unshakable confidence in ones path and purpose even in the midst of challenges. They are able to tap into a wellspring of ancient wisdom accessing insights and understanding that often defy logical explanation. This allows the individual to see opportunities and solutions where others only see dead ends. They are able to cut through the distractions of the external world and noise. They can directly cut the chase to what truly matters and make decisions that align to their highest good and the good of all. This profound wisdom is not something that is held selfishly or only used for personal gain. They usually work in the capacity of teachers, healers and guides. They help others navigate the challenges of life with grace and resilience. 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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On 5/10/2024 at 9:33 PM, Buck Edwards said:

Ultimately there's no fundamental separation between the self and the universe, or between the individual and the divine.

In this frame of thought, the distinction between subject and object, self and other, or any other dualities that we commonly perceive, are seen as illusory or ultimately unreal. Instead, there is an underlying unity or oneness that encompasses all of existence. This perspective suggests that the true nature of reality is beyond dualistic concepts and can only be understood through direct experience or realization.

You should seek to transcend the limitations of the ego and the mind in order to experience a sense of unity with the universe or ultimate reality. You can do meditation,sef inquiry and contemplating for that. To recognize the underlying oneness that is believed to exist beyond the realm of dualistic perception.

 Concepts such as enlightenment, liberation, or awakening, where individuals come to realize their essential nature as being interconnected with all of existence. This realization can bring about a profound sense of peace, freedom, and interconnectedness with the world. I have felt this sometimes during my contemplations. 


Fundamentally we are a bunch of atoms somehow put together in a way that we appear as Human Beings with these Bodies, two arms/legs, walking running around eating and breathing all the time, with a mind that thinks, dreams, creates and such, but does how does this happen, from the smallest object to what we are right now? We have no experience of the individual trillions upon trillions of atoms making all of this up, and how does it all come together and make us whole as it does, with all its potential..

So there is the fundamental way of looking at things, we are all One, existence is all connected and One, nothing is Separate, and everything on the surface will someday die so its impermanent which for some means it doesn't really exist, all the exist is that which is permanent, so nothing bound by cycles (Physicality/Materiality) eventually dies..But we have to Realize this within ourselves, some do some don't if all did then this forum would not be here, things in the world would not be as they are, so what does that all mean? It means we have potentials but we have to realize it for ourselves, via higher Consciousness..so there are levels to it all, physical nature, mental nature, spiritual nature...to only see and realize the fundamental, is to only see one side of it imo...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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22 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Fundamentally we are a bunch of atoms somehow put together in a way that we appear as Human Beings with these Bodies, two arms/legs, walking running around eating and breathing all the time, with a mind that thinks, dreams, creates and such, but does how does this happen, from the smallest object to what we are right now? We have no experience of the individual trillions upon trillions of atoms making all of this up, and how does it all come together and make us whole as it does, with all its potential..

So there is the fundamental way of looking at things, we are all One, existence is all connected and One, nothing is Separate, and everything on the surface will someday die so its impermanent which for some means it doesn't really exist, all the exist is that which is permanent, so nothing bound by cycles (Physicality/Materiality) eventually dies..But we have to Realize this within ourselves, some do some don't if all did then this forum would not be here, things in the world would not be as they are, so what does that all mean? It means we have potentials but we have to realize it for ourselves, via higher Consciousness..so there are levels to it all, physical nature, mental nature, spiritual nature...to only see and realize the fundamental, is to only see one side of it imo...

Do you mean to say that consciousness exists in different planes? 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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One of my greatest realizations so far is that nothing is permanent. Everything is impermanent. This is highest wisdom and everything should be tailored in accordance to this.

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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29 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

Do you mean to say that consciousness exists in different planes? 

Consciousness meaning that which is the basis or fundamental in existence and before existence or creation, some call this Brahman, or Life Source, Grand Intelligence, or Shiva which means "That which is Not", so Consciousness in this case exists on all planes, but we as Humans can realize it on different levels of Experience.. The Fundamental is that we are this Consciousness in a Human Form, Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience, but some never identify with the Spiritual part, they only Identify with the Human part, which is all about Self Preservation, Survival, Accumulation of ppl, places and things, procreation, that's it..We can Live beyond these things, whatever it is that You accumulate is not You, something is there that is more fundamental, but just because you find it and experience it, doesn't mean you throw away everything else like the Human part of it, so first establish Your BEING, that is the Spiritual part, then live life accordingly without any suffering in the way...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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31 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

We can Live beyond these things,

Sometimes I'm stuck in survival paradigm. Can you shed light on how we can live beyond these things. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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8 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

Sometimes I'm stuck in survival paradigm. Can you shed light on how we can live beyond these things. 

Well I think Your on Your way with Kriya Yoga practice as a method to get there, but also we need to deal with our minds and intellects going wild and such,,,

In Sadhguru's Inner Engineering course, there are 7 lectures on various aspect of life, he talks about Living Now absolutely because NOW is all there is, past is just memory, future is just imagination, both do not exist, only NOW exists, so focus on NOW, use memory/past to become Wise from not Wounded, use imagination/future to plan for, but don't Emotionally live there, Mind is all about memory and imagination, so don't live via the Mind, live via Awareness, Kriya will help with that..

Also, he talks about "This moment is Inevitable" this is about Acceptance I think, when  You Accept Absolutely, then no stress response can happen, now just because You accept now, doesn't mean you want it this way, it just means You Accept, via that, and no stress, Your natural Intelligence rise up to higher degrees and intensity in your life and can make things happen that you want to happen  more easily, the key is too not Resist what Is, that causes Stress and suffering...

Third, he talks about Responsibility, which is the Ability to Respond to Life rather than React, Reacting is Compulsivity, Responding is being Conscious and Aware, its bringing Your natural Free Will into play, How do I want to be within myself today, Happy or Sad, Alive or Dead, this sort of thing, so internalizing these thing, making them natural rising not intellectual thinking projects, along with Your Kriya practice should do the trick to get you out of Survival mode and living up to high planes of Transformation and Existence..:)

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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We have to understand two things here - purpose and self. Our divine self. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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I have understood through my insight work that morality does not exist at higher levels. Morality is a religion based trap too. 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Our divine self, our soul and understanding this soul or atman is all we have. Furthering my Spritiual practice in the direction of soul language.

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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I really don't know what owning darkness really means but I'll be looking forward to Leo's video on Morality being the biggest trap. 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Posted (edited)

What's soul food? 

  • You have to shield yourself from negative energy
  • Something that aligns with your higher purpose 
  • Validation kills the soul. The more you crave validation the worse it gets 
  • The soul embodies the quality of humility 
  • I think the greatest religion is humanity itself and the soul is the embodiment of this.
  • The soul or atman is a part of the brahman which I consider the universal force of existence 
  • Our own journey on earth is miniscule and is just a minute part of the eternal journey of the soul 
  • Compassion is the food of the soul and validation is the enemy of the soul 
  • Through compassion our souls connect with each other 
  • Love is the language of the soul. I love you. Love connects one soul to another and understands it. 
  • We are here for collective consciousness. Divine purpose. 
  • We're dissatisfied because our souls aren't grounded 
  • While morality is necessary for survival, in the greater schema of things, it doesn't hold much value in terms of consciousness. 




Edited by Buck Edwards

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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god is love consciousness

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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