Rafael Thundercat

Rabbit Hole Inoculation or Inception

4 posts in this topic

Well, let me see how I will present this Ideia. I woke up with this ideia today at 6am. Out of nothing two questions came to my mind: What is Consciousness?and Second How Consciousness Creates Life? 

Then I realise that If I would guide people into a deep contemplation about this two apparent disconected questions in a Leo Gura style I would get different reactions. Some people would listen and follow it with curiosity and others would present resistance and start the usual "yes but"...

So I thougth: Well, is quite fair that people resist gratuite answers from others, since in a way I would be taking from then the Awe of arriving into some Mindfuck corner or Paradox. 

So my Ideia with with post is ask help from the Team here to craft very good single questions. Only Questions, like check-points for people use in self-contemplation. Almost like giving them the Rabbit and let them decide if they want to follow througth the Hole. To let them do the research and the Heavy Lift. People got lasy with so much Information today. Or maybe even more resistant due to so much Information Overload that they even have difficult to stay with two simple questions Like Consciouness and Life and come up with Original Thougth about it. 

What do you think? Are We Drowning in a Ocean of Pre-Packed answers that we end up Forgeting to Contemplate for ourselfs? 

What Questions can become like inoculation spores in the minds of people that luckly sprout into a mycelial network leading them to Aha Moments? 

My first ones would be this

What is Consciouness?

How This Consciouness Generates Life? Or Matter in the first Hand?

Even and deep  Search alone about this two would bring people to the awareness of How mysterious this Life puzzle is. 


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Here's some that immediately come to mind:

  • When I use the word "consciousness" is it the same as your word "consciousness"?
  • Is consciousness one thing or many things? If many things, are those things completely separate?
  • If everything is consciousness how can consciousness explain itself?
  • How do "things" in consciousness persist?
  • What is the relationship between materialism and idealism?
  • Why does altering matter (i.e. drugs, lobotomies) change consciousness?
  • Is what "exists" only that which I'm aware of? Do things outside of my awareness stop existing?
  • Is awareness consciousness or is consciousness more than awareness?

There's plenty more lol.


57% paranoid

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Posted (edited)

See Zen Koans. (What is the sound of one hand clapping?)

We are willfully ignorant. We are self-deluded. It is exclusionary detailing, sins of omission, lies of omission, skillful avoidance, and continuations of misrepresentations. it is not an accident. We don't want to awaken. We avoid the exercise you suggest OP.

One thought is to look to movies and how we all create our own Truman Show. There is no evil TV show or evil corporation. We do it to ourselves. The same goes for the Matrix films. There are no "machines" or AI to blame. We do it to ourselves. Movies are a reflection of the self in totality. We are the hero and the villain of the film. There is no one external to blame or to vanquish victoriously. We must integrate and actualize the entire film and all its characters.

Edited by Soul Flight

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Posted (edited)

You have two eyes these two eyes come to a point in your pov. You are that point they converge too not the body thats looking at the point. You aren't in a body you are constantly looking at yourself all day. 

If you look at a woman's titties you are the titties then if you look at the butt you are the butt.


You are an invisible point in the universe and can't not be looking at yourself. Unless you cross your eyes then you are in chaos

Edited by Hojo

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