
The music is problem!

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Hey. i have inadequate fantasies during listening to music. i mean i have fantasies how i show others myself big man. And can you help me how can i solve this problem?

Edited by universe

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Why do you think it's a problem? If you do? Try listening to different types of music that don't have lyrics and appreciate the subtlety and vastness of sounds in it. The more you will listen, the more you will hear. I don't have any fantasies when I am listening to music anymore, for a long time. People listen to music for different reasons. Most primary is association with the past emotions and memories. Other could be that it really stimulates immagination. I have been told that my music made somebody very imaginative, maybe that is just your subsoncsiousness (which may or may not have a meaning) communicating and reacting to it. Just see it as it is and accept it. It will reduce it's impact. I experience bliss and piece of mind and I often try to focus on that space where music enters your cognition. I get bored sometimes and not want to listen to anything also. 



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Yes, music is not natural at all and doesn't exist in nature.

This makes you more “submissive” and prevents you from having the strength to change your life.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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11 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Yes, music is not natural at all and doesn't exist in nature.

This makes you more “submissive” and prevents you from having the strength to change your life.

Are you sarcastic? Have you ever heard birds? Music does not make you submissive, neither takes away from your willpower. I am sorry but this is just BS. @jacknine119 if you want a genuine and nuanced answer, please ask the musicians about the value of music and what it does to you and how to navigate it. Idk how others would feel about such terrible advice.

Edited by Applegarden8

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23 minutes ago, Applegarden8 said:

Are you sarcastic? Have you ever heard birds?

Are you comparing bird songs here and there to putting on in-ear headphones to listen to pop music or whatever for several tens of minutes or even hours a day?
Lol, it's like saying that it's okay to eat fast food 4 times a day because in nature "we ate some wild boar and tubers".


Music does not make you submissive, neither takes away from your willpower.

Yes, like any excessively pleasant activity / practiced excessively.
Do you know what you are talking about? Have you already tried or studied the question before launching your begging the question?


I am sorry but this is just BS. @jacknine119 if you want a genuine and nuanced answer

@jacknine119  If you "want a genuine and nuanced answer", don't listen to people who talk without thinking, do not completely directly believe anyone in general.


please ask the musicians about the value of music and what it does to you and how to navigate it. Idk how others would feel about such terrible advice.

1) There is a difference between making music and consuming it, there is yet another between making/consuming music and the extent of this phenomenon (type of music, frequency...), you make purposely not to include these level of nuances.
Yes, listening to music that is too loud/regularly encourages a lot of daydreaming and lack of action in general.

2)It's like asking chefs what they think about food.
Well, there are a lot of obese cooks, aren’t there?

3)That said you do what you want I don't care, it's your life, it's fantastic.

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Music is God Love. Your Ears are God Love, Music is God Making Love with Itself via Sound, penetrating itself with Sound made by Itself in order to Enjoy itself with its Own instant creations. Close your eyes in a Deep Forest listen the birds and realise what Actually are you listening? Where the sound is coming from? From outside?from a bird outthere somewhere? Or is coming from your own mind? 

Music and Meditation are deeply related.

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28 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Are you comparing bird songs here and there to putting on in-ear headphones to listen to pop music or whatever for several tens of minutes or even hours a day?
Lol, it's like saying that it's okay to eat fast food 4 times a day because in nature "we ate some wild boar and tubers".

Yes, like any excessively pleasant activity / practiced excessively.
Do you know what you are talking about? Have you already tried or studied the question before launching your begging the question?

@jacknine119  If you "want a genuine and nuanced answer", don't listen to people who talk without thinking, do not completely directly believe anyone in general.

1) There is a difference between making music and consuming it, there is yet another between making/consuming music and the extent of this phenomenon (type of music, frequency...), you make purposely not to include these level of nuances.
Yes, listening to music that is too loud/regularly encourages a lot of daydreaming and lack of action in general.

2)It's like asking chefs what they think about food.
Well, there are a lot of obese cooks, aren’t there?

3)That said you do what you want I don't care, it's your life, it's fantastic.

ok, i got what you are about, i think there is no point in arguing with you, hahaha. I think this is a good sign of doing what I want with my life instead of this, my bad. Sorry. You would be a good "political streamer" like Hasan. It's very nice poke and run tactic with very generic points on the initial reply, but in a rebuttal this wall of nuancing your point which you didn't explain in your initial reply + with your wall of text recalling some previous convo, god job my dude with this debate brain tactic.

It's not that there are no replies to your questions to me but I will give a reply you will nuance it and find another point to criticise and endlessly grift with an insult to the person. So you know.. you can make whatever you want out of this.

Edited by Applegarden8

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I have had this kind of habit naturally since early childhood. It’s a type of brain that does this I feel. There are people no matter how they feel they won’t daydream to cope. I’d say if you are inward and very introverted you’re most prone to it.

I do it today sometimes for other reasons but I feel this above is most common. 

Then if you have trauma too, any insecurities in your sense of self. So it’s not an issue ~in itself~ it’s more a symptom of something else that needs fixing. In some cases that are very extreme yes sometimes actively removing the music can help. But usually the urge will keep coming back and your brain will be doing it as long as those underlying issues aren’t addressed.



Edited by Sugarcoat

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4 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Yes, music is not natural at all and doesn't exist in nature.

This makes you more “submissive” and prevents you from having the strength to change your life.

Music is more natural than your words. Words that come from useless thoughts. Thoughts that believe one needs strength to change one's life and that music makes one submissive. Music can be relatively therapeutic to one that can benefit from a little soothing. A soothing from thoughts that created your kind of message. So maybe it is more music that is needed to free the thoughts you are claiming. Music without thoughts.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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14 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Music is more natural than your words.

Blah Blah 

Doesn't mean anything signifiant.

14 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Words that come from useless thoughts.

Yes, the goal here is improving life experience at long term.

14 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Thoughts that believe one needs strength to change one's life and that music makes one submissive.

Yes, you are a spectrum of energetic power relations, with a genetic and epigenetic bias.

The whole point of music and the associated daydream is to disguise the field of reality to project and catharsis desires for emotional experience.
Given that you are a lazy human, if you indulge in this you will limit your ability to evolve your "real" experience.
You don't want to live in your imagination, because even if it's not really perceived it's both exhausting and overrated.

Obviously, music enriches the ego.
If you are in conflict with someone, you limit your ability to calm down, mature and adopt a less selfish and more nuanced paradigm if your reflex is to listen to angry music or whatever.

Muslims are right on that :)

14 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Music can be relatively therapeutic to one that can benefit from a little soothing. A soothing from thoughts that created your kind of message. So maybe it is more music that is needed to free the thoughts you are claiming. Music without thoughts.

Music is not therapeutic, it is demagoguery.
It's like saying that alcohol is therapeutic because it can make a depressive feel euphoric and calm, and because the taste and smell are pleasant.

It's a bad habit that was adopted for many reasons at some point.
What's healing is letting go of those kinds of habits for something greater and rewarding in the long run, even if it's frustrating.

There is no progress without frustration.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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46 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Music is more natural than your words. Words that come from useless thoughts. Thoughts that believe one needs strength to change one's life and that music makes one submissive. Music can be relatively therapeutic to one that can benefit from a little soothing. A soothing from thoughts that created your kind of message. So maybe it is more music that is needed to free the thoughts you are claiming. Music without thoughts.

just chill, don't engage with him. He will pinpoint you on assumptions he does not define. You could box his argument with defining terms like natural, music and birds and his "music is bad for you argument" which he clarifies and criticizes me for not guessing that this was his position, so, you know, let's save our blah blahs. :) His blah blahs are more important than our blah blahs you know.

Edited by Applegarden8

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As I remember correctly, you wrote somewhere on the forum that you post something in order to be opposed to some perspectives or ideas and to learn from them. 🤔

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30 minutes ago, Applegarden8 said:

just chill, don't engage with him. He will pinpoint you on assumptions he does not define. You could box his argument with defining terms like natural, music and birds and his "music is bad for you argument" which he clarifies and criticizes me for not guessing that this was his position, so, you know, let's save our blah blahs. :) His blah blahs are more important than our blah blahs you know.

Yes, schizophrenic blah, blahs. Lol

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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49 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Blah Blah 

Doesn't mean anything signifiant.

Yes, the goal here is improving life experience at long term.

Yes, you are a spectrum of energetic power relations, with a genetic and epigenetic bias.

The whole point of music and the associated daydream is to disguise the field of reality to project and catharsis desires for emotional experience.
Given that you are a lazy human, if you indulge in this you will limit your ability to evolve your "real" experience.
You don't want to live in your imagination, because even if it's not really perceived it's both exhausting and overrated.

Obviously, music enriches the ego.
If you are in conflict with someone, you limit your ability to calm down, mature and adopt a less selfish and more nuanced paradigm if your reflex is to listen to angry music or whatever.

Muslims are right on that :)

Music is not therapeutic, it is demagoguery.
It's like saying that alcohol is therapeutic because it can make a depressive feel euphoric and calm, and because the taste and smell are pleasant.

It's a bad habit that was adopted for many reasons at some point.
What's healing is letting go of those kinds of habits for something greater and rewarding in the long run, even if it's frustrating.

There is no progress without frustration.

Yes God. Thank you. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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28 minutes ago, Nemra said:


As I remember correctly, you wrote somewhere on the forum that you post something in order to be opposed to some perspectives or ideas and to learn from them. 🤔

He's going to dissect your one little sentence into 10 paraphrases. First it will be : "As I remember", Then "correctly", then, "you wrote somewhere", then etcetc. Until you won't even recognize the sentence you wrote and why you even wrote it and how you even came up with it. Haha. Love you @Schizophonia. Now you'll dissect "love you" into 7 paraphrase, letter by letter.


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia I don't care.

Dissecting is one way of understanding, but even that, you can get wrong. If people think that's deep, they have to think again. People lack imagination.

Edited by Nemra

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7 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Yes, music is not natural at all and doesn't exist in nature.

This makes you more “submissive” and prevents you from having the strength to change your life.

Music is literally baked into physics(google harmonic series). If you are sensitive enough, you can hear a major chord in its full glory inside every lone pitch that ever existed. That includes birds, dolphins, whales, the wind, a falling tree smacking another one as it tips over & a million other "very unnatural" things.

Tune into your footsteps, the ringing of your AC & the rushing water of your shower. Rhythm, pitch & change in dynamics are everywhere, all the time. 

Music is what gravity sounds like. Are you gonna tell me that gravity isn't natural?

To an open musician, every sound you've ever heard is music ahahah.

Listen to the voice of your lover when she says "Je t'aime". If you can't hear it then I can't help you.


I should mention that I am utterly biased here, but your definition of what music is needs expansion:)

Edited by Rigel

Sailing on the ceiling 


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1 hour ago, Nemra said:


As I remember correctly, you wrote somewhere on the forum that you post something in order to be opposed to some perspectives or ideas and to learn from them. 🤔

Hi my Nemra.

Maybe I wrote that once yes, but it wasn't a part of my motivation here.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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7 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Yes, music is not natural at all and doesn't exist in nature.

It depends on how you define what is natural.

Imagine that some beings might be able to understand and listen to music. Does that mean it's not natural? How are you drawing the line here?

If your saying in the nature that you have been exposed to doesn't include music, then what humans do, in this case, create music, is not natural?

If so, then writing is not natural at all, especially posting on the internet. I have certainly never seen it in nature other than humans do. 😉

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