
Nasal congestion

3 posts in this topic

Hi guys!

I’m struggling with nasal congestion lately(Due to spring environmental allergies).

Do you think if I apply the video suggestions, it might help?


Any other suggestions will be welcomed🙏🏻

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A few things that help me with mine (I have an environmental allergy to mould and fungal spores that get triggered by rain)  

  • HEPA filter at home, make sure it has a good allergen filter function and ideally air quality rating scale. Philips have an assortment of good ones 
  • Quercitin Dihydrate - about 1 teaspoon per day in warm water helps a lot when the symptoms of hay fever are mild to moderate. Warm water preferably to cold as it helps with dilution. Also, get a powder, not a supplement, supplements are too weak and too expensive. - Only warning is that if you go over 2 tablespoons per day, it may colour your cum slightly yellow (yes, I know sounds messed up) , this is benign and goes away almost immediately when you stop dosing. I think it is because quercetin enters interstitial spaces in the cells and can penetrate into a variety of body fluids, I think personally this is also a reason why it works so well. I think it also colours urine slightly more yellow. NOTE: consult your doctor if you are taking any other medication before supplementing anything or if you are immunocompromised
  • you can always opt for standard medical antihistamines, those are fairly effective, best consult your practitioner first
  • nasal pot is sometimes useful but I find it irritates me more than it helps 
  • there is some evidence on probiotics (I think drinking kefir helps a tiny bit but can't tell for sure) note, don't take probiotics if you are immunocompromised or taking immunosuppressant treatment
  • there is also moderate evidence on bromelain and vitamin D but not sure about exact effective dosages, no personal experience
  • exercise makes a lot of difference due to its (temporarily) immunosuppressive effects
  • I think sauna is useful if you have such place near you, for example in the gym 
  • Nettle tea helps some people although nettle has never done anything for me
  • Wearing a respirator on the particularly bad days 
  • if everything else fails, stuff your nose with toiler paper and ride it out, it usually gets better the next day. 
  • don't forget to hydrate and moisturise, I find my face gets extremely dry on the bad allergy days
Edited by Michael569

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Stay away from dairy. Try drinking thyme tea or in tinctures and also as a facial steam bath. Oil of Oregano taken internally. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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