
There is no space between sensations and sensory input for Self to exist.

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Each sight is self-luminous and sees itself.

Each sound is self-luminous and hears itself.

Every sensory input is effortlessly experienced on it's own without any witnesser or experiencer.

Each part of this luminous sensation Soup.

There is no distance and space in this soup of sensations for the Self to exist.

Self-feeling is just another cluster of sensations withing the soup.

Emotions and thoughts are also just another group of sensations within this sensory field.

Everything happening perfectly on its own. There is only this Unfolding of this sensory soup. 

See this. Realize this and see how when you uninstall the group of sensations of Selfing from this mix - the Soup becomes much more tasty. Sweet and light and effortless.

Much love :x

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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Agreed and it seems there's a fundamental sensation underlying all sensations which is bliss/suffering, it gets tagged/bound to the other sensations of sight/sound/taste/etc creating our behaviors and maybe reality itself, no matter where I look or how hard or how little I try I am bound to follow bliss/suffering 100% of the time, I wonder what this means all the time which is of course another set of sensational bounds attached to mental sensations.

I do feel like my particular bliss/suffering core of sensation is unique to me, it is likely slightly different for other humans even when we exclude most of the bounded sensations just like it should be.

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16 hours ago, Arthogaan said:

Everything happening perfectly on its own. There is only this Unfolding of this sensory soup. 

The whole thing, but especially this.❤️❤️

Know thyself....

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