
You have a soul.

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God showed me a soul in an out of body experience. 

Every living being have a soul. My soul is not your soul.

It was infinitely unique and shined like nothing I have seen in this physical realm.


Separation from God is possible and horrible. 



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No such thing. There's not even a you to have anything much less a soul. It's all mechanics. A machine responding to it's environment. It doesn't even recognizes a you.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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4 hours ago, MellowEd said:

It was infinitely unique

Herein lies the tragedy of "humans". The center of the Universe. Suffering and pain and mental illnesses and confusion, and problems and whatever other apparent tragedy. Unique. Unique to what, the ants. They're more intelligent. At least they don't think.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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A soul having memories of all it's past lives would be fun though. I think it definitely should exist somewhere in this universe.

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1 hour ago, An young being said:

A soul having memories of all it's past lives would be fun though. I think it definitely should exist somewhere in this universe.

Jesus saved me from the claws of Satan and He has let me know great and hidden things I did not know. He has shown me some of my past lifes. It is very cool! The past is stored in the soul, some people are older than others. Wisdom comes from experience. 


The out of body experience was intense. I saw myself in the room outside the body. The lights were all different as I were in another dimension. 


Unfortunately the vast majority of souls reject God's mercy and are lost forever. 


Most people on this forum believe that God is in a coma state and can't communicate. He who has shaped the mouth can speak until you tremble!


»For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.«
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13‬:‭12‬ 

»And He was saying to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.«
‭‭Luke‬ ‭10‬:‭2‬ ‭


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4 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

No such thing. There's not even a you to have anything much less a soul. It's all mechanics. A machine responding to it's environment. It doesn't even recognizes a you.

What a heresy! God says: I am. You are made in His image. You will always be.

No amount of meditation or mindbenders will ever change that. 

Heaven or hell.

Edited by MellowEd

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12 minutes ago, MellowEd said:

What a heresy! God says: I am. You are made in His image so you will always be.

Heaven or hell.


No amount of meditation or mindbenders will ever change that. 


No amount of meditation and rebutting and trying to disprove you will ever change what you said. Which were just a bunch of words that seemingly appeared on my computer screen. Now that's an image that the brain will try to decipher and the body will respond to like it's doing here and there and nowhere simultaneously. Welcome to this spectacular phenomena called life.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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18 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

No amount of meditation and rebutting and trying to disprove you will ever change what you said. Which were just a bunch of words that seemingly appeared on my computer screen. Now that's an image that the brain will try to decipher and the body will respond to like it's doing here and there and nowhere simultaneously. Welcome to this spectacular phenomena called life.

Yes the world is meaningsless. But not without value.

Your souls infininitely valuable even though you can't see it.


By walking with God in His Holy calling, you can have the honor of feeling real purpose for your life.

Edited by MellowEd

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Devotion to God is surely a great way for heaven or salvation or whatever name given for a cure for suffering, but don't you see that all worship the same god?

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Just now, MellowEd said:

Yes the world is meaningsless. But not without value.

Your souls infininitely valuable even though you can't see it.


By walking with God in His Holy calling, you would get to experience real purpose.

There is no world, no soul, no value, no purpose. That's for the one who doesn't value the meaning of no meaning and no inherent purpose. That's for the individual that thinks it's the center of the Universe. That's for the arrogant, that's for the narcissist, that's for the one that thinks it's special and cannot figure out where it's specialty is, why it doesn't feel special, why it suffers, why it doesn't have a sense of belonging, it creates all sorts of problems for itself. 

"My soul is infinitely valuable even though I can't see it" is just a story the hopeless individual invents to cope. To cope with it's non-existence. To try and survive. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Saying that the world is meaningless is the same as saying that the movie you watched last night was meaningless. 

Experience is the meaning.

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2 minutes ago, An young being said:

Devotion to God is surely a great way for heaven or salvation or whatever name given for a cure for suffering, but don't you see that all worship the same god?

No we don't. There are demonic deities that wants to be worshipped out of fear. They hate you with a vicious hate. The only only purpose they have is it to drag you down to hell in eternal destruction where they are designated to suffer themself. 

I have been om my knees worshipping Satan. He is very real. People climbing walls, speaking fluent latin and even levitation during excorcisms is no joke.

God is pure light. Theese fallen beings have no light in them. 


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9 minutes ago, An young being said:

Saying that the world is meaningless is the same as saying that the movie you watched last night was meaningless. 

Experience is the meaning.

Saying there's no world is not the same as saying the world is meaningless. First there has to be an acknowledgment of a world to say it's meaningless. The acknowledgment itself is what creates meaning.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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13 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

There is no world, no soul, no value, no purpose. That's for the one who doesn't value the meaning of no meaning and no inherent purpose. That's for the individual that thinks it's the center of the Universe. That's for the arrogant, that's for the narcissist, that's for the one that thinks it's special and cannot figure out where it's specialty is, why it doesn't feel special, why it suffers, why it doesn't have a sense of belonging, it creates all sorts of problems for itself. 

"My soul is infinitely valuable even though I can't see it" is just a story the hopeless individual invents to cope. To cope with it's non-existence. To try and survive. 

What is non-existence or nothing? Is it even possible? 

Just because you feel hopeless and confused does not imply that everyone else does.

I know that my redeemer lives. I serve a Holy living God. 

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9 minutes ago, MellowEd said:

No we don't. There are demonic deities that wants to be worshipped out of fear. They hate you with a vicious hate. The only only purpose they have is it to drag you down to hell in eternal destruction where they are designated to suffer themself. 

I have been om my knees worshipping Satan. He is very real. People climbing walls, speaking fluent latin and even levitation during excorcisms is no joke.

God is pure light. Theese fallen beings have no light in them. 


You're typing on a computer/phone keyboard creating stories after stories after stories and bringing them to life with the use of thoughts, ideas, concepts, theories and ideologies. Brilliant!!!! I'm receiving them through a visual perception called sight that happens through this thing I call my eyes and relating to you through another computer screen called a laptop. Even more brilliant. Can't you see the creation at play. The optical illusion of the senses. This thing called life. Absorb that for a minute. Maybe that thing over there can see the magic of existence and lighten up a bit and make it's stories a bit more kid-friendly instead of trying to scare the shit outta itself. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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16 minutes ago, MellowEd said:

No we don't. There are demonic deities that wants to be worshipped out of fear. They hate you with a vicious hate. The only only purpose they have is it to drag you down to hell in eternal destruction where they are designated to suffer themself. 

I have been om my knees worshipping Satan. He is very real. People climbing walls, speaking fluent latin and even levitation during excorcisms is no joke.

God is pure light. Theese fallen beings have no light in them. 



What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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13 minutes ago, MellowEd said:

No we don't. There are demonic deities that wants to be worshipped out of fear. They hate you with a vicious hate. The only only purpose they have is it to drag you down to hell in eternal destruction where they are designated to suffer themself. 

I have been om my knees worshipping Satan. He is very real. People climbing walls, speaking fluent latin and even levitation during excorcisms is no joke.

God is pure light. Theese fallen beings have no light in them. 


True. Devotion should arise out of love and not through hatred. But when you worship God or Jesus or Allah or Shiva or Vishnu, you consider them as supreme beings full of unconditional love, and free of hatred. There is no wrong in worshipping them out of fear, but the source of fear must be your conscience and not something else. The fear must make you humble, but not evil. 

My actual point is, when you worship a being you think is your unconditional God, names like Jesus or Allah do not matter. Only the purity of devotion arising in your heart matters. Even a religious book becomes lower in level than your devotion.

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13 minutes ago, An young being said:

Saying that the world is meaningless is the same as saying that the movie you watched last night was meaningless. 

Experience is the meaning.

Definition of meaning - what is meant by a word, text, concept, or action.


One can gain experience in a meaningsless world and experience is valuable. 

A word dosen't have any meaning unless someone draws knowledge from it. 

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17 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Saying there's no world is not the same as saying the world is meaningless. First there has to be an acknowledgment of a world to say it's meaningless. The acknowledgment itself is what creates meaning.

But we do need meaning to continue living though. Unless you are in god mode.


5 minutes ago, MellowEd said:

Definition of meaning - what is meant by a word, text, concept, or action.


One can gain experience in a meaningsless world and experience is valuable. 

A word dosen't have any meaning unless someone draws knowledge from it. 

Meanings begin only when we start to think. An observing mind need no meaning. But a thinking human mind always looks for a meaning, and the definition which gives the most contentment becomes the meaning itself. 

Also by meaningful, I meant having some purpose.

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