
You have a soul.

45 posts in this topic

31 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:


Religion is always rooted in some evil deity. Levitating monks is no joke either. 

The word of God does not claim to be a religion, but the ultimate truth.

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26 minutes ago, An young being said:

An observing mind need no meaning

There's no observing mind. That's separation where there is none. It's an illusion. We think what appears is an illusion. It's not. Where do you see a mind that's observing anything. Even what we see is illusory because the eyes aren't seeing anything. Don't excude the blind now.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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4 minutes ago, MellowEd said:

Religion is always rooted in some evil deity. Levitating monks is no joke either. 

The word of God does not claim to be a religion, but the ultimate truth.

lol there is no ultimate truth in aliveness.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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24 minutes ago, An young being said:

Unless you are in god mode.

No such thing. It's the Absolute appearing as "God Mode". It is and it isn't which equals out to 0. Nothing.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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3 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

There's no observing mind. That's separation where there is none. It's an illusion. We think what appears is an illusion. It's not. Where do you see a mind that's observing anything. Even what we see is illusory.

If you can find better alternative words for an observing mind, I would happily accept that. But all meanings arise out of thinking, it's just that some are closer and some are farther away to the truth, An observing mind is simply a mind free of thoughts, that's my definition. And an observing mind needs no meaning for the things it experiences.

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29 minutes ago, An young being said:

True. Devotion should arise out of love and not through hatred. But when you worship God or Jesus or Allah or Shiva or Vishnu, you consider them as supreme beings full of unconditional love, and free of hatred. There is no wrong in worshipping them out of fear, but the source of fear must be your conscience and not something else. The fear must make you humble, but not evil. 

My actual point is, when you worship a being you think is your unconditional God, names like Jesus or Allah do not matter. Only the purity of devotion arising in your heart matters. Even a religious book becomes lower in level than your devotion.

I do not consider Satan or any other fallen angels as a supreme being. 

Satan and his fallen angels are like mosquitos.

With the name of Jesus one has complete authority over them. 


I used to dabble in the occult and found myself on the verge of dying.

Do not be deceived. They are cunning. 


Jesus saved my from all ungodly ties in my life.

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1 hour ago, An young being said:

But we do need meaning to continue living though. Unless you are in god mode.


Meanings begin only when we start to think. An observing mind need no meaning. But a thinking human mind always looks for a meaning, and the definition which gives the most contentment becomes the meaning itself. 

Also by meaningful, I meant having some purpose.

Meaning dosen't exist unless somone think. 

I agree on that an observing mind need no meaning attached to the outer world.


Thinking dosen't have to be done with words one could silently think that something is of value. A thinking mind might look for hope or love wich is also silent.


- I am upset because I see a meaningless world

Edited by MellowEd

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35 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

No such thing. It's the Absolute appearing as "God Mode". It is and it isn't which equals out to 0. Nothing.

Good news: Nothing dosen't exist. 

God is the ultimate truth. 


He has created you and is highly intelligent.

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5 hours ago, MellowEd said:


He has created you and is highly intelligent.

That means i must be highly intelligent, which I'm sure you'll disagree with. Creation is separation so I don't know where this creator is. Is it hiding somewhere in the boondox observing me like a science experiment. For what purpose. What is this creator made of. Why and how was I created. Can you answer that. Since you say, I have a creator, you must know the answer to why and how, or else you're just talking out your ass. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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6 hours ago, An young being said:

If you can find better alternative words for an observing mind, I would happily accept that

Life doesn't care about what you happily accept or not. "Finding better alternative words" is just more thought. Why do you want to find a better ALTERNATIVE to what is already. So you can put another alternative meaning to that which already has no meaning? If that's not insanity i don't know what is. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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6 hours ago, An young being said:

all meanings arise out of thinking, it's just that some are closer and some are farther away to the truth,

How can something arise out of itself. Meaning is meaning and thinking is thinking. Thinking that meaning arise out of thinking is just more thinking and meaning. The truth is another thought and meaning. So how can truth be further away from itself.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Life doesn't care about what you happily accept or not. 

Life doesn't care about those who happily accept everything that comes in their way, so in a way it's true. You will be almost free from suffering that way.

2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

"Finding better alternative words" is just more thought. Why do you want to find a better ALTERNATIVE to what is already. So you can put another alternative meaning to that which already has no meaning? If that's not insanity i don't know what is. 

Saying life has no meaning implies that you have given it another meaning. So, which meaning gives you more satisfaction, life has no meaning or life is full of meaning? You can choose any one and it may be absolutely right. But a mind free from thoughts or a mind rooted in the present or a mind without desires doesn't even look for a meaning, since it has reached complete satisfaction with what is available right now.


2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

How can something arise out of itself. Meaning is meaning and thinking is thinking. Thinking that meaning arise out of thinking is just more thinking and meaning. The truth is another thought and meaning. So how can truth be further away from itself.

You can call a cat a cat, and you can call a cat a dog. One gives more satisfaction than the other, and that is considered as a meaning. Moving towards or moving away might bring the same results though at the absolute level. It becomes either a completely meaningful cat with you knowing all about it or a completely meaningless one with you knowing that it doesn't even exist. 

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2 hours ago, An young being said:

You will be almost free from suffering that way.

Almost? When does it become full freedom from suffering. 


2 hours ago, An young being said:

Saying life has no meaning implies that you have given it another meaning.

This is true but I never said, in this instance, that life has no meaning. I was referring to alternative words. You asked for alternative words so you can give the sentence a new meaning. There's no inherent meaning to words only that which in given to it. So you can use the previous words and make it mean whatever you like.


2 hours ago, An young being said:

But a mind free from thoughts or a mind rooted in the present or a mind without desires doesn't even look for a meaning, since it has reached complete satisfaction with what is available right now.

There is no such thing as a mind that is free from thought, they are one of the same. A mind cannot be rooted in the present because it's borne from the past and the future. That's the reason the mind exists in the first place. The mind is never satisfied because it gets it's energy from seeking and there is no "right now" within something that's unfolding and always moving which is the always and forever Absolute. 


2 hours ago, An young being said:
5 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Life doesn't care about what you happily accept or not. 

Life doesn't care about those who happily accept everything that comes in their way, so in a way it's true. You will be almost free from suffering that way.

5 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

"Finding better alternative words" is just more thought. Why do you want to find a better ALTERNATIVE to what is already. So you can put another alternative meaning to that which already has no meaning? If that's not insanity i don't know what is. 

Saying life has no meaning implies that you have given it another meaning. So, which meaning gives you more satisfaction, life has no meaning or life is full of meaning? You can choose any one and it may be absolutely right. But a mind free from thoughts or a mind rooted in the present or a mind without desires doesn't even look for a meaning, since it has reached complete satisfaction with what is available right now.


5 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

How can something arise out of itself. Meaning is meaning and thinking is thinking. Thinking that meaning arise out of thinking is just more thinking and meaning. The truth is another thought and meaning. So how can truth be further away from itself.

You can call a cat a cat, and you can call a cat a dog. One gives more satisfaction than the other, and that is considered as a meaning. Moving towards or moving away might bring the same results though at the absolute level. It becomes either a completely meaningful cat with you knowing all about it or a completely meaningless one with you knowing that it doesn't even exist. 

I don't even know what you're saying here, which gives rise to my saying words are meaningless only what one gives it. I give no meaning to what's been said here.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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31 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Almost? When does it become full freedom from suffering. 

I don't know, it might be possible when you become completely equanimous/selfless/egoless all the time, but based on what I have experienced and seen, even the most disciplined or selfless humans always find ways to get back to wordly pleasures and desires atleast once in a while, and hence come back to the cycle.


37 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

There is no such thing as a mind that is free from thought, they are one of the same. A mind cannot be rooted in the present because it's borne from the past and the future. That's the reason the mind exists in the first place. The mind is never satisfied because it gets it's energy from seeking and there is no "right now" within something that's unfolding and always moving which is the always and forever Absolute. 

It's impossible to keep the mind free from sensory inputs all the time, which are also thoughts, but when you meditate with discipline, even those disappear and you realise what a mind free of thoughts actually is.

But in our daily life, I refer to thoughts as the thinking going on in our mind about the reactions to the past and the future memories and the expectations for the ego to get satisfied in the future, and distract yourself from what is available at present from the sensory inputs. Such a still mind is said to be equanimous, and needs no meaning for living. It can pursue meaning out of curiosity and creativity, but never because of a desire to feel fulfilled or the lack of meaning.

36 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

There's no inherent meaning to words only that which in given to it. So you can use the previous words and make it mean whatever you like.

But I do believe that we need meanings, especially for the reason stated in the first para.


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54 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I don't even know what you're saying here, which gives rise to my saying words are meaningless only what one gives it. I give no meaning to what's been said here.

I meant chasing meaning can go in both directions, but they will end up at the same absolute truth.

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24 minutes ago, An young being said:

I don't know, it might be possible when you become completely equanimous/selfless/egoless all the time, but based on what I have experienced and seen, even the most disciplined or selfless humans always find ways to get back to wordly pleasures and desires atleast once in a while, and hence come back to the cycle.


It's impossible to keep the mind free from sensory inputs all the time, which are also thoughts, but when you meditate with discipline, even those disappear and you realise what a mind free of thoughts actually is.

But in our daily life, I refer to thoughts as the thinking going on in our mind about the reactions to the past and the future memories and the expectations for the ego to get satisfied in the future, and distract yourself from what is available at present from the sensory inputs. Such a still mind is said to be equanimous, and needs no meaning for living. It can pursue meaning out of curiosity and creativity, but never because of a desire to feel fulfilled or the lack of meaning.

But I do believe that we need meanings, especially for the reason stated in the first para.


I'm going to be annoying for fun here, let me say meaning, equanimous/selfless/egoless, service to others and the like are just more sensations too, what happens ultimately with the final evolution of all systems is that they tend do devolve into a yes/no ultimate/seed state where you can spring yourself up or down to connect/disconnect to all other systems or beings, the yes no is bliss/suffering or love/suffering or ego/egoless which means that everything that you just said is simply relative to whoever is beholding it so that's why we fight and how we engage we need something to remove or we need to enhance something, this something is just whatever our sensations/meaning/ego are which if fine by me.

Are you confused or am I the only human being who is? How is that so many human beings deny each others realities this what I'm doing to right now?Probably but I'm just seeking to fulfill my desires for interaction really, I don't feel too confused anymore but that had little to do with realizations themselves but more with just a release from chronic physical hell.

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9 minutes ago, seriousman24 said:

I'm going to be annoying for fun here, let me say meaning, equanimous/selfless/egoless, service to others and the like are just more sensations too, what happens ultimately with the final evolution of all systems is that they tend do devolve into a yes/no ultimate/seed state where you can spring yourself up or down to connect/disconnect to all other systems or beings, the yes no is bliss/suffering or love/suffering or ego/egoless which means that everything that you just said is simply relative to whoever is beholding it so that's why we fight and how we engage we need something to remove or we need to enhance something, this something is just whatever our sensations/meaning/ego are which if fine by me.

Are you confused or am I the only human being who is? How is that so many human beings deny each others realities this what I'm doing to right now?Probably but I'm just seeking to fulfill my desires for interaction really, I don't feel too confused anymore but that had little to do with realizations themselves but more with just a release from chronic physical hell.

We can only guess those things and they can be called as theories. The theory which gives you the most satisfaction and with the highest logical accuracy shall become your belief. We are limited by the logical mind and we don't even know if things can exist beyond what we know, including infinity. That's why it's important to find contentment.

Based on Hindu beliefs, the whole world functions in terms of cycles of billions of years, similar to the one you said, devolving and evolving, one cycle completely different from the other. That enables you to have all the experiences possible in this world, but how much control you have over what you can have is beyond anyone's logic, and it's meant to be unknown for a good reason. That's what I believe.

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26 minutes ago, An young being said:

We can only guess those things and they can be called as theories. The theory which gives you the most satisfaction and with the highest logical accuracy shall become your belief. We are limited by the logical mind and we don't even know if things can exist beyond what we know, including infinity. That's why it's important to find contentment.

Based on Hindu beliefs, the whole world functions in terms of cycles of billions of years, similar to the one you said, devolving and evolving, one cycle completely different from the other. That enables you to have all the experiences possible in this world, but how much control you have over what you can have is beyond anyone's logic, and it's meant to be unknown for a good reason. That's what I believe.


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1 hour ago, An young being said:

But I do believe that we need meanings, especially for the reason stated in the first para.

If life had it's own meaning, there wouldn't be any need for humans to search for meaning. So, yes, we make up meanings as we go to make sense of the meaningless.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, An young being said:

, but they will end up at the same absolute truth.

There's no Absolute Truth only the Absolute. It needs no truth. It is everything.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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