
Do you think a massiah will come?

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It is predicted in multiple religions. Like in Christianity with the second coming of Christ. Or Krisna in Buddhism. Even in Star Wars. The "one" who will bring balance to the force. Or in the Matrix, the one who will defeat the matrix/AI. It is baked in our collective consciousness.

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It will happen but not how I can predict. Movies are interesting. But movies are a reflection of the self. So we are the Star Wars movie. We are the whole film. All the characters both good and evil. We are the force and the dark side. In the matrix we are all the characters. We are Neo, Morpheus, and Trinity but we are also the machines and the architect. In The Truman Show we are Truman but we are also the evil TV show producer and corporation. We have to assimilate and integrate the whole movie as our self.

”The one” could be Google or an algorithm or AI or aliens. But we are the whole cosmos. The monad, dao, and Brahman.

Edited by Soul Flight

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In the hero's journey, the hero is called to face the challenge. Will you accept? 

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Even Islam believes Jesus will come back, not resurrect though, because they believe Jesus was raised to heaven, rather than died or crucified. 

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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1) How are You/Us to determine who is a Messiah? What are the Qualities of a Messiah?

2) Who's to say a Messiah is not already here and functioning and Your Missing it?

3) With Deepfakes and AI coming online, how are You/We to determine if the information we are seeing that says a Messiah has arrived is Valid?

4) Why are You/We looking outside of ourselves for Answers?

5) What is the purpose of a Messiah, and how would they achieve their goal if Alive and Functioning in the world today?


Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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1 hour ago, Ishanga said:

1) How are You/Us to determine who is a Messiah? What are the Qualities of a Messiah?

2) Who's to say a Messiah is not already here and functioning and Your Missing it?

3) With Deepfakes and AI coming online, how are You/We to determine if the information we are seeing that says a Messiah has arrived is Valid?

4) Why are You/We looking outside of ourselves for Answers?

5) What is the purpose of a Messiah, and how would they achieve their goal if Alive and Functioning in the world today?


Having a new Messiah would be quite fun though. A new possible story with many fantasy elements, I would love that! Hope the plot is not repetitive.

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the question is, who even wants one ... i would crucify a yeshua ben-joseph today if he was around just for what he tells me ... in any case he need not come, he told me what to do ... it is so simple but i will rather scour online forums instead of tuning within

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Oh my. The defeat is on. Now you want a Massiah to come and save you from your torture and misery. At least you seem to be in the right direction. The last hope of a Massiah that never comes might bring with it a realization that this is already perfection. Let me enlighten you a bit. There's no Massiah coming. There's no control by you. No, individual and no Universe. 

This is utter and complete Aliveness. What is happening is what is happening. Fresh and new, Unfolding as we speak. The Massiah might come but that will be just a thought. A thought that this is the Massiah and thoughts aren't real. Thoughts belong to no one. The thought of a Massiah is just that, a thought. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. Waiting for a Massiah is just that. Waiting. Waiting is waiting energy that hopes for something to happen and hope is not anything but the energy of hope. Hope is not present and all there is is presence and that's saying a but much because the next moment is also presence and in presence there is no capture. Try capturing a moving hand with a camera. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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14 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

@Princess ArabiaI agree we all should be our own messiah. But how does that look in your life considering what you do?

You're the one that keeps worrying about what I do. A little more enlightenment here. Doing is not happening by anyone. It's just happening. Ideas and thoughts and projections about what is happening are just that. You're the one putting meaning to what appears. I've realized a long time ago that what one does doesn't mean anything other than the meaning one gives it. This was before Spirituality and all. These recognitions led me to other recognitions and to the next and the next. 

I was the same person I was before and after and realized that it was only apparent contents that changed. Even personality changes. The recognition that it was only the body responding to data. After Spirituality is when clarity arose. Still deluded, but with more clarity and a seeming progression. That's all that's happening. So what you or I do for a living has no effect on life and it's unfoldment other than how the individual sees it, and that's illusory and not really the case.

I don't need to be my own messiah, because I am not controlling what happens. The Massiah is Life itself without the personal involvement.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia With being your own messiah I meant being your own hero on your heroes journey.  Every individual walks their own individual heroes journey and I think as a collective we walk a collective heroes journey. This is baked in consciousness. You can call it "walking" the heroes journey or "being" in the heroes journey. At the end it doesn't matter what you toss into your word salad.

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2 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

@Princess Arabia With being your own messiah I meant being your own hero on your heroes journey.  Every individual walks their own individual heroes journey and I think as a collective we walk a collective heroes journey. This is baked in consciousness. You can call it "walking" the heroes journey or "being" in the heroes journey. At the end it doesn't matter what you toss into your word salad.

I'm sorry but I cannot relate to those messages anymore. Used to; and nothing wrong with the message; really inspiring. This right here has been exposed to a different type of energetic message that doesn't resonate with that message anymore about hero's journey and whatever else you were saying. I repeat - nothing wrong with those types of thoughts and thinking and beliefs, just not resonating here. Nothing about being better or more useful or more rewarding, just a resonance.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 minutes ago, Mormegil said:

No one can save you but yourself.

You can't save yorself. You have sinned against a Holy God. Only Messiah can save you. 

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1 hour ago, Mormegil said:

Lol. I'm the most godly man I know :D


You can keep your religious preaching for someone else. This is the wrong place for this.

The word of God never claims to be a religion but the ultimate truth.

Religion is always rooted in an evil deity. 


It is a thread about Messiah. 

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5 hours ago, UnbornTao said:

Lisan Al-Gaib!

Kwisatz Haderach

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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5 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

@abrakamowse As written.

Exactly hehehe 

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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