
How to censor myself less? How to change core personality traits?

42 posts in this topic

21 hours ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

There can be consequences to speaking freely, so the question is whether you're willing to live with these consequences. Are you willing to go beyond your biological survival for the sake of truth? Would you be ready to die for the truth?

It's okay if the answer is no. Becoming aware of your bias towards survival is a good first step to approach this topic. If you appear to be biased towards survival, notice that this is what appears to be true for you in that moment. Work from there.

I was not talking about truth per se, but about participating on the forum in general; about sharing an opinion on a topic, asking a question, answering a comment, etc.

21 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

MDMA will make your selfish autistic thoughts, OCD etc. worse. It will also give you a very sexual, sensual, non-serious vibe. From the outside you may seem really strange.

It might be a cool experience lol, but not if the goal is to break away from neurotypicality for a while.

I also read - just now on Wikipedia - positive things about autism and MDMA. So I think it could be something to try and see how I respond (not especially in social settings).

Was it the experience you've had if you've ever tried?

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6 hours ago, LastThursday said:

Imagine someone had upset you, and you begin to have a strong emotional reaction. Suddenly, your smoke alarm goes off and you can smell something burning. Do you continue to have the upset emotional reaction, or do you panic and check if your house is on fire?

Correct… I love such events for that reason. They sooth me because they bring my full attention to the present moment, which is very hard for me to do otherwise.

6 hours ago, LastThursday said:

Maybe you get triggered and instead of sitting there and being upset, you go out for a run instead, or you watch an engaging film or whatever. Get creative. Basically, do something else that grabs your attention strongly.

If you do this kind of thing enough, then your brain learns to re-program itself.

I'll try to think of strategies. I think that many aren't strong enough for me. I can keep a negative mood for an entire run and I can't keep my attention on a movie (unless I really love it but I'm very picky). I think I'll have to experiment with different options, but I like the idea. Having a strong desire to practice not dwelling in emotions by focusing on other activities instead is probably what matters most…

6 hours ago, LastThursday said:

Practice by observing, but let the sensations just wash over you without analysis. Observing happens "out there" not "in here". Constantly push your attention outwards away from yourself.

Good advice (I think), but very hard to put into practice. It's one of those things I'm not sure what I need to do exactly or whether I'm doing it right.

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