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A Fellow Lighter

When It Is Said That Everything Is Consciousness

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But you continue to seek enlightenment. 

It is said multiple times that everything is consciousness, and yet you still ask, "How do I achieve enlightenment?".

If this is true, then, what does it mean? 

Perhaps life has little to do with seeking, and more to do with giving. And, perhaps, what is given cannot be seen, or, at least, only till what is given is not given any longer. Like a lit candle seeking a source of light, only when it almost runs out of wax, and notices the room becoming dim, will it begin to realise...

How will you react, I wonder, when you find out that your whole life has been a giving ritual as opposed to one of seeking? How will you handle knowing the monstrous extent to which the mind can deceive you, when the thoughts finally stop running? 

Or, maybe, just maybe, the mind hasn't been deceiving at all. If you think about it, how many forms of expression can the mind keep up with before it is eventually lost in one of the forms? 

But then, again, none of these questions actually matter. Because no matter how you react, no matter what you do, whatever you might think it means, all of it, everything is consciousness. 

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