Princess Arabia

Why I Am Skeptical Of Certain Spiritual "Teachings"/What I can't get pass.

67 posts in this topic

There are apparent stages/phases that one goes through when it comes to Spirituality. Most of you are aware of them; and even though they are different for everyone, I won't get into the details of mine for the sake of brevity. What I will get into, though, is the stage I'm apparently at and how it's very difficult to see pass a particular aspect.

I've been through the apparent initial shock, the purging, the cravings, the settling, the integration and seeming embodiment. I was never really an active, vigilant seeker; even though it's still seeking no matter how you look at it; but I was never really trying to get somewhere or enlightened or awaken or anything of the sort. I was more of the curious type and just wanting to know as much as I could, which is still seeking but for a particular reason that's knowledge-based. I'm like a nerd and always reading and learning about different stuff pertaining to life, psychology, self-improvement and the likes. That's just me and has been for a long time. 

What I'm skeptical about and cannot seem to get pass is anything that doesn't include EVERYBODY. What I mean by this is, I cannot see how because one has access to certain knowledge and teachings how they seem more fortunate than those who don't or have any clue that it even exists. Seems as if this stuff is only for the privileged and not "rich" privileged; but having access to. We're talking about life-changing stuff and the kind of stuff that can potentially save lives, or even end it, depends on how you look at it. This isn't about non-duality now, but more practicality. 

There are teachings and processes and books and videos and ceremonies and all sorts of stuff that people do Spiritually in order to obtain and achieve certain things; and it seems to me that those who aren't, don't know, are unaware, or are even doing the "wrong" things, that they will end up in a worse place or left stranded or "die" without knowing the difference. Why should that matter. Why should it be the case that we didn't ask to come here but we have to figure out how to live and suffer because we didn't get access or at worst don't care to even make the attempt. We say we are subconsciously led by our habits and focus and attention; but most at a young age were not really responsible for how they were raised and that plays a huge role in how one's psych develops. 

Seems to me, we get punished for things we can't help and that we need to DO certain things, or else. I'm not speaking about normal stuff like morality, or learning skills, or normal life challenges; even though not excluded, because that also seems to be for the privileged and being in the right place at the right time, but exclude all that, I'm focusing on the Spiritual aspect. 

If the man up the street doesn't know anything about this stuff, why is he "doomed", or why are gurus any different from their students or why because I believe one thing over another, my life will become chaotic or why does it take another to grow me while they are human just like I am. Because they know better? Who determines that? They were a baby once and learnt about life too; so now because circumstances led them on a different path, they are better at steering the blind? Speaking about the blind. There are processes that require sight, how does that work, there are processes that requiring hearing, how about the deaf, there are processes or teachings that require all the five senses; and i don't have to expand on the point I'm trying to convey here.

Seems like there are conditions and circumstances that are required to "save" the population on a Spiritual level and I cannot get pass that. There are people in jungles and live without access to certain things; it shouldn't be a requisite. A lot of people are stuck, feel unmotivated, feel empty, lonely, sad, depressed, anxious, confused, are suffering and seemingly ignorant to quite a few things and are reaching out to others for help; and it seems to me that the whole world is in a state of ignorance as to who or what they really are and how to cope with the seeming challenges of life - but momma and pappa don't have a clue either and they're the ones that brought us here - so-to-speak. Most are clueless. It's a challenge to stay alive and there are even lots of people who possess most of the things that "normal" people are trying to obtain and will fight or even kill for, but they are still coping and are still depressed and not happy with life. 

Seems as if there's a rat race going on for people who didn't ask to come here and i just can't get pass most of the Spiritual stuff that's in favor over one and not the other. Either it includes all or none. This is why the stage where I'm at (it's not really a stage, but for language purposes) where there's no one, no life, no world or Universe, nothing is happening, it's just this, right here right now, alive and kicking, with no past, no future, no space, no time, no awareness, no consciousness, no mind, no nothing......but EVERYTHING simultaneously is where I'm at. The Jim Newman and Emerson stuff. All of it. Something in me resonates with that TOTALLY, and his messages aren't new to me. In fact, I heard it a while back but never resonated as much as it does now. Now that I've weeded out and have something to compare it to, along with resonance. IT INCLUDES EVERYONE, EVERYTHING AND NO ONE SIMULTANEOUSLY. It's the only message on an existential level that TOTALLY makes sense even though it doesn't make sense. That's the paradox. That's the mystery. This to me, is all there is, ever was and will ever be.

All that said, I'm still operating from a human level and interacting with life the same as before, still listen to "teachings" and am still exploring and will always be curious. It's just certain things have fallen away. There's no one here to recognize or realize anything I've said, it's only a message. I did not get anything, nor did I gain anything. Each and everyone of you is in the same boat I'm in. The nothing is everything boat. I may speak a little bit differently, but it's not me doing it, it's just happening. I'm not trying to be different or change anything because there's nothing to change. There's just a resonance that happens and I have nothing to do with it. The sense of "I" recognizes there's no "I" but there's also simultaneously an "I", and I don't see a need to have to change that because that's also what is.

I love this stuff and will always be engaged, but without trying to get somewhere or know anything. Only on the practical/human level, which will still just be happening without me consciously doing it anyway; but nevertheless, i'm not concerned with all that nor will be debating anything of the sort with anyone because it makes no difference and will just be null and void. Whatever happens, happens and whatever appears, appears; and what is, is. There's a differentiation of Spirituality and Practicality happening here and the difference between the two is not a problem for me where I will become oblivious to the normal ways of life and the world and become nihilistic (which is just a belief system), if anything it's the opposite which comes with more peace and less resonance with mental suffering and pain and agony. This was long; but so what, it's the message that counts.


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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you saving me is you saving you

you do the tiny task assigned you and then everyone wins and better still you will be the one to get home

others may or may not right now but that's of no concern since you did enough to benefit them and no more is asked


The holy now is the result of your determination to be holy. It is the ANSWER. The desire and the willingness to let it come precedes its coming. You prepare your minds for it only to the extent of recognizing that you want it above all else. It is not necessary that you do more; indeed, it is necessary that you realize that you CANNOT do more. Do not attempt to give the Holy Spirit what He does not ask, or you will add the ego unto Him, and confuse the two. He asks but little. It is HE Who adds the greatness and the might. He joins with you to make the holy now far greater than you can understand. It is your realization that you need do so little that enables Him to give so much.

Trust not your good intentions. They are not enough. But trust implicitly your willingness, whatever else may enter. Concentrate only on this, and be not disturbed that shadows surround it. That is why you came. If you could come without them, you would not NEED the holy now. Come to it not in arrogance, assuming that you must achieve the state its coming brings with it. The miracle of the holy now lies in your willingness to let it be what it is. And in your willingness for this lies also your acceptance of yourself as YOU were meant to be.

Humility will never ask that you remain content with littleness. But it DOES require that you be NOT content with less than greatness which comes not of you. Your difficulty with the holy now arises from your fixed conviction that you are not worthy of it. And what is this but the determination to be as you would MAKE yourself? God did not create His dwelling-place unworthy of Him. And if you believe He cannot enter where He wills to be, you must be INTERFERING with His Will. You do not need the strength of willingness to come from YOU, but only from HIS Will.

The holy now does not come from your little willingness alone. It is always the result of your small willingness combined with the unlimited power of God’s Will. You have been wrong in thinking that it is needful to PREPARE yourself for Him. It is impossible to make arrogant preparations for holiness, and NOT believe that it is up to you to establish the conditions for peace. GOD has established them. They do not wait upon your willingness for what they are. Your willingness is needed only to make it possible to TEACH you what they are. If you maintain you are unworthy of learning this, you are interfering with the lesson by believing that you make the LEARNER different. You did not make the learner, nor CAN you make him different. Would you first make a miracle yourself, and then expect one to be made FOR you?

YOU merely ask the question. The answer is GIVEN. Seek not to answer it, but merely RECEIVE the answer as it is given. In preparing for the holy now, do not attempt to make yourself holy to be ready to receive it. That is but to confuse your role with God’s. Atonement cannot come to those who think that THEY must first atone, but only to those who offer it nothing more than simple willingness to make way for it. Purification is of God alone, and therefore for you. Rather than seek to prepare yourself for Him, try to think thus:

“I who am host to God AM worthy of Him. He Who established His dwelling-place in me created it as He would have it be. It is not needful that I make it ready for Him, But only that I do not interfere with His plan to restore to me my own awareness of my readiness, which is eternal. I need add nothing to His plan. But to receive it, I must be willing not to substitute my own in place of it.”

And that is all. Add more, and you will merely TAKE AWAY the little that is asked. Remember you made guilt, and that your plan for the escape from guilt has been to bring Atonement TO it, and make salvation fearful. And it is only fear that you will add, if you prepare YOURSELF for love. The preparation for the holy now belongs to Him Who gives it. Release yourselves to Him Whose function is release. Do not assume His function for Him. Give Him but what He asks, that you may learn how little is your part, and how great is His.

It is this that makes the holy now so easy and so natural. You make it difficult, because you insist there must be more that you need do. And it is very hard for you to realize that it is not personally insulting that your contribution and the Holy Spirit’s are so extremely disproportionate. You are still convinced YOUR understanding is a powerful contribution to the truth, and makes it what it is. Yet we have emphasized that you need understand nothing. Salvation is easy just BECAUSE it asks nothing that you cannot give RIGHT NOW.

Forget not that it has been your decision to make everything that IS natural and easy for you impossible. What you believe to be impossible will BE, if God so wills it, but you will remain quite unaware of it. If you believe the holy now is difficult for you, it is because you have become the arbiter of what is possible, and remain unwilling to give place to One Who KNOWS. The whole belief in orders of difficulty in miracles is centered on this. Everything God wills is not only possible, but has already HAPPENED. And that is why the past has gone. It NEVER happened in reality. Only in your minds, which thought it did, is its undoing needful.


Edited by gettoefl

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

There are apparent stages/phases that one goes through when it comes to Spirituality. Most of you are aware of them; and even though they are different for everyone, I won't get into the details of mine for the sake of brevity. What I will get into, though, is the stage I'm apparently at and how it's very difficult to see pass a particular aspect.

I've been through the apparent initial shock, the purging, the cravings, the settling, the integration and seeming embodiment. I was never really an active, vigilant seeker; even though it's still seeking no matter how you look at it; but I was never really trying to get somewhere or enlightened or awaken or anything of the sort. I was more of the curious type and just wanting to know as much as I could, which is still seeking but for a particular reason that's knowledge-based. I'm like a nerd and always reading and learning about different stuff pertaining to life, psychology, self-improvement and the likes. That's just me and has been for a long time. 

What I'm skeptical about and cannot seem to get pass is anything that doesn't include EVERYBODY. What I mean by this is, I cannot see how because one has access to certain knowledge and teachings how they seem more fortunate than those who don't or have any clue that it even exists. Seems as if this stuff is only for the privileged and not "rich" privileged; but having access to. We're talking about life-changing stuff and the kind of stuff that can potentially save lives, or even end it, depends on how you look at it. This isn't about non-duality now, but more practicality. 

There are teachings and processes and books and videos and ceremonies and all sorts of stuff that people do Spiritually in order to obtain and achieve certain things; and it seems to me that those who aren't, don't know, are unaware, or are even doing the "wrong" things, that they will end up in a worse place or left stranded or "die" without knowing the difference. Why should that matter. Why should it be the case that we didn't ask to come here but we have to figure out how to live and suffer because we didn't get access or at worst don't care to even make the attempt. We say we are subconsciously led by our habits and focus and attention; but most at a young age were not really responsible for how they were raised and that plays a huge role in how one's psych develops. 

Seems to me, we get punished for things we can't help and that we need to DO certain things, or else. I'm not speaking about normal stuff like morality, or learning skills, or normal life challenges; even though not excluded, because that also seems to be for the privileged and being in the right place at the right time, but exclude all that, I'm focusing on the Spiritual aspect. 

If the man up the street doesn't know anything about this stuff, why is he "doomed", or why are gurus any different from their students or why because I believe one thing over another, my life will become chaotic or why does it take another to grow me while they are human just like I am. Because they know better? Who determines that? They were a baby once and learnt about life too; so now because circumstances led them on a different path, they are better at steering the blind? Speaking about the blind. There are processes that require sight, how does that work, there are processes that requiring hearing, how about the deaf, there are processes or teachings that require all the five senses; and i don't have to expand on the point I'm trying to convey here.

Seems like there are conditions and circumstances that are required to "save" the population on a Spiritual level and I cannot get pass that. There are people in jungles and live without access to certain things; it shouldn't be a requisite. A lot of people are stuck, feel unmotivated, feel empty, lonely, sad, depressed, anxious, confused, are suffering and seemingly ignorant to quite a few things and are reaching out to others for help; and it seems to me that the whole world is in a state of ignorance as to who or what they really are and how to cope with the seeming challenges of life - but momma and pappa don't have a clue either and they're the ones that brought us here - so-to-speak. Most are clueless. It's a challenge to stay alive and there are even lots of people who possess most of the things that "normal" people are trying to obtain and will fight or even kill for, but they are still coping and are still depressed and not happy with life. 

Seems as if there's a rat race going on for people who didn't ask to come here and i just can't get pass most of the Spiritual stuff that's in favor over one and not the other. Either it includes all or none. This is why the stage where I'm at (it's not really a stage, but for language purposes) where there's no one, no life, no world or Universe, nothing is happening, it's just this, right here right now, alive and kicking, with no past, no future, no space, no time, no awareness, no consciousness, no mind, no nothing......but EVERYTHING simultaneously is where I'm at. The Jim Newman and Emerson stuff. All of it. Something in me resonates with that TOTALLY, and his messages aren't new to me. In fact, I heard it a while back but never resonated as much as it does now. Now that I've weeded out and have something to compare it to, along with resonance. IT INCLUDES EVERYONE, EVERYTHING AND NO ONE SIMULTANEOUSLY. It's the only message on an existential level that TOTALLY makes sense even though it doesn't make sense. That's the paradox. That's the mystery. This to me, is all there is, ever was and will ever be.

All that said, I'm still operating from a human level and interacting with life the same as before, still listen to "teachings" and am still exploring and will always be curious. It's just certain things have fallen away. There's no one here to recognize or realize anything I've said, it's only a message. I did not get anything, nor did I gain anything. Each and everyone of you is in the same boat I'm in. The nothing is everything boat. I may speak a little bit differently, but it's not me doing it, it's just happening. I'm not trying to be different or change anything because there's nothing to change. There's just a resonance that happens and I have nothing to do with it. The sense of "I" recognizes there's no "I" but there's also simultaneously an "I", and I don't see a need to have to change that because that's also what is.

I love this stuff and will always be engaged, but without trying to get somewhere or know anything. Only on the practical/human level, which will still just be happening without me consciously doing it anyway; but nevertheless, i'm not concerned with all that nor will be debating anything of the sort with anyone because it makes no difference and will just be null and void. Whatever happens, happens and whatever appears, appears; and what is, is. There's a differentiation of Spirituality and Practicality happening here and the difference between the two is not a problem for me where I will become oblivious to the normal ways of life and the world and become nihilistic (which is just a belief system), if anything it's the opposite which comes with more peace and less resonance with mental suffering and pain and agony. This was long; but so what, it's the message that counts.


If you want to find the answers to those questions, become God. Reach that state of consciousness and you will be given the answer.

If you don't want to pursue that, the next best method to getting and answer is become a creator. Maybe just maybe through that method you could have an awakening that answers that for you.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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10 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

If you want to find the answers to those questions, become God. Reach that state of consciousness and you will be given the answer.

If you don't want to pursue that, the next best method to getting and answer is become a creator. Maybe just maybe through that method you could have an awakening that answers that for you.

Yes, but there's no question so I'm not seeking an answer. I can write here as to why I think there's no becoming anything and why there's actually no creation, but what's the point. It'll just be rebutted and more theories and concepts and stories will take it's place.

As I said, I've "recognized" certain things, even that's saying too much as there's really no recognition of anything because what is just is, but without getting into all that and speaking on the relative dualistic level, I cannot relate to processes anymore as there is no time nor space. Even trying to explain to me how that's not in relation to all this, will not resonate. Method=Time. How can that be real.

On the human level I don't live my life saying there's no time or space, so I'll just sit still and do, that's foolish, but I understand the difference when it comes to what really makes a difference and what doesn't. Nothing does. If I get to a stage where I see it differently then so be it, but for now, this is what resonates and that's just the case. It doesn't even make it any better that I'm starting to see so much "evidence" of what I'm saying and the apparent obviousness of what is, so if it takes for there to be another apparent shift then so be it. 

Even your response to me, when you can always seem to explain away so many things in detail at all tines, just didn't resonate. I'm not really looking for answers and if i have to become something that you say I am already then that really doesn't compute.


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Yes, but there's no question so I'm not seeking an answer. I can write here as to why I think there's no becoming anything and why there's actually no creation, but what's the point. It'll just be rebutted and more theories and concepts and stories will take it's place.

As I said, I've "recognized" certain things, even that's saying too much as there's really no recognition of anything because what is just is, but without getting into all that and speaking on the relative dualistic level, I cannot relate to processes anymore as there is no time nor space. Even trying to explain to me how that's not in relation to all this, will not resonate. Method=Time. How can that be real.

On the human level I don't live my life saying there's no time or space, so I'll just sit still and do, that's foolish, but I understand the difference when it comes to what really makes a difference and what doesn't. Nothing does. If I get to a stage where I see it differently then so be it, but for now, this is what resonates and that's just the case. It doesn't even make it any better that I'm starting to see so much "evidence" of what I'm saying and the apparent obviousness of what is, so if it takes for there to be another apparent shift then so be it. 

Even your response to me, when you can always seem to explain away so many things in detail at all tines, just didn't resonate. I'm not really looking for answers and if i have to become something that you say I am already then that really doesn't compute.


If you weren't looking for answers you wouldn't have asked all those questions.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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38 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

you saving me is you saving you

you do the tiny task assigned you and then everyone wins and better still you will be the one to get home

others may or may not right now but that's of no concern since you did enough to benefit them and no more is asked


You see, that quote you shared, doesn't resonate fully. Certain parts but not the whole because it still requires a "doing"/"not doing" and for someone to see the message for there to be a difference. I can only resonate now in this context where it wouldn't matter if someone recognizes this or not and that no one is excluded. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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18 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

If you weren't looking for answers you wouldn't have asked all those questions.

You keep trying to tell someone about themselves rather than trying to understand where one is coming from. There's such a thing called rhetorically. My post isn't dominated with questions even if there seemed to be some. I have already figured out why, and it's for the reasons I stated. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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41 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

You see, that quote you shared, doesn't resonate fully. Certain parts but not the whole because it still requires a "doing"/"not doing" and for someone to see the message for there to be a difference. I can only resonate now in this context where it wouldn't matter if someone recognizes this or not and that no one is excluded. 

you are doing doings each day ... just know which really matter ... namely forgive yourself and forgive others for taking any of this seriously

only ego excludes ... to spirit there are no differences

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33 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

you are doing doings each day ... just know which really matter ... namely forgive yourself and forgive others for taking any of this seriously

only ego excludes ... to spirit there are no differences

Ok, thanks.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Uh... so to sum it up, your problem is that you don't have a problem but apparently others do have a problem even thought nothing really exists and therefore apparently there's no problem even though problems appear to exist even though they don't and that's somehow a problem?

Is that the gist of it?

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6 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Uh... so to sum it up, your problem is that you don't have a problem but apparently others do have a problem even thought nothing really exists and therefore apparently there's no problem even though problems appear to exist even though they don't and that's somehow a problem?

Is that the gist of it?

Yeah, exactly, except the "and that's now a problem" part. It's not a problem. There are no problems in the Absolute sense.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

This was long; but so what, it's the message that counts.

Tl;dr: the problem of evil and original sin (or even shorter: karma).

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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21 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Yeah, exactly, except the "and that's now a problem" part. It's not a problem. There are no problems in the Absolute sense.

Cool, just checking. xD

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@Princess Arabia

Recognize your authority!

Don't believe what people say here, including me!

And maybe take a long break.

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11 minutes ago, Nemra said:

@Princess Arabia

Recognize your authority!

Don't believe what people say here, including me!

And maybe take a long break.

Thanks, I took a short one and that's all that was needed. Boom, there it was, right before my eyes. Still is. Beauty is, belief or no belief, it's still the Absolute. Total freedom.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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41 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Tl;dr: the problem of evil and original sin (or even shorter: karma).

Not sure what you're trying to say here.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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4 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

What I mean by this is, I cannot see how because one has access to certain knowledge and teachings how they seem more fortunate than those who don't or have any clue that it even exists. Seems as if this stuff is only for the privileged

Of course.

Because understanding reality is no trivial task. Mankind had to figure everything out by ourselves, from scratch. God doesn't just hand us down answers. Although I come close :P

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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52 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Not sure what you're trying to say here.

That's why you wrote it in 10 paragraphs.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Just now, Carl-Richard said:

That's why you wrote it in 10 paragraphs.


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course.

Because understanding reality is no trivial task. Mankind had to figure everything out by ourselves, from scratch. God doesn't just hand us down answers. Although I come close :P

You of all people shouldn't get any answers handed down. You were born with answers locked in that forehead. You just need to find the right key. 😜

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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