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Getting started with self actualization - vision

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I watched Leo's introduction videos for self-actualization, which I think are underrated. I found them very valuable and super foundational before any of the more advanced topics.

I am now really trying to approach self actualization with a scientific mind and really see for myself and understand empirically/experientially how all the dots connect and as a result to refine my big-picture understanding --- knowledge vs. wisdom.

Here is a word document I compiled of the 4 intro videos:

(probably at the bottom of the post)


So I understood the value of vision - the thing that moves you into actualizing your life. So the journaling part about being aware of your current life and where you're headed, what do you want, obstacles, fears, availability - bringing more awareness about your life thus creating more 'room' to think differently and play with your thoughts to align better with feeling great, and here you have it - the vision.

I did some of that journaling a few days ago, and now I continued it, but I've noticed that I don't have much motivation. Like eh... just did some journaling, but I'm not in the state of mind now to start thinking big and being all ambitious about life, which makes me believe you really don't need to be like that 24/7. It also made me believe that perhaps it's just a matter of time of observing my experience to better realize what I want and thus refining the vision. So perhaps it's ok after all not to be that motivated and that it's just a good thing I'm starting to be aware of this topic.


What are your thoughts regarding journaling and vision?

What does it mean for you to deepen your vision?

What self-actualization techniques do you use?

What are you currently focused on? You can also share part of your vision.

I for instance just do 15 minutes meditation every morning and focused on calisthenics, reading and recently on I do often get distracted with youtube, anime, or simply daydreaming.


(I added some things that relate only to me above what Leo said so notice that it is changeable 😂)

Edited by fopylo

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Personally, I write down my vision in my journal every day. It's part of my morning routine. I like your extensive list, but I try to keep my vision simple because it makes it easier for me to focus on. I often find that trying to create some grand plan for my life is not that useful when it comes to taking practical steps to achieve my vision. Instead, I try to focus on being consistent with habits that I know will get me to where I want to go. I keep a calendar and every day I make 4 quadrants in the box for that day. I have one quadrant each for meditation, exercise, reading, and skills development. I try to fill out all 4 quadrants every day with some kind of progress.

So when I'm journaling about my vision I write down my 4 main goals and why I want to achieve them:

I want to master physics so I can understand the world deeply, create new theories of my own, satisfy my curiosity, become smart, and be a master at something.

I want to become very physically fit so that I look good, feel healthy, and have good cognitive health into old age. I want to feel comfortable in my body.

I want to meditate often and become very conscious so I can have good mental health, have good self control, focus, and memory, and understand myself and reality better.

I want to become a machine learning engineer so I can be on the forefront of technological development, have a job that gives me lots of freedom, pays well, and is something that I am passionate about.

These goals may not seem all that ambitious or glamorous, but I have considered these for a LONG time. I am quite sure that these are the best goals for me right now. There are obviously a lot of details to sort out when it comes to achieving them, but I think that just reminding myself of them every day is a big step. It makes me remember to live my life on purpose and be cognizant of the future.

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1 hour ago, Ninja_pig said:

I like your extensive list, but I try to keep my vision simple because it makes it easier for me to focus on

I just copied what Leo said in his video. It's mostly for inspiration, but I get you on that having a smaller list can keep the vision more clear, and I might also need to edit it once in a while.

1 hour ago, Ninja_pig said:

Instead, I try to focus on being consistent with habits that I know will get me to where I want to go

Yeah, developing small healthy habits. But they derive from the vision first and foremost.

1 hour ago, Ninja_pig said:

These goals may not seem all that ambitious or glamorous, but I have considered these for a LONG time.

Of course, because they are very unique to you, and we are all very unique and different from each other.


But how did you come up with a vision? Did you sit with a journal and go through this similar process like in the word document I attached (journaling where you are currently in life, have been, are going, what you want, what are the obstacles and fears...)? Did you just make time to sit and do nothing but reflect on your life and 'poof' - a vision? Or something else? Curious.

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First of all, the book "Mastery" by George Leonard inspired me greatly. I saw with great clarity that if there was anything I wanted in life, it was to build a skillset that allows me to improve every day, contribute to society, and easily enter states of flow or deep work. I basically, many different times, sometimes using a journal and sometimes not, wondered "What is the best life I can imagine for myself that even has the slightest chance of being possible".

I also have given myself a chance to try many different things throughout my college education that I have even a passing interest in. This has allowed me to observe how I preform in different settings and whether I like them or not. I have also tried on a plethora of different habits or techniques to see how I like them and what I have has worked the best so far.

Mostly, I think for anyone who wants to make a good life vision, I think it is important to be curious about who you are, and carefully think about who you want to be. I think just doing this over a long period of time is how you develop a life vision that you like and are willing to work hard to achieve. 

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