
I see numbers and colours everywhere

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I don't know what happened but I have become aware of numbers and colours a lot more than usual. Also the discounts I am getting online and the prices that I pay in the store just end up containing lots of repeating numbers that kinda freak me out. Unfortunately all these numbers have a meaning to me.... I am seeing a lot of 33, 55, 77, 69, 96, 969. Even just basic ones like 11, 22, 44. Unfortunately also some 8s from time to time... Also my house number and the house number of my parents ends up in there quite often, to the point where its just so in my face that I can't ignore it. 

I also have become hyper aware of colours and their meanings.... It is extremely overwhelming to me to go to stores with lots of peoples as I can't switch of my awareness - I am just flooded and then need to lie down at home. The programming has become so blatantly obvious in the stores and how they are trying to guide people to make certain purchase decisions. It is not just the classic the cheaper products are at the bottom, it is the whole eco friendly blablabla we need to save the planet shenanigans.

Also when I sleep I wake up automatically at freaky times, like 5:35am, 4:20am, 3:35am and I honestly don't know what to do as I can't talk to anyone about it. They just think I am crazy, but I can feel the universe is trying to communicate with me and I can read the messages. 

Problem is also I have an extremely deep knowledge about security, programming, technology, engineering, a little electrical engineering, machinery, cryptography... To me it just seems like the matrix is glitching for me and I am trying to stay on the human side, while I still feel the pull to the other side.

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Are you a frequent user of psychedelics? This could be hyper charging the pattern recognition portion of your brain! Anyway, I wouldn't get to worried about it. You may want to get into physics or mathematics if your brain is this hyper analytical. It could bring you a lot of joy.

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Lol that's a very cool experience that you're having! I've never heard of anything like it. I hope you find find the meaning behind it. 

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What you are expecting is simply the psychological mechanism called " selective focus" without having proper context or understanding of what it is

If I tell you to notice every Volkswagen car you see during this week, you will start seeing Volkswagen cars everywhere because before, even if you they were there,  you didn't put any special attention on the distinction or their  presence.

It's one the many mechanism our minds have.  See projection bias, apophenia, hindsight bias...

I don't want to make you feel like I'm gaslighting you but the meaning of those numbers is made up by you or society. You created it and you hold it to be meaningful.

Colors do convey certain information to humans that's genetically coded. Bright shiny colors draw more attention. There are certain patterns that convey danger ( think of the patterns black, yellow or red that spiders or snakes have). Certain colors display the ripeness of fruit... Etc.

Yes, marketers make use of colors to command more of your attention and increase the chances of you purchasing something.

So you're sane, just a little confused .



Edited by mmKay

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Bonus perspective from ChatGPT, VERY on point:

Here are a few additional psychological mechanisms that more specifically address how we focus on and interpret specific aspects of our surroundings:


1. **Selective Perception**: This mechanism involves filtering information that we are exposed to and focusing on certain details while ignoring others. This can be influenced by our expectations, needs, or previous experiences. For instance, if someone is particularly sensitive to environmental cues about security due to a background in that field, they might notice security cameras more often than others do.


2. **Attentional Bias**: This is the tendency of our perception to be affected by our recurring thoughts. For example, if someone is worried about prices and finances, they may more frequently notice and remember the prices of items, particularly those that seem high or are marked with discounts.


3. **Top-Down Processing**: This cognitive process involves using the context or a general framework to understand the details of a specific scene. For instance, if you enter a store with the belief that it is designed to manipulate purchasing decisions, you may interpret all its layouts and color choices as evidence supporting this belief.


4. **Pattern Recognition**: Humans are naturally inclined to recognize patterns in their environment, which can be beneficial (such as quickly recognizing faces) or lead to erroneous conclusions (such as seeing meaningful patterns in random data). This could explain noticing repeated numbers or arrangements that seem to convey specific messages.


5. **Motivated Reasoning**: This is a tendency to find arguments in favor of conclusions we want to believe. This can affect perception in a way that supports one's desires or fears, such as interpreting random events as meaningful or connected in a way that aligns with one’s pre-existing beliefs.


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On 4/30/2024 at 9:36 AM, mmKay said:

Bonus perspective from ChatGPT, VERY on point:

Here are a few additional psychological mechanisms that more specifically address how we focus on and interpret specific aspects of our surroundings:


1. **Selective Perception**: This mechanism involves filtering information that we are exposed to and focusing on certain details while ignoring others. This can be influenced by our expectations, needs, or previous experiences. For instance, if someone is particularly sensitive to environmental cues about security due to a background in that field, they might notice security cameras more often than others do.


2. **Attentional Bias**: This is the tendency of our perception to be affected by our recurring thoughts. For example, if someone is worried about prices and finances, they may more frequently notice and remember the prices of items, particularly those that seem high or are marked with discounts.


3. **Top-Down Processing**: This cognitive process involves using the context or a general framework to understand the details of a specific scene. For instance, if you enter a store with the belief that it is designed to manipulate purchasing decisions, you may interpret all its layouts and color choices as evidence supporting this belief.


4. **Pattern Recognition**: Humans are naturally inclined to recognize patterns in their environment, which can be beneficial (such as quickly recognizing faces) or lead to erroneous conclusions (such as seeing meaningful patterns in random data). This could explain noticing repeated numbers or arrangements that seem to convey specific messages.


5. **Motivated Reasoning**: This is a tendency to find arguments in favor of conclusions we want to believe. This can affect perception in a way that supports one's desires or fears, such as interpreting random events as meaningful or connected in a way that aligns with one’s pre-existing beliefs.


Very sophisticated machines called bodies. Highly sophisticated. Call it human if you like, still mechanical, hence mechanism. What's described here is what's part of the body's survival mechanism. Doing it all on it's own.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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On 5/7/2024 at 2:52 PM, Aaron p said:


This. In the end what can't you simplify down into a number?

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On 13/5/2024 at 8:11 PM, Psychonaut said:

This. In the end what can't you simplify down into a number?

Numbers are only symbols. The map is not the territory . You can represent your entire country with a pencil. You can represent my mom with a fish. It doesn't mean that these things are that. It's just a representation 

You can simplify anything with anything else 

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The Man Who Is Obsessed With The Number 12

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@Psychonaut This is a common on the psychedelic journey that I infer from your username.

1. Your understanding of reality is expanding and your brain is in analysis mode looking for patterns and expanding your awareness of how reality functions, giving you many aha moments and insights into behaviors and aspects of nature and society you were previously unaware of. This is great, but it can be overwhelming. You are learning and expanding your knowledge, you will realize unhealthy behaviors and become more spiritually in tune. All the knowledge inside of you will also start to interconnect, you should start journaling, it will uncover the complexity. You'll likely develop a desire for yoga and spending time nature, as these activities are good for integration, your mind and wellbeing.

2. Your higher self is communicating to you through synchronicities and you yourself will likely start projecting inner intuitive knowledge outward as your subconscious is trying to integrate but would overwhelm you, were it to come into your awareness directly. You are likely only aware of your current personality, however your body and mind are vast databases of everything you have learned and experienced until now and beyond that there is genetic memory and memory flooding you externally all the time, though you might be unaware of it. What is happening, is that you notice significances in your environment, which is a sign from within that communication is happening, realizing what it means, where it comes from and why it occurs will take time and consciousness, remain calm and inquisitive, there is much you can learn from your subconscious.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤      Synergy     Your Fractal 💗 Heart     Hyper-Space !  𓂙 𓃦 𓂀

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