
Shit Leo was right. God is just cosplaying as a human

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I just sat down for 1.5 hours dropping my attachment to thoughts and becoming my sensations. I realized that god is what makes up the current experience. The only thing that stays constant is not any of the content but the fact that the experience exists exactly as it is. Why is it made of god? The current experience is infinity condensing down to a limited form. I believe it is so that it can know what it is like to be this particular finite experience. Infinity is god because it is unlimited and all powerful. How can you know that infinity is condensing down? The finite experience is only existing as it is because it is not existing as every other possible way. Being is Existence. A limitless god is understanding what it like to have limits. What can you do with this realization? Continue being this finite experience and enjoy discovering how it unfolds. God's purpose for you is to be as you are and understand yourself as deeply as your limits allow. You are free to create your own purpose. That is also part of god's purpose for you.

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Congrats 🎈🎊🎉😊

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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