
I need your advice.

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Hello everyone,

I'm 24, with deep interests in public speaking, personal development, human behavior, philosophy and entrepreneurship. I've chosen not to attend university, instead focusing on real-world experience and self-education. Over the past four years, while working various jobs, I've also been building a YouTube channel and learning about life coaching.

Currently, my YouTube channel sits at +2,000 subscribers, and I've earned a bit of profit from my coaching endeavors. I really enjoy making videos where I share insights and teach things i've learned. Recently I moved back to my parents place, which allows me to invest more time and resources into my business. My strengths include social intelligence, visual aesthetic sense, and spiritual connection to reality. I love teaching. I love helping people get to the next level in their lives. This is my greatest joy. Ultimately, my life purpose is to help people make sense of themselves and reality.

But heres the thing... I'm at a crossroads and would appreciate your insights: Recently I've been thinking about pontentially pursuing a university degree that aligns with my vision of building a business online around coaching and content creation. Frankly, I'm a bit afraid people will not take me seriously in the world without a degree. 

The question thats been on my mind is this: Should I pursue a degree that aligns with the current technological and societal shifts, or should I dedicate myself fully to expanding my online presence and coaching business? The thing is, I live in Scandinavia where uni is free, so cost is not a problem. If higher education is advisable, what programs should I consider that would be a worthwhile investment for my career in the self-improvement and entrepreneurial fields?

Thank you so much for your guidance and thoughts!

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@Ontology personally I’d go to uni. You have far more time to focus on any online presence whereas uni is the place to go when you are young so do it now especially if it’s free. No brainer 

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uni is good since it expands your mind as well as your social network and also it develops you as a person

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It will give you more experience with dealing with people in which will help you serve your fellow man. Plus it gives something to strive in life .

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Posted (edited)

Uni will not help you to build a business and it will not help you with coaching or content creation. What am I missing? No one cares about degrees, they care about what real world results you can produce .

Maybe you can get a coaching certification

Uni is great for socializing and meeting people or technical fields like engineering or medicine

Edited by mmKay

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damn, i'd be tempted by the degree because its free, in the UK you have to pay through the nose to get one. But ultimately this is something that you cannot get a yes or no from us here, you must look within and get guidance from the Guru. God speaks in one way through the peace of the heart, imagine yourself vividly in both scenarios and analyse which situation you feel more peace in. Let the peace of god rule in your heart Colossians 3:15

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Since uni is free then it can be decided upon if you will learn and develop more as a person studying for yourself, or with others in a focused program. But it is very much about which degree to go for? What academic knowledge do you belive would help you the most?

Uni seems not only to be about getting a degree and learning, but also gaining a network of like minded, hopefully smart people.

Which degrees are you thinking about getting? 


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On 7.5.2024 at 2:43 PM, Aaron p said:

damn, i'd be tempted by the degree because its free, in the UK you have to pay through the nose to get one

The financiel benefit from higher education in Scandinavia is also proportionally lower on an individual level compared to the numbers i sometimes see for job listings in london or the US. I really seems like risk and return go hand in hand, and if it's easiler and less risky to do something, then the reward on an individual level is lower, but the full rewards is still there on a societal level

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I don't know what classes exactly would be ideal to take, but why not take a step into University with some courses that make sense to you upon further research and if you don't like the results in 6 months to a year, forget it.  Along the way you may discover some courses that are more worth your while or area's you didn't know existed.

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