
Is Mindfuless the answer to procrastination and addiction?

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, Snader said:

high intelligence and conscientiousness

What kind of jobs are you thinking about that would pay well for that?

I can't think of many except maybe psychologist/therapy but they're not that high conscientious to me due to how much money they charge people (so it's a catch 22). If you're really high conscientious you couldn't even be a psychologist.

It's kind of bizarre where you either end up in a low wage situation or something like hundreds of dollars an hour. That doesn't make any sense really.

2 hours ago, Snader said:

even the capability to not get hooked into materialist desires is somewhat genetic, while containing many other factors as well.

To me it's generally tied to the ego, how much ego someone has, the more ego generally the more they only care about money/material pursuits often at the expense of everything else. The more ego is also more lack of consciousness. It's almost too predictable too like from a high view most people just seem like robots/zombies to me when they prioritize money over everything else. And I'm not talking about low/mid wage earners..

2 hours ago, Snader said:

What do you consider to be the determinants in one's capability to live ''normal life'' while also pursuing spiritual goals?

It's very hard to be honest, there's no normal life if you go hardcore on it. If you go to the deep end you're kind of at the mercy of some of the few people around you. I mean yeah there's always low wage jobs you can do just to get by but that's really not a good use of your time if you can avoid that. Determinants.. I say it's the evolution of your "soul"/mind over many lifetimes, and sometimes who you might come across on your path can play a big role if you were receptive.


2 hours ago, Snader said:

then he definitely was doing business and hardcore spiritual work at the same time. But what I don't know thou is how developed and conscious he really was back then.

I don't know, I just mean Leo had a different kind of income set up than most people, he's not trading hours for a wage or working for a boss/firm, it sounds like he worked a bunch in early years along with actualized and then now actualized pretty much pays his bills on autopilot. This is very unusual not something most people even most creatives can just pull off. That's just my observation.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

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37 minutes ago, puporing said:

What kind of jobs are you thinking about that would pay well for that?

With conscientiousness I refer to the personality trait presented in the Big Five Model.


37 minutes ago, puporing said:

To me it's generally tied to the ego, how much ego someone has, the more ego generally the more they only care about money/material pursuits often at the expense of everything else. The more ego is also more lack of consciousness. It's almost too predictable too like from a high view most people just seem like robots/zombies to me when they prioritize money over everything else. 

But low-ego people are not born that way, they also have had to work for decades to wash themselves of themselves in the process of life. Don't you think genetics are involved in that process?


38 minutes ago, puporing said:

It's very hard to be honest, there's no normal life if you go hardcore on it. If you go to the deep end you're kind of at the mercy of some of the few people around you. I mean yeah there's always low wage jobs you can do just to get by but that's really not a good use of your time if you can avoid that. Determinants.. I say it's the evolution of your "soul"/mind over many lifetimes, and sometimes who you might come across on your path can play a big role if you were receptive.

I agree that luck is HUGE. It's crazy how little it really seems to depends on to make or break a life. People often recall having that one video or that one conversation or that one book that started their journey. Like Ram Dass, used to be hooked to pursuing power and prestige till he luckily stumbled upon LSD. Or some poor drug addict who went out with the boys and ended up trying meth in the heat of the moment.


38 minutes ago, puporing said:

I don't know, I just mean Leo had a different kind of income set up than most people, he's not trading hours for a wage or working for a boss/firm, it sounds like he worked a bunch in early years along with actualized and then now actualized pretty much pays his bills on autopilot. This is very unusual not something most people even most creatives can just pull off. That's just my observation.

I say he has good genetics in that regard. Yeah, there could be something like reincarnation deeper there beyond science and human comprehension, but from my human perspective, genetics make a very strong argument.

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Posted (edited)

24 minutes ago, Snader said:

With conscientiousness I refer to the personality trait presented in the Big Five Model.

I looked that up, I see, that was not what I was thinking of, that kind of word def trips me up at times (where it can get mixed up with conscience).

24 minutes ago, Snader said:

But low-ego people are not born that way, they also have had to work for decades to wash themselves of themselves in the process of life. Don't you think genetics are involved in that process?

Well.. to me the concept of "genetics" is made up just like how birth and death is made up. I see beings in terms of kinds of mind and stages of awake-ness mostly.. which relates to ego.

You can come into this world already quite ego-less (maybe you were just hanging out as an angel or some higher spirit/angel prior to coming here for example). That's as far as I can recall in terms of my "past life", I can't prove that to anyone though. And I also don't remember more of my past lives. 

But you can def do a lot of spiritual work in a life time if you wanted.

24 minutes ago, Snader said:

I say he has good genetics in that regard. Yeah, there could be something like reincarnation deeper there beyond science and human comprehension, but from my human perspective, genetics make a very strong argument.

There's usually more than 1 factors for that. I just mean that if you're already high conscious at a young age the kind of bullshit one has to go through usually to make lots of money (as the primary goal) just won't even interest you. So I'm saying a very awake person is more likely to be not that wealthy because that's not their goal, nor can they stomach taking a lot of money from others (such as some people do with what I consider to be "essential services").

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

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Action is the solution for both cases. 

With procrastination, take action; with addiction, refrain from acting it out.

This requires observing what motivates you for real in each case.

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12 hours ago, puporing said:

Well.. to me the concept of "genetics" is made up just like how birth and death is made up. I see beings in terms of kinds of mind and stages of awake-ness mostly.. which relates to ego

At the end every explanation is made up.

12 hours ago, puporing said:

There's usually more than 1 factors for that. I just mean that if you're already high conscious at a young age the kind of bullshit one has to go through usually to make lots of money (as the primary goal) just won't even interest you. So I'm saying a very awake person is more likely to be not that wealthy because that's not their goal, nor can they stomach taking a lot of money from others (such as some people do with what I consider to be "essential services").

Sure. But yeah, the question of what makes someone more conscious than others in the first place is a tough one with plenty of possibliities.

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Procrastination is wired in our psyche. It is a way to save energy and to stay safe and alive. We want to spend the least amount of energy and get the most for the energy spend. You basically have to override this instinct otherwise you will squabble your potential in life. In essence it is a battle between instinct and intuition. Your intuition whispers to you while your instincts screams. You have to quiet, train and condition your animal self through sexual transmutation. 

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But you grow older faster if you expends out too much energy.


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Posted (edited)

On 4/23/2024 at 1:30 PM, MarkKol said:

It makes sense to me, that everything begins with awareness, without awareness we are like animals, unable to have balance or deny ourselves pleasure, recently I've been struggling with addiction more than I usually do and every dream seems so far away when you're in the slums of it. I figured I would just try to be more aware of my thoughts and actions, and super aware of where each action leads down the line. When I engage in my addictions that's when awareness usually goes away, and I start running on auto-pilot.

But it's very difficult to stay in this mindful/aware state all day long because everything is pulling on my awareness and attention.

Any thoughts?

This. Also rupert spira has great videos on addiction you can find on youtube. 

Edited by Fountainbleu

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On 4/23/2024 at 1:37 PM, Leo Gura said:

The solution to procrastination is to just take action and stop thinking about it.

The solution to addiction is to find healthier and more meaningful things to do.

Basically, if your life purpose is strong and compelling enough, then you won't have time to procrastinate or be addicted. You just pour yourself into your LP and watch all the toxic stuff receed into the background.

If you have no higher inspirational vision of what to do with your life then you will have a lot of time to waste in stupid and self-destructive behavior. So vision is the ultimate key.

In my experience Leo, it's the small steps that matter. Telling someone to take massive action who maybe has has felt resistance to taking action since childhood, since as far back as they can remember, might be overwhelming. 

I used to like listening to Abraham Hicks a lot for this. Her main philosophy is basically, "Feel good and then...". It took a lot of pressure off. I find myself now taking so much more action than every before. 🙏🏻

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On 4/24/2024 at 1:00 AM, MarkKol said:

But it's very difficult to stay in this mindful/aware state all day long because everything is pulling on my awareness and attention.

Any thoughts?

You might find this article informative as well..


"I wouldn't say it's a miracle cure – it's hard work, to meditate and to develop mindfulness practice," says Katie Witkiewitz, a professor of psychology at the University of New Mexico. "But what we have found over the years is that people who can develop mindfulness practice and greater mindfulness skills tend to have much better outcomes," such as reducing or stopping their consumption of alcohol, tobacco, opioids or methamphetamine.


Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tole

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