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Posted (edited)

18 hours ago, Razard86 said:

Jesus was very arrogant just ask the pharisees.

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but are within full of dead men’s bones and of all uncleanness. 23%3A27

Arrogance is rebellion against authority. Arrogance is the audacity to believe you know better. 

The Pharisees saw Jesus as arrogant because he challenged their authority and spoke with authority.

This is why they asked Jesus by what authority do you cast out demons.

Jesus could also be violent as well.

Maybe that's what the situation called for. I am talking about obedience to God, not other human authority. The two can sometimes be mutually exclusive.

At any rate, as I said, just like a King needs his people, so does God. If you are a benevolent wolf, you can still fight, it's just you are not fighting helpless sheep, but murderous wolves. 

Jesus Christ can probably be considered as the best player on humanity's team, like Christiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi for football. Christ the Messiah, combining both their names. 

Btw, I'm talking about benevolent wolf, because I had a dream when I was a child of being in the Snowhite fairytale, and I was her good wolf that saves her from a pack of vicious wolves. I had incredible power in that dream, I was not "obedient and benign", I was just acting on behalf of the Good. I was obedient and benign to Snow White, but to the evil wolves I was anything but. How would I save her if I was just sitting there passively? 


Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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11 hours ago, Dodo said:

Maybe that's what the situation called for. I am talking about obedience to God, not other human authority. The two can sometimes be mutually exclusive.

At any rate, as I said, just like a King needs his people, so does God. If you are a benevolent wolf, you can still fight, it's just you are not fighting helpless sheep, but murderous wolves. 

Jesus Christ can probably be considered as the best player on humanity's team, like Christiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi for football. Christ the Messiah, combining both their names. 

Btw, I'm talking about benevolent wolf, because I had a dream when I was a child of being in the Snowhite fairytale, and I was her good wolf that saves her from a pack of vicious wolves. I had incredible power in that dream, I was not "obedient and benign", I was just acting on behalf of the Good. I was obedient and benign to Snow White, but to the evil wolves I was anything but. How would I save her if I was just sitting there passively? 


Human ideas of good is just a biased selfish perspective.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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11 hours ago, Razard86 said:

Human ideas of good is just a biased selfish perspective.

Don't throw the baby with the bathwater. Spend some time with children

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Posted (edited)

On 4/23/2024 at 10:58 PM, Razard86 said:

You do realize....that none of your examples prove anything. Can a blind man see? No. So for a blind man, a visual universe does not exist. That is what you are not understanding. All of your knowledge, is based on your senses. What what you can sense. If you can't sense it, it doesn't exist. How can you claim something exists, if you can't experience it?

The only reason humans can claim viruses exist, is because they have tools to sense them. Your entire argument is based and predicated on guessing. Not confirmation. If you cannot prove something exists, it doesn't exist until you prove it. YOU are your own proof. You have never proven something existed OUTSIDE OF YOU EVER.

And that is because you cannot. All you do is tell yourself they exist outside of you and then what happens? They appear within you as imagination. If I tell you your house burns down and you go to your house and it has not burned down and I keep telling you I know its true, you will point to your house and say I KNOW my house has not burned down I am looking at it!!.....Well guess what....I am wrong because I am denying WHAT IS, and creating my own version of WHAT IS in my mind. This means I am imagining it and creating it.

What your entire argument just now was, is I know something exists, even though I cannot confirm it. This means you believe that your house exists, without confirmation. So you prove, that you believe something is true even though you cannot confirm it, this means you are imagining it.

It's so simple, the question of can you confirm something exists if you cannot perceive it, the answer is NO. Because for something to exist you have to be able to perceive it. THIS MEANS, you are existence itself. Since you are existence itself, you determine if something exists. So the truth is you are scared to admit that your parents do not exist when you don't perceive them, so your solution is to imagine them in your mind and say they exist, and this is how you workaround the issue. But you cannot actually admit to yourself that you do this, because the consequences of admitting this is, your parents cannot exist if you don't perceive them...and thus this means they are figments of your imagination, no different than if you imagine they exist right now without confirmation.

But the sensation of guessing that something exist outside our perception is actually a confirmed experience too, the mental sensation of belief is entirely real, it does depend on it's level of quality but believing in something is it's own confirmed existence while the belief itself is there so it doesn't matter if what the belief is pointing to is currently being experience or confirmed or not, it only matters that the belief is strong and powerful enough to create a potential future confirmation of that same belief because that is its own self confirmation, to be a belief, the rest I agree.

Edited by seriousman24

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Posted (edited)

On 4/24/2024 at 11:36 AM, Razard86 said:

Infinity of God's is imaginary. God must create other God's then deny that it did that. Because the moment God admits it created Infinity of God's, it collapses into one God.

All Infinity of God's proves is again everything is imaginary but it is a singular imagination. This singular imagination is infinite/multiple in expression, but it is still singular.

Because it is One it will still be singular so Absolute Solipsism still holds. If you don't understand how Oneness works then you don't understand anything.

Other can only exist through denial. Because if other is recognized then that boundary collapses. So other= lack of accountability which is the only evil. The only evil that exists is the denial of yourself as God, as ONE.

This gives you permission to be human and engage in all sorts of dishonesty and conditional love. 

Denial and separation can be love, because it is selfish and full of ego and arrogance it becomes or at least it tries or thinks of itself as more than love, super love, your theories would lead to infinite peace but not infinite love by themselves, what you're trying to achieve is more than oneness too, because if we're all already one as you say than the only true meaning for our continued suffering would be because we're lacking oneness, but that can not be the only reason so I assume the second reason is so that we become more than one, or if you prefer instead us just becoming many separate ones we could just become a super one, a more one than before and ultra oneness to justify our delusion.

I don't understand why I exist, isn't it to make things less bad and more good?It's just that oneness was defined as good here and separation as bad and I know it has real reasons behind but still reasons are as good as anything and I know yours are extremely high quality ones and that's what really matters but I still do believe you could achieve it through things that superficially look like growing into more and more delusion but are actually more and more oneness, it's just that they will look really weird because we can be so different.

Edited by seriousman24

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On 4/24/2024 at 9:38 PM, Dodo said:

Its good to know you perceive that Razard is right now going through a solipsistic awakening and is having a difficult emotional time, as you keep replying. 

The way I see it is that he is some sort of solipsistic guru here to tell everyone what they are missing if they don't fall in the same spiritual trap as him, but you know better, since you are also there. 

It's not a trap if we don't want it to be.


On 4/24/2024 at 9:42 PM, Dodo said:

I can easily see that both of you are constructing some persona around solipsism as the final attainment aka Enlightenment and that you have arrived. 

I'm here to suggest you both don't know who you are. Look at the experience of deep sleep to get a less dramatic answer to the question who you are. Truth is not about appearing grandiose. 

Truths can be about appearing grandiose and maybe they do know who they are and they won't get anything from the experience of deep sleep, I know you like to solve stupid riddles like me. You're confrontational confidence but still equanimous capacity to take input is appealing to me so you're worth trying to annoy since isn't this what we're all partially actually doing to each other anyway.


On 4/25/2024 at 1:14 PM, Razard86 said:

There is nothing to attain, it's a realization not an attainment. You just become aware that you are all alone, as Consciousness because it is singular. It's obvious and direct, but you like mind games and indirectness. And I'm not going through a Solipsistic awakening I became aware of this a year ago. You are not authentically here to actually discover truth. You come on these forums because you want mental stimulation and want to connect and have debates and share perspectives. Which is just mental masturbation. 

But you are too scared to do the actual work to dissolve your individual self so all that will happen is when your human body drops you will realize you are singular anyway. All paths lead to the same conclusion, all boundaries will fade away.

Maybe mental mind games are good and help dissolve our individual selves but you know this too which is why you're the same as us, you're also enjoying this.


On 4/25/2024 at 3:39 PM, Princess Arabia said:

He does it to me too. 

We do it to each other all the time, we have to, it's part of normal interaction, but of course you mean that it hurts a bit but that's the nature of any interaction, we don't know what we don't.

I know these are all just replies to 5 days old posts so feel free to ignore it, I know you guys are all pretty intelligent and adaptable so you've already processed your own replies and moved on, I just wanted to say that we're all here because we do enjoy this mental game a lot, that's the only thing some people are just a bit too shy to admit really but it's just so obvious to me, I guess that's part of what makes this game more enjoyable to, pretending we aren't enjoying the debates and mental games just because they also serve higher purposes.

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