What Am I

Cool description of advanced casual spiritual state

2 posts in this topic

I wanted to share this awesome older video of Adyashanti and Loch Kelly describing their everyday state of consciousness after extensive spiritual practice and transformation has occurred. I feel like this type of description is not easy to find for whatever reason. It has lined up very well with a bunch of experiences I've had using 5-MeO-DMT, and even bits of my sober experience get the occasional taste of the picture they paint. It's really valuable imo to hear what a matured version of conscious awakening would be like. It sounds liberating indeed.


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@What Am I it's very beautiful but it's two guys trying to describe awakening.  its just ineffable  - I wonder why neither says that.  It's ineffable.  And it can't be described.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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