
Tucker Carlson on Rogan

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I found this entire interview disturbing.   Tucker says so many things in here that are so obviously false and Rogan just let's him get away with it.   Seems obvious that Tucker has decided to go after that evangelical Christian $, now that he has burnt all the mainsteam bridges.   Joe is lost...   Maybe one day, he will find his way back to reality.   I'm surprised this hasn't gotten more coverage yet.  The whole thing is just cringe on so many levels. 


Edited by ChadT

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First Putin, and now this? Usually when hosts get cancelled from major networks, its their downfall in relevancy. But not him.

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3 hours is too long to listen to. 😀 

is there a video summary?

He is kind of likeable in some ways, i can see why some people like him. A bit goofy. 

I’ve watched a few of his interviews but other than that don’t find myself wanting more. 😀


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@Merkabah Star

My guess is RM Brown will do a summary of it soon.   I'd be amazed if TYT didn't do something too.

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Just now, ChadT said:

@Merkabah Star

My guess is RM Brown will do a summary of it soon.   I'd be amazed if TYT didn't do something too.

   I'm sure TYT, Majority Report, the Kyle Show, and maybe Pod Save America may covers this, maybe even Charisma on Command. 


1 hour ago, ChadT said:

I found this entire interview disturbing.   Tucker says so many things in here that are so obviously false and Rogan just let's him get away with it.   Seems obvious that Tucker has decided to go after that evangelical Christian $, now that he has burnt all the mainsteam bridges.   Joe is lost...   Maybe one day, he will find his way back to reality.   I'm surprised this hasn't gotten more coverage yet.  The whole thing is just cringe on so many levels. 


   IMO based on his body language and tonality, Joe Rogan actually gave some reasonable push back in his undertone and how he handles Tucker's framing. Even in the short you provided I can see Joe is handling him well enough, but not so aggressively pushing back that he'd appear crazy to part of Joe's anti mainstream and anti establishment biased people, mostly right wing but some moderates and left leaning people. I feel that Joe's careful enough here.

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@Danioover9000 Yeah, to be fair, there are some points where Joe does push back a little.  A lot of the political stuff, less so though I thought. 

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1 hour ago, ChadT said:

@Merkabah Star

My guess is RM Brown will do a summary of it soon.   I'd be amazed if TYT didn't do something too.

I listen to tyt podcast so will hear it soon enough. 😀

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When you realize that Tucker is a demagogue, that's all you need to know.

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3 hours ago, ChadT said:

I found this entire interview disturbing.   Tucker says so many things in here that are so obviously false and Rogan just let's him get away with it.   Seems obvious that Tucker has decided to go after that evangelical Christian $, now that he has burnt all the mainsteam bridges.   Joe is lost...   Maybe one day, he will find his way back to reality.   I'm surprised this hasn't gotten more coverage yet.  The whole thing is just cringe on so many levels. 


Precisely why I stopped watching Rogan.   If you want to keep puking up last night's dinner then keep watching him.

Edited by Inliytened1


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Joe didn't push back enough there.

There was a slimyness from Tucker where he pretended that he cares about  evidence and about  rational explanation for evolution, when the real reason why he rejects it, is because of his fundamentalist religious worldview.

Even if there would have been a phd scientist there, who could have given a perfectly rational response to every question that Tucker has about evolution, Tucker still wouldn't have accepted evolution, because his fundamentalist religious view simply doen't allow him to do so.

Edited by zurew

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I watched a bit of that podcast. It's was half enjoyable. His ideas are not that uncommon actually it's just that he puts it out there in a very blunt way without much effort to go into detail. But what he sayed about evolution is true if you have the stomach to digest that sort of information and are willing to do a little research. 

If you want a detailed debunk of Darwin's evolution theory. The video below is an eye opener by the theosophical society. 


As for Joe Rogan, you can definitely sense he's not on the same page. But he allows people to have their own understanding of things without needing to convert them. Which is quite a mature and intelligent characteristic of him. It was very tasteful the way he managed the convo imo. 

Edited by Salvijus

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What is the problem here? Is it stupid people or people colouring their views in positive light?

It seems like Tucker is honest but his initial statements will be the best possible outlook possible for his side. And then dumb people listen to it and think what hes saying is a fact. But when probed he will pull it back. Its definitely agenda driven but people should be able to see that.

Edited by Hojo

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@Leo Gura

On 2024-04-22 at 1:56 AM, Leo Gura said:

When you realize that Tucker is a demagogue, that's all you need to know.

   Not necessarily. Someone can also be both intelligent and wisdom with some demagoguery, for example the Buddha was apparently really good at debating and convincing even spiritual masters in different circles and is also spiritually talented. IMO he's both wisdom and charisma mixed together.

   But I agree Tucker's obviously a demagogue with little intelligence and self awareness. Just like Destiny Divorcelli.

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On 2024-04-22 at 10:36 AM, zurew said:

Joe didn't push back enough there.

There was a slimyness from Tucker where he pretended that he cares about  evidence and about  rational explanation for evolution, when the real reason why he rejects it, is because of his fundamentalist religious worldview.

Even if there would have been a phd scientist there, who could have given a perfectly rational response to every question that Tucker has about evolution, Tucker still wouldn't have accepted evolution, because his fundamentalist religious view simply doen't allow him to do so.

   So Joe at least did push back Tucker, if he didn't push back enough? And what degree would you consider a good or bad push back?

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Destiny is not a demagogue. He has consistent and well-reasoned positions.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura

2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Destiny is not a demagogue. He has consistent and well-reasoned positions.

   Destiny is not a demagogue, and has consistent and well reasoned positions like his pro Israeli position he sunk cost fallacy himself into? Lately he's engaging in very deep ad hoc post hoc way, especially deflecting when it comes to not defining what genocide or ethnic cleansing is and if it's occurring in Gaza. Destiny actually was not like this at least 5 years ago, in fact he argued against a Neo Nazi with a very similar Zionistic way of thinking by explaining to him what motivated reasoning is. The irony here is now Destiny has hemmed himself into this position and gone straight pro Israeli without considering the other side. Lately he has virtue signaled a more moderate take with the pro Palestinians but IMO damage is done and now he's entangled into the sunk cost fallacy he put himself in.

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@Leo Gura

12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Destiny is not a demagogue. He has consistent and well-reasoned positions.

   And this is not mentioning all the drama BS Destiny engages in. He makes Joe Rogan and Tucker look sane.

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13 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

And what degree would you consider a good or bad push back?

3 things that I would have done differently.

1) I personally at the very least would have made it clear, that Tucker can maintain his religion without needing to deny evolution (He doesn't have to be a creationis in order to be a Christian)

2) I would have checked or would have done a little research about some of Tucker's controversial claims in real time on google (just like how Joe did when Alex Jones was on his podcast and he checked some of his outrageous claims)

3) I would have pushed for more clarity about what Tucker's actual disagreement is with the scientific consensus and I would have pushed for confidence (how confident he is regarding a specific claim and I would have asked - what he is basing his confidence in)


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15 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

Destiny is not a demagogue, and has consistent and well reasoned positions like his pro Israeli position he sunk cost fallacy himself into? Lately he's engaging in very deep ad hoc post hoc way, especially deflecting when it comes to not defining what genocide or ethnic cleansing is and if it's occurring in Gaza

Any liberal who is pro Israel isn't a liberal. I don't know what to call them.

I expect these blue haired people to vouch for Palestine, but it's the opposite that happens.

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