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Nothing will make you happy

169 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

That suffocation automatically comes with a sense of "I". A "Me". Always. Period. End of Story. It's just how strong of a suffocation that contracted energy feels like in the dream, because it's not really happening. Only seems and appears to happen.

Yes and no.

Im not talking about a psychological phenomena of the brain or of the "non existent" separate self.

Im talking about Consciousness itself. 

At the end Only Consciousness decides, Only Shiva is the real one. 


55 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Just about everything, every word here Implies a doing, a future and something hoping and wishing for. Would you say there's no past and no future. What do you think that means. If you say there's a past and a future can you point me to it please. Either way, both cannot be found, so good luck.


With that reasoning you might as well not pay your bills or mortage, if there is no future nothing Will happen right?

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58 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Princess Arabia been reading /listening/watching Jim Newman..Tony Parsons ..Anna Brown as of late ?

I used to watch Jim a while back, few years back then I stopped. No particular reason as I like to spread my wings. Tony, I've only seen one or two of his videos, but I'm not a fan. Anna yes, I love her and have been watching her for a while. I watched a lot of stuff.

Now after my confusion crises seemed to happen and I accidentally stumbled across Emerson non-duality and started watching him a lot, something happened as described in my "Oh My God, this is it" thread and ever since then a lot of the contraction seems to apparently fell away from the body allowing for more clarity, even though that's still only apparent since there's no one that gains more clarity. It's more of a losing. Then i've been watching a lot of Jim lately. The funny thing is I was already familiar with Jim but it was never as clear as it seems to be happening now. A lot of the stuff he says seems so obvious now and has broken away a lot of the confusion that seemed to be happening. It's the only message that totally resonates with something inside the body and is loosening the contraction a bit. No one is doing it, it's just seeming to happen. It's not a doing but more of an undoing, if you may. 

Everything now is less tension and the seeking energy is dieing. There's still remnants of an individual here and I'm not claiming to be awakened or anything like that. I'm not even saying there's not a me or that there's a me, it's just what seems to arise in the talking but is not being claimed as a me doing it. Its hard to speak without saying I or me but it doesn't matter.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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10 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Im talking about Consciousness itself. 

Consciousness is a dream. Separation. Requires a someone to be conscious of something. The Absolute is all there is.


12 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:
1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:


With that reasoning you might as well not pay your bills or mortage, if there is no future nothing Will happen right?

The paying of bills happens in the present. Nothing cannot stop happening because nothing is happening to begin with only apparently so. There is only Aliveness, every moment is a new moment and that's even saying too much.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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6 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Consciousness is a dream. Separation. Requires a someone to be conscious of something. The Absolute is all there is.



Yes, those are synonims. You are consciousness/the absolute.

6 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

The paying of the bills happens in the present. Nothing cannot stop happening because nothing is happening to begin with only apparently so. There is only Aliveness, every moment is a new moment and that's even saying too much.

But you pay them because your Mind suspects if you dont there might be problems in the future.

Just because the future is imaginary does not mean It Will not exist.

I dont see why you have to do this things of denying simple stuff such as this.

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1 minute ago, Javfly33 said:

But you pay them because your Mind suspects if you dont there might be problems in the future.

Just because the future is imaginary does not mean It Will not exist.

I dont see why you have to do this things of denying simple stuff such as this.

I was merely responding to what you said initially. There's no denial of anything here. I can only deny what seems to appear and the future is not appearing so it can never be denied. 

'It will not exist' doesn't exist.

We don't have to continue this. I was merely suggesting to you that there is no trap to be lost in because the Absolute is everything and nothing simultaneously. So the trap is also the "no trap. You can't lose. There's nothing to lose and nothing to gain in what's Absolutely complete and whole. Only apparently in the dream of separation which really isn't happening to begin with. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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You guys are speculating too much.

Stay focused on the topic at hand.

Recall a moment when you considered yourself to be genuinely happy, and ask yourself what that was about. We can start with that.

Edited by UnbornTao

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@UnbornTao that's hedonism not happiness .  I agree tho that We don't need to abstract off and theorizing about what happiness means.   I can Actually go back in my past and remember my  experiences of happiness..but Weren't they linked to specific things (maybe getting high grades.. Buying new iPad.. Getting new friends etc)... Now a hedonist will argue that you just keep doing more and more of these good feeling activities and that's basically what a happy life is! Do you agree ?

43 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I used to watch Jim a while back, few years back then I stopped. No particular reason as I like to spread my wings. Tony, I've only seen one or two of his videos, but I'm not a fan. Anna yes, I love her and have been watching her for a while. I watched a lot of stuff.

Now after my confusion crises seemed to happen and I accidentally stumbled across Emerson non-duality and started watching him a lot, something happened as described in my "Oh My God, this is it" thread and ever since then a lot of the contraction seems to apparently fell away from the body allowing for more clarity, even though that's still only apparent since there's no one that gains more clarity. It's more of a losing. Then i've been watching a lot of Jim lately. The funny thing is I was already familiar with Jim but it was never as clear as it seems to be happening now. A lot of the stuff he says seems so obvious now and has broken away a lot of the confusion that seemed to be happening. It's the only message that totally resonates with something inside the body and is loosening the contraction a bit. No one is doing it, it's just seeming to happen. It's not a doing but more of an undoing, if you may. 

Everything now is less tension and the seeking energy is dieing. There's still remnants of an individual here and I'm not claiming to be awakened or anything like that. I'm not even saying there's not a me or that there's a me, it's just what seems to arise in the talking but is not being claimed as a me doing it. Its hard to speak without saying I or me but it doesn't matter.

As long as this "message " is making you happy then go for it . You are on the right track . Don't listen to naysayers. 

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26 minutes ago, Someone here said:

As long as this "message " is making you happy then go for it . You are on the right track . Don't listen to naysayers.

It's not about making me happy. I can't resonate with happiness anymore. It's a fleeting state. One that comes and goes. So is sadness, joy, etc. It's about what is. It happened and it cannot be denied. There's no teaching, nothing to learn, nothing to hope for and nothing to seek. It is a message that requires no doing; and more doing only enriches the seeking energy that seeks for something it will never find.

What everybody is missing (apparently, because nothing is missing), is that this is already whole and complete. It doesn't mean anything has to stop because there's no one that chooses to stop or start. Sadness, happiness, joy, misery, suffering may still arise but it's happening to no one and it's only the individual that thinks it's separate from the whole that claims these to be happening to them. The body feels pain, but that's just a sensation that arises in the body. These sensations can lessen as a result of the contracted energy loosening but it can only happen on its own because nobody is doing it. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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On 23.4.2024 at 0:58 AM, Princess Arabia said:

Go ask a baby what does the word "means" mean. Good luck. Ask an adult they will tell you what they learnt what "means" mean. It's learnt. Doesn't mean anything. Go ask a tiger, ask a giraffe, ask a man who cannot read or write. It only has meaning to someone who has made an interpretation of the word. An interpretation is not actual. 

That's not a problem. Meaning is often like that. You're looking for a special kind of meaning, an absolute meaning.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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On 23/04/2024 at 6:34 PM, Someone here said:

@UnbornTao that's hedonism not happiness .  I agree tho that We don't need to abstract off and theorizing about what happiness means.   I can Actually go back in my past and remember my  experiences of happiness..but Weren't they linked to specific things (maybe getting high grades.. Buying new iPad.. Getting new friends etc)... Now a hedonist will argue that you just keep doing more and more of these good feeling activities and that's basically what a happy life is! Do you agree ?

What do you mean by "that"?

What we consider happiness, as a culture, is 'winning', accomplishment, success –things going your way.

For example: Are we able to be happy when our wants aren't met or when we fail to avoid what we don't want? 

So, the substance of happiness still seems to elude us –something to look into.

Edited by UnbornTao

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17 hours ago, UnbornTao said:

For example: Are we able to be happy when our wants aren't met or when we fail to avoid what we don't want? 

Good question.  I would say it depends on the person's maturity. A slob teenager will cry like a coward if his dad took his PlayStation out.  But a mature person is OK with most of his life . Maturity usually comes with age and life experiences.  My theory is that the older you get the more you become able to experience unconditional happiness that isn't contingent on external conditions. 

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33 minutes ago, Someone here said:

My theory is that the older you get the more you become able to experience unconditional happiness that isn't contingent on external conditions. 

Errrr... have you ever met anyone over the age of seventy? In my experience, they tend to be the most nagging, impatient and thin-skinned persons on the entire planet. - But then again, I have been living in post-WWII Germany for most of my life, so I guess I might have been exposed to a particularly skewed sample, lol.

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10 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Errrr... have you ever met anyone over the age of seventy? In my experience, they tend to be the most nagging, impatient and thin-skinned persons on the entire planet. - But then again, I have been living in post-WWII Germany for most of my life, so I guess I might have been exposed to a particularly skewed sample, lol.

Haha that's an exception for the rule . It seems like a Sine wave function (Google what that is because I don't have time to explain it here)..I say there is an ebb and rising to the maturity function.  Kids cry over candy . Teenagers cry over video games.  Adults cry over money or their spouse cheating on them. Etc but it seems like when you pass through a certain threshold (like 70 years old ) that you become like a kid again. 

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@Someone here

Is the maturity at -π/2, 0 or π/2 if f(x) = sin(x)?

Edited by Nemra

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@Nemra I was about to tell a joke about infinity ..but then i realised it never ends :D

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18 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I was about to tell a joke about infinity but then i realized it never ends :D


A joke about a joke about a joke ...

17 minutes ago, Someone here said:

what's infinity minus one btw ?

♾️ 🤓

Nerds finding each other talking about infinity. Funny. 🤣

Edited by Nemra

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46 minutes ago, Someone here said:

but it seems like when you pass through a certain threshold (like 70 years old ) that you become like a kid again. 

Thats true; which is the same as nagging, impatient and thin-skinned.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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