
My thoughts on Hyper-Mind

92 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

Nice looking modal and good visuals. Main issue with this hyper alien mind is literally @Leo Gura and maybe very few people are literal pioneers, and when someone's a pioneer there's only so much knowledge base and conceptions to go off of. It's actually pretty dangerous work as there's just so little to base precautions or protections, you just are literally like an explorer on some alien planet, literally that dangerous and exciting.

Maybe we won't necessarily need pioneers in the future -  if aliens actually show up and let us to study their cognition.

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1 hour ago, zurew said:

I think there can be done more than guesswork unless you  want to take the position  where you say  that cognitive science is purely just a guess-work and not grounded in anything tangible.  

I agree that we have a lot more to learn, but I disagree that cognitive science can't be grounded. Will that mean that we will have a perfect theory that will be able to make sense of alien minds in a perfect manner? Probably not, but it won't mean either that we will have 0 clue about them. The more we can study them , the better grip we can get on whats going on.

Cognitive scientists don't even know that hypermind exists. So how are they supposed to study it?

I'm not saying it's impossible, but we are a century out from meaningful work in this area.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I'm not saying it's impossible, but we are a century out from meaningful work in this area.

We can say that we are building the infrastructure to hyper-mind flourish.

Atomic transistors, AGI, BCI, Nanorobots, Humanoid Robots, Biotech, Genetic Engineering, Biohacking.

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On 24/04/2024 at 4:03 PM, Girzo said:

@CARDOZZO Are you writing a sci-fi book? I think your readers might not buy the 'quantum energy from the brain' concept. The sci-fi readers nowadays have got sophisticated taste and quantum mumbo jumbo doesn't satisfy them anymore.

I read somewhere there are synchronicities between certain parts of the brain whose speed can only be explained by quantum mechanics.
I don't remember the context anymore.

The devil is in the details.

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Posted (edited)

On 4/22/2024 at 3:21 PM, Leo Gura said:

That's what the visual I posted was.

If you use a 3D program or Game Engine for long periods of time, you'll start having visual thoughts in the infinite void. And it's not a big surprise. It used to happen when I push myself to imagine levels and certain other aspects, often when I'm feeling half asleep. Much like lucid dreaming but with control over the environment and what you create in that void.


P.S - Aren't you able to see it's just a 3D video? The snake gave away the illusion. 

Edited by ryoko

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, ryoko said:

P.S - Aren't you able to see it's just a 3D video?

The original purpose of the video is irrelevant to me. I was using it to illustrate a concept that few people understand and which is very difficult to articulate.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Posted (edited)

Imagine how differently a dog experiences life with a sense of smell 100 million times better than humans, and a 3 times better hearing.

Imagine having the thermal vision of a snake, electroreceptors of a shark, echolocation of bats and the magnetic sense of birds.

Imagine seeing the full electromagnetic spectrum , not just " visible light"

Now imagine being to clearly smell the quantity and difference in atoms in the entire world at once. What kind of experience would that be?

Imagine having such a clear imagination that you could experience a full rich and detailed imaginary life at will.

Imagine having the capacity to operate without the boundaries of time , space and physics

Imagine what the life experience would be as an trans-alive being, beyond a physical body 

Imagine what the life experience of a DMT Machine - elf would be 

What would be the life experience of some being so complex that even a machine elf  can't comprehend?

Imagine the experience of an entire dimension at once,  throughout all of space time .

Now multiply that for infinity for infinite dimensions, and whatever is beyond our concept of dimensions 


What is so complex that even an alien hyper - mind can't grasp?



Edited by mmKay

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6 hours ago, mmKay said:

Imagine how differently a dog experiences life with a sense of smell 100 million times better than humans, and a 3 times better hearing.

Imagine having the thermal vision of a snake, electroreceptors of a shark, echolocation of bats and the magnetic sense of birds.

Imagine seeing the full electromagnetic spectrum , not just " visible light"

Now imagine being to clearly smell the quantity and difference in atoms in the entire world at once. What kind of experience would that be?

Imagine having such a clear imagination that you could experience a full rich and detailed imaginary life at will.

Imagine having the capacity to operate without the boundaries of time , space and physics

Imagine what the life experience would be as an trans-alive being, beyond a physical body 

Imagine what the life experience of a DMT Machine - elf would be 

What would be the life experience of some being so complex that even a machine elf  can't comprehend?

Imagine the experience of an entire dimension at once,  throughout all of space time .

Now multiply that for infinity for infinite dimensions, and whatever is beyond our concept of dimensions 


What is so complex that even an alien hyper - mind can't grasp?



Imagine Trump talking about no-self, vedanta and alien consciousness.

That's what hyper-mind can achieve.

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11 hours ago, ryoko said:

P.S - Aren't you able to see it's just a 3D video? The snake gave away the illusion. 

It's not "just" a 3d video. There are specific configurations of shapes that mean something. And each configurations that unfold are not random, but is placed in intricate balance with respect to each other. 

It's like saying language and words we use are just ink on paper or pixels on screen. They are pixels but they mean something deeper than what you see on surface.

A hyper mind would be able to hold more such distinctions in it's mind and the balance it with all the other distinctions in the form of shapes.

There are regular people who can use hyper mindy ways of thinking and even those people would get results orders of magnitude greater than normies. Even they have tapped into a tiny bit of the hyper mind, as much as humanely possible. 

What if the video you saw has all the information that human ever found out, encoded within it. It's totally possible that all of science, mathematics, religion, movies and our knowledge base is encoded with a single hyper mind.

Some people actually do manage to comprehend a particular domain like mathematics or chess with a few shapes like the one you saw in the video. And they don't even require as many shapes as it is in the video. They need a few circles and lines to explain the entirety of mathematics.

Imagine what these much shapes can do!

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As Daniel Schmachtenberger once said - our capacity for abstraction is  a pretty new phenomena (on an evolutionary time scale). We take that capacity completely for granted, but we probably can't even imagine what it would be like if we wouldn't have this capacity at all.


Now think about how much things your capacity for abstraction makes avalaible for you (to understand and to grasp).

  • The ability to do math 
  • The ability to establish deductive proofs (where you don't need to prove by exhaustion)
  • The ability to grasp time (you can think about the past and the future)
  • The ability to categorize things
  • The ability to do science 
  • The ability to grasp sets that have infinite members in them and the ability to grasp that there are bigger and smaller infinites.
  • The ability to recognize things both on a micro and macro scale and in between.
  • The ability to recognize limitation - the ability to go big picture and examine your own thoughts and thought processes
  • and so much more


Now, there are probably other things that are as if not more radical (in terms of scaling up how much you can understand and grasp and make sense of) for aliens as the capacity for abstraction is for us.

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I feel this video ties down nicely with breaking your mind and how that feels like in a visual fashion


God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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This is useless conjecture and speculation on my part but I think the hyper mind is a sort of infinite intelligence that perceives things in incredibly abstract ways that the human mind can’t comprehend yet. Basically the ultimate ULTIMATE big picture view that shatters any inaccurate ideas we have about the nature of reality, truth etc. 

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