
Is kundalini real or BS?

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Posted (edited)

15 hours ago, enchanted said:

Is  kriya yoga and kundalini awakening worth the hype? It looks like alot of work for some "energy release". 

Are the warnings for kundalini awakening just marketing to get people interested? 

All life is yoga, and under the right conditions kundalini rise can come up serendipitously as well, which is why some people stumble upon the unitary perception , also known as samadhi or satori on their own. 

Kundalini awakenings are accompanied by heavy sexual energies which ought to be channeled to the upper chakras. But most people dissipate it uselessly through masturbation or sex.

Swami Vivekananda had himself stated of this phenomenon...


During meditation, suppress the emotional side altogether. That (emotionalism) is a great source of danger. Those that are very emotional, have no doubt their Kundâlini rushing quickly upwards, but it is as quick to come down as to go up. And when it comes down, it leaves the devotee in a state of utter ruin. It is for this reason that Kirtanâ and other auxiliaries to emotional development have a great drawback. It is true that by dancing and jumping etc., though a momentary impulse, that power is made to course upwards, but it is never enduring. On the contrary, when it traces back its course, it rouses violent lust in the individual.

Listening to my lectures in America, through temporary excitement many among the audience used to get into an ecstatic state, and some would even become motionless like statues. But on inquiry I afterwards found that many of them had an excess of the carnal instinct immediately after that state.’ ~ Swami Vivekananda

Mother Radha had also reported on the same ...



When Swami Vivekananda was giving lectures in America it appears that some people in the audience started shouting, 'Hail Jesus, Hail Jesus,' and 'Glory to the Lord.' Here the kundalini was raised because they were all bhaktas [followers on the path of devotion] but as soon as they went home it appears the kundalini went lower than normal.

Swami Vivekananda says that they were emotionally awakened without any yama and niyama [disciplines and observances of spiritual practice], without any purity, and therefore they turned out to be brutes. And when you become brutish then by sheer will you have to give up all those things that you want to do in a sensual way. It is that easy. Do not go to a guru to correct it, you can correct it yourself. How? Try to do away with all those sensual things and do more japa [meditative repetition of a mantra or one of the many names attributed to God]. ~ Mother Radha



Knowledge of this process of kundalini is important as it can shed light on monks or religious practicioners in many religions getting involved in sexual issues frowned upon by society. It is just an inability to understand the kundalini awakening process or control it properly.

The energies properly channeled without dissipation can lead to higher states of consciousness. . Such sexual energies can be trasmuted to higher states of consciousness if the yogi is well-trained and disciplined and have a good personal regimen of daily sadhana and exercise.


Edited by Ajay0

Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tole

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26 minutes ago, enchanted said:

The effects of the Kundalini yoga. I tried it today and its not letting me sleep

Just chill and it will end naturally.

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found merely a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse, of that one the world is no longer worthy." - Jesus

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Posted (edited)

Where did you hear about it?

It originally wasn't an experience of yours. You wouldn't have come up with that particular concept/name and the associated ideas if you hadn't heard of them from an outside source. This is important to acknowledge.

Without the obviously superficial interpretation of the belief system: What's experienced? 

Perhaps an intense bodily state, likely precipitated by your cosmology relative to this matter, adding a particular meaning, trying to reinforce your world-concept.

You say that you experience something –whose nature is by the way unknown– and then hearsay is superimposed onto it.

Without reference to belief, what's experienced is still up for grabs; your interpretation of it is filtered through the lens of your biases, beliefs, desires and worldview. So, is it real? I don't know. Is it relevant? 

Edited by UnbornTao

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I think I have one. I think its real

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12 minutes ago, Hojo said:

I think I have one. I think its real

1 kundalini, coming right up! 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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8 minutes ago, Dodo said:

1 kundalini, coming right up! 



Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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