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Everythingmax, dreams etc.

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I had a dream that there was an alien object involving potential dangerous consequences that was being investigated by people, including me, somewhere slightly underground.

There was a detective in my dream I was talking to. I forgot most of my interactions with him but he told me not to do anything with the object until he is aware of the new findings.

The object was related to a black pen that could alter the air around it but also worked on a piece of paper.

In another dream, I walked past some people, did something to anger a public couple, then entered a red tube-like corridor which separates that "outside" world from a sprawling, complex maze, which requires complex actions, extreme perseverance and books to get to the bottom of. My friend was in the red (or somewhat red but that was the memorable color) two-way hallway leading to it and sounded worried. ChatGPT interprets the things about the maze as me thinking I will need knowledge, skills, perseverance and effort in my life.

Edited by numbersinarow

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How do I make it so every second of my day features me using my free will in a way that is maximized?

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Someone else can know exactly where I'm going but to me I have infinite indeterminacy.

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Art that only focuses on professionalism is not complete. Think about the experience you're trying to convey.

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As painful as it is to make today better than the last perpetually, the consequences of not doing so are worse.

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How good is this day in terms of various categories, with important goals replacing them?

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Rid yourself of ad hoc fallacies and attachments.

e.g. you see an example of a 3/10 guy getting girls, do you assume that now the reason you're still right about the world being fair and add a new proposition about how the reason 8/10s aren't getting girls because they are self-sabotaging, or do you accept new evidence?

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Time off and indulgences wire you to want them. Now you aren't a workaholic because you have more exposure to them than to work. Me being fascinated and craving to continue progress and self-actualization seems to have come out of nowhere, but in truth it's because it's only your subconscious mind which can be altered to this end, by working hard and succeeding. There are still cravings for other things, but the urge to progress more is the most important and strongest one.

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Alright, this dream was interesting.

So I was in a larger room from which I had to escape, which had a giant with 2 baby-like faces near it's chest area, with fire bursting from parts of it's body, and many adjacent rooms. In one of the rooms there was a person called mister X who had a type of poison he used on people, but unlike others his poison was somehow less versatile or had some kind of disadvantage when it came to using it, but was more lethal. He was wearing a face mask and didn't look creepy... but only in comparison with other things in that nightmareish dream. Some kind of entity told me to go straight for the throat when it comes to him. He pulled some kind of thing out from the back of his head and extremely lethal red-mist looking poison came out, the dream skipped to some other thing after that. I was also at the mercy of a psychopath surgeon in the dream and was in a purple ring in the sky, the psychopath kept giving me some kind of a bizarre choice and I was facing a very painful no-anesthesia surgery. Don't really remember the details but it's more clear in my mind than what I'm saying with this. That part of the dream felt pretty goddamn traumatic. And also was in a bathroom which looked basically like my bathroom in which I was taking care of a girl's younger sibling and was making some kind of a bed out of toilet paper for her to sleep in, the girl herself called in and said something about how her life plan is to get revenge on the person who, many years ago, desecrated her child after doing things to it and it being dead, to the point where necrophilia would be considered better to do to the corpse.

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I give up entirely on lucid dreaming, since supernatural intrinsic luck is real, and my friend showed me that cults control everything in late 2020, lucid dreaming must be impossible too.

It's not just that if I wake up just a bit late that I can't fall asleep no matter how hard I try or how much I feel like it, trying 2 positions for 30 minutes each then feeling incredibly sleepy and not bothering knowing it will not be fruitful, but every non-WBTB technique like MILD, journalling and even PILD won't ever work. FILD and WILD have a coinflip's chance of working after going through all the trouble and 

And then remembering hearing yesterday about someone else who has no idea about other things just doing multiple practices waking up in the middle of the night and then lucid dreaming, when it's beyond clear no technique works. It just smells of... everything else that is unfair. Which is why you should never engage in it.

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What happens if you don't check online forums or comment sections? What if your life extremely improves?

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You are maybe 5% as productive as you could be. First get to some solid level where every day involves you doing a good amount of working out + progress + planning. Then go from being solid for 2 weeks or so to superhuman.

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God do I need to puke.

I walked past 2 guys who were just... supernaturally diseased? They themselves didn't seem to notice but I felt literal sickness jumping from them and directly into my consciousness. But I think it might have happened with another person too. My mind might have become in tune with some kind of energy.

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Could you become enlightened within less than a second if talented enough?

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Suffering is the very metaphysical core of existence, pleasure is a construct within that.

Even suicide is impossible, if you kill yourself you will live in some other form, perpetually floating around and suffering.

Not even Christ and Buddha could save you or themselves for that matter, they are constructs of suffering.

I caught a glimpse of how evil the supernatural forces/God are. Even 0.0001% of the evil malice required to let human tragedies occur when you have the unbiased universal perspective at your core and every aspect of your mind, is so great that the human mind can't comprehend it. I won't ever bother trying to describe the feeling of seeing that.

The only thing for a human to do is surrender to the suffering, knowing there will be no shields, and infinite involuntary attachment.

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Humanity is a failed idea. If you think someone who defends police shooting a suspect for running away is "human" and you are also "human" then you are detached from reality. (This doesn't mean to dehumanize them, just to forget about silly ideas). 100% applies to obsessed terrorist apologists. :D:D:D

Edited by numbersinarow

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Why doesn't your amazing, vast knowledge let you know that the supernatural exists, and interferes with the human world?

Because it does. The experiments of Carl Jung prove this.

My own experiment proved supernatural luck is 99.99% likely to be real, and different for different people.

Your god is not benevolent or loving in any way, this is a world of torture, unfairness etc. even on a SUPERNATURAL level. It is truly a dying corpse as Christ said.

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oikstual fucking demonic world

so glad I will utterly annihilate it by meditating and getting enlightened

no excuses to use online forums anymore or waste time watching youtube etc.

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