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The Aristocrats and the Jews

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I have been thinking, what has been going on through the whole history about the Aristocrats and the Jews. Both are kind of chosen by God - the Aristocrats are chosen often for great changes in the world of leadership, and I think they can do it in democracy as well as they were the founders of democracy; the Jews are chosen nation of God and they appear in the world of Money.

I found a Spiritual Theory about those two "nations" or belief systems. I don't believe in Aristocrats so much in basis of blood, but also in the development of the personality to follow a Godly Law - this song is about that:


I figured out that this polarity is the Yin and Yang - Yin, the material world, is the Jews, and Yang, the spiritual or ideal world, is the Aristocrats. The Jews fight for perfection in material sphere, whereas the Aristocrats fight for the perfection of ethical basis, the union of nations. In history, we see those principles slowly evolving, and I think in todays world both characters are important in society, and they fight for the same principles in different ways - the mission to educate people, to civilize the people and to build infrastructures, is not dead in people, who follow the Aristocrat blood and the culture, as those are very good and needed qualities today as well. So I'm not thinking about something historic - an Aristocrat can fight for democrazy as well, and follow the laws and principles of today, just as the Jews are changing in different ways.

I just think that they represent the Forces of Yin and Yang - the Jews going through the highest and lowest of material world, even the Holocaust is like a disaster of money, a complete poorness for them to solve, and I think Yin easily gets such experiences as we see the polarities of things we fight, and the Aristocrats have been both leaders and the prisoners, dying in the wars most easily and dealing with the lowest things, which can happen in politics.

The relationship between those two has been a relationship of hate and love. As I have aristocrat blood, I have gone through this - as child, I connected Jews with some idealistic picture of paradise of Bible; then I was shocked, when I found out they were not absolutely perfect in war - so I was fighting with this thing for a while -, and later I had a complex alchemistry with them, which led me to ponder about all those things. The Aristocrats have been leading well, but they often ran out of money - where they needed the help of the Jews. Other aristocrats have sent them out of countries, even killed, and had many problems like this. The Jews have been controlling the material world very well, and they often ran out of power, so they had to ask such support from aristocrats. They have deliberately created some financial crisis or led an aristocrat to poverty, in other times. This relationship of hate and love is very strong and like it is in marriage, they always hate, but they can never get rid of each others completely - somehow, the jews were always very strongly present in aristocrat circles, and the long series of wars in Israel have been fought.

I see a typical process between Yin and Yang, for example in book about the jewish war (I think I did read a book of another author, but it was my favourite for a while) the aristocrats of this time are described as dull and mumbled persons, but I still see a lots of this kind of alchemistry.

In Politics, I see Soviet Union and United States are another example of Yin and Yang, how it appears in physical form - the United States are the Yin, as they think in short term and base their country on evolution theory of business; whereas Soviet Union is Yang counterpart, as it based it's business on some ideals and long-term planning. I don't think the interplay of Yin and Yang goes away, but it has to create some kind of synergy - it appears somewhere, somehow again, for neither of two can survive alone.

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The same way, the Aristocrats seem to have power if they break all the rules of power, give it away and don't have any money - I can always get big things to go on in the world, even when I don't have a penny and seem to be simply an opposite of any rules of power; this is slow and stable routine, by which normal people gain some power and do their things. I naturally follow higher laws than there legally are, and don't break a law when legally I'm just on the border of law, where many people break it already. The Jews have the same relationship with money - sometimes, they don't have any power at all, they give money away and do not follow the simple logic of it, but they still end up being rich. The normal people, again, they have to have slow and stable routine to earn some money, and follow the simple rules very carefully.

I always go through the dreams and visions, until I have beaten my powerful opposition, and I have this power despite people are talking such things about me that any politician would be in trouble, and I have kind of army with me despite people try to not give any help at all of such kind. It's like having it myself, not done by anybody else - the high ideals fight for themselves. I say things, which should repel any power away from me, but this comes back by deeper law I got, and by the battles. Lately, as I have grown older, I don't want to have battles any more, but this is also a natural breakpoint in aristocrat life, some kind of enlightenment - about how to do it peacefully. Jews, on the other hand, they break all the well-known rules of material world, and despite that they have been following something deeper, more cryptic, and attract money contra any laws of nature, and bankrupcies and people fighting against them being rich do not seem to do - so they make their money kind of themselves, not because people around them are meditating to make them very rich.

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