The Renaissance Man

People Who Want to Build what Leo did

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Are there any of you who think your life purpose is along the lines of teaching wisdom?
Along the lines of building a great library of content, not necessarily videos though

Are you planning on specializing on something, or do you want to go broad like Leo?

What would you do differently from him? Teaching differently, structuring your approach differently, etc....
How is your work going to be extraordinary?


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It’s still in contemplation as to what that work is going to be but I do find that when I’m around spiritual groups / plant medicine tribe etc there is still a very immature level of consciousness. I had an individual contact me for council recently who was struggling with a full source experience that completely trashed any last sense of new age or religious nonsense and showed it all as bullshit. I had to explain it like different classes in a school. Each person holds onto something depending on their level of development so shouldn’t be judged or coerced but guided along by their own desire to know till they are ready to let go of their comforter. (You don’t teach calculus to a first grader as they don’t have the foundation of math required to understand or use it).

I can guide others well yet don’t quite know how to focus my own work into something productive and purposeful. 

there aren’t many around who understand true awakening, metaphysics etc and as there are more and more people having spontaneous experiences with the increase in mindfulness, yoga, plant medicine now, I find myself trying to calm people on the brink of psychosis who have no foundational groundwork in their own psychology or metaphysics prior to having their subjective self burst wide open and then massive ego backlashed afterwards.

personally I don’t know whether to cater for the advanced or for the individuals who find their way in because of trauma and suffering.

part of me says to raise everyone, raise the ones on the lower rungs of the ladder first and keep the advanced stuff for my own private practices and personal development.

i guess in that way I would use what I have learned to go into a different method of psychology counselling. Specialising in something instead of tackling the whole universe. I am a component of a collective of others who would have their niches too, together it supports the whole but would have to all recognise that( all too often you see niches dismissing one another by the very narrow view they have stuck themselves in)  

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I am building a catalog of 100’s of remarkable, valuable, cinematic, authentic videos, many of them with awe inspiring sound tracks. My creations will connect people to Authenticity, Self love and their self.

I dont feel called to teach or give advice, instead I want to document the wisdom of my journey and give it to the world as cinematic immersive experiences they can watch/feel, and see themselves in, like a mirror.

like, "Okay, so he is doing this with his life, or he is facing this in his life, what is that for me?"

Leo is an influence, but I want my videos to ultimately be 100% authentic, completely unlike any other.

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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Posted (edited)

It is important that you don't base your work on someone else's example entirely. Leo is a beautiful example of a fulfilling Life Purpose combined with a smart long term business strategy and marketing but some the things he does may not work for you. 

Rather than reaching outright, you need to find that to which you can connect within. As cliche as it sounds, the core of your Life Purpose should be tied to your values, your sense of integrity, personality and your strengths. This way each time you encounter an obstacle (and you'll encounter many if you are serious about this) you can muster internal resources to guide you rather than asking "what would Leo do". 

Getting inspired by someone else's work is totally fine but without finding your own authentic voice and brand feeling, it will just be a frustrating imitation of someone else. The worst thing about that is that there is already one authentic Leo out there. 

The questions you ask are deep and profound but in the end they need to be tied to one simple answer: Why should people care? Because if they don't your website won't get any traffic and the library of knowledge will remain inaccessible. 

I'm wrestling with the same thing. My personal greatest struggle is finding my authentic voice and a sense of brand individuality, I've actually been stuck on this for the last 5 months. So by no means have I figured it out :)

Edited by Michael569

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Posted (edited)

4 hours ago, Realms of Wonder said:

Leo is an influence, but I want my videos to ultimately be 100% authentic, completely unlike any other.

This is the right attitude.

Don't try to copy me too closely. Dig deeper to find your own voice and style. That will be much more satisfying.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Posted (edited)

I've been more and more conscious recently of separating myself from Leo's opinions and views and really carving out my own path as a Qigong teacher. 

As a young man I was easily influenced and sort of looking up to him. Of course, I take a lot of his teachings into my embodiment.

Sometimes I would find myself thinking "but leo does like xyz" Now I am not ef that, I like xyz and I am gonna do my own thing.

Leo doesn't like breathwork, meditaion, Qigong but I love these things and want to deepen my understanding and practice/ building my business.

I am my own unique person and creating my own unique thing. 

Leo, as far as I can tell has no interest in Qigong (missing out bra)

You needa find your own you. 

The one thing I especially do like, is the idea of building a catalogue of Qigong videos and courses that are world class helping people to have less stress, more energy and live lives of super health.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@The Renaissance Man I stopped watching Leo's videos about 3 years ago except for these cool ones. I just realized that I Would rather make my own insights and develop my own way of thinking about life and communicating my ideas. 

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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@LSD-Rumi My question was more about feeling the call to create your own catalog of content, in Leo's style. I'm more interested in how ya'll would make stuff differently, or hell, even better than Leo. Yet along the lines of the "building a catalog and teaching wisdom"

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Yes. I took the LP Course last fall and realized this. I also take on the same mindset that I want my work to be completely original and creative. Of course Leo is a huge influence in my work. I'm currently on my "small bets" arc to discover my most authentic style, making interview videos with a personal dev spin on it, following my bliss ;)

I also am called to a stronger concentration in emotions / emotional health, social dynamics in my work.

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In the beginnig can be a good idea to model a few role model of yours.

Then you will find your own voice.

You can even see it in the first videos of Leo's channel

Doesnt he remind you of someone?



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On 4/16/2024 at 8:23 AM, LSD-Rumi said:

I stopped watching Leo's videos about 3 years ago except for these cool ones. I just realized that I Would rather make my own insights and develop my own way of thinking about life and communicating my ideas. 

You should make more YouTube videos! I remember you made one almost a year ago 

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