Whitney Edwards

Significant change in consciousness

71 posts in this topic

On 4/17/2024 at 5:06 PM, Davino said:

@Princess Arabia you would certainly benefit from psychedelics. 

All that rhetoric will fly out of the window in a Salvia Breakthrough. They call it the backdoor of death. You say there is noone, then do Salvia you will discover what death actually feels like. 

Or have a breakthrough 5meo trip and all this you say will be put into proper context.



Whoever is reading this, you need to understand the following: It's very easy to bullshit yourself without psychedelics. Entheogens will force you to confront your shit. With psychedelics it's still possible but it's a better bet

It's why I say people keep thinking they can skip a mystical experience. They don't realize how deep the bullshit goes out the window when you lose control and are shown that the human is just a tiny part of you and it never had control to begin with. 

All those intellectual sayings become real!!! Psychedelics are the birth of real being imaginary. Until someone experiences what makes something real v.s. imaginary and how arbitrary that boundary is they know nothing.

When you feel your reality melt away you won't call that nothing. When reality takes control and has its way with you, you won't call it imaginary.

It's not until you can actually release your human life to the ethers of the void and be okay with its total absence then you know what it means to say it is imaginary.

Until you face your life as an imagined story you cannot understand. 

So count yourself lucky, many don't have access to Psychedelics. And some are not ready to lose their human minds for universal mind.

It's Real because it's LOVE

It's Imaginary because it's Infinite

It's Truth because it has no other. So it is self affirming, self-recognizing, and self-defining.

It is Pure Truth, so no other.

Pure Love is everything so no other.

Absolute Infinity so total so no other.

And unless you experience being it, how could you claim to know it?

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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On 4/15/2024 at 0:25 PM, Buck Edwards said:

I think I'm yet to come across someone who has been doing psychedelics for some time and witnessed some significant change in their consciousness. Does that even happen? 

I’d like to add that the significant changes also occur after someone ceases to use psychedelics. So it goes far beyond the trips themselves


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2 hours ago, Razard86 said:

It's why I say people keep thinking they can skip a mystical experience. They don't realize how deep the bullshit goes out the window when you lose control and are shown that the human is just a tiny part of you and it never had control to begin with. 

All those intellectual sayings become real!!! Psychedelics are the birth of real being imaginary. Until someone experiences what makes something real v.s. imaginary and how arbitrary that boundary is they know nothing.

When you feel your reality melt away you won't call that nothing. When reality takes control and has its way with you, you won't call it imaginary.

It's not until you can actually release your human life to the ethers of the void and be okay with its total absence then you know what it means to say it is imaginary.

Until you face your life as an imagined story you cannot understand. 

So count yourself lucky, many don't have access to Psychedelics. And some are not ready to lose their human minds for universal mind.

It's Real because it's LOVE

It's Imaginary because it's Infinite

It's Truth because it has no other. So it is self affirming, self-recognizing, and self-defining.

It is Pure Truth, so no other.

Pure Love is everything so no other.

Absolute Infinity so total so no other.

And unless you experience being it, how could you claim to know it?

This means nothing. I'm not discrediting the use of psychedelics, nor what you're saying to be the case. But it still means nothing in the Absolute sense. I already realized the no control, no free will, no other and all that. I don't need to go get terrified to understand anything. Not necessary. I can still say what I wanna say and so can you. I can still believe what I wanna believe and so can you. You don't have authority to say what's true for one to not be the case and say they know nothing.

You're right because there's nothing to know. It's happening as we speak. No time, so how can anything be known, no one, so whose experiencing. Let's not get into that, and I'm not saying you're wrong or right but I have a different view on things and you have no right to want to change that without being asked and insinuate noone knows anything because no one knows everything. 

How do you know who hasn't had a mystical experience or not. You make a lot of assumptions in your posts and you tend to think you're above the rest in your knowledge and teachings, and tend to discard others'. I don't think mystical experiences are that big of a deal in the Sbdolute sense. How can it. There's no separation. None of what you say makes sense only intellectually, rationally, logically and to the naked eye will look all mighty and dandy. It is the case what you say but you are missing the piece of Absolutism, no separation, I don't care how you rationalize the oneness aspect by saying whatever you say. How can there be consciousness when consciousness is separation. You speak with clarity and all that and very eloquently and do make sense, but the Absolute is unknowable so all that are concepts and theories and ideas. How can an illusion create non-illusion. Idk, I'm not going to get into this with you, as I respect you and think you're highly advanced and I could be the one talking shit but that's on me and will get to whenever it happens. A lot of what you say I agree with and even say the same thing its just I don't think you understand that this is Absolute Aliveness which I've become aware of so-to-speak, and it gets discredited by you in saying all the time I'm parroting and using words that aren't mine. I even made a post about it but no i have to do psychedelics or I'm not qualified, which is bull. I'm coming from a place of not being exposed to all these fancy teachings and have not been too indoctrinated with all those fancy labels and gurus so for me it's more natural and raw. A lot of repetitious exposure can lead one to see certain things without the use of any chemicals and can happen spontaneously as with me so I don't have to be scared shitless to realize the Absolute. I don't need to see fingers on a wall and elephants under my bed.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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On 4/17/2024 at 11:23 PM, Princess Arabia said:

I bought an apple today and i loved it. I buy lots of things I love. I could do 5meo and do it too and have a "breakthrough experience" as you say, then what you still "die". You see God, then what, your body still appears to rot. You see eyes in your hands, then what, you still go to work, eat and shit out that pasta you ate, then "die".



No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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17 hours ago, Razard86 said:

And unless you experience being it, how could you claim to know it?

We are just madmans @Razard86

We surely just lost our shit with so much tripping

Not having much desire to talk lately.

Why communicating, at all?

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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On 4/18/2024 at 0:03 AM, Bazooka Jesus said:

The secret of life is to 'die before you die' - and find that there is no death.

- Eckhart Tolle -

“People are asleep; when they die, they awake.”

Imam Ali 

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1 hour ago, royce said:

“People are asleep; when they die, they awake.”

Imam Ali 

Are animals asleep? Are plants? Or is it just humans. Animals do seem and appear to die, as do plants. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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12 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Are animals asleep? Are plants? Or is it just humans. Animals do seem and appear to die, as do plants. 

“People are asleep; when their  ego dies, they will wake up .”


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Just now, royce said:

“People are asleep; when their  ego dies, they will wake up .”


You didn't answer my question. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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19 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

You didn't answer my question. 

i don't  know the answer

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1 minute ago, royce said:

i don't  know the answer


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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