
Why do spirit guides force you to reincarnate ?

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i listened to a couple NDEs experiences and people who remember pre-birth, and one of the things that is common between them are guides. Guides come in many forms in different ways; they are welcoming, they help the person with transition and all that, but i notice that they kinda force you to reincarnate. Not literally force you, but more like force you with love. convince you. Trick you in a way. Even if you don't want to reincarnate, they kinda push you for it with the conviction that this is the best for you. For your growth and learning. And before you know it, you are sucked into your body. 
My question is: who are these guides, why do they have power over us, and how can I free myself from them?

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Watch first 10m, my post inspired by this video per se. But i watch a lot of these videos and this theme is very common 

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I’ve thought about this precise thing although I have no knowledge of it. Interesting 

I have wondered if there are these “higher” beings (which would be the spirit guides you mention) that plan reincarnations on earth or if it’s all just spontaneously happens . And if there are different “levels” of souls like some souls are more developed so they reincarnate into more developed beings or something idk

Why would any conscious being want to reincarnate into earth if we look at how much suffering is here so it makes sense that there might be these beings that pushes for it or maybe the souls are highly evolved so they see how it’s all love or whatever so it doesn’t matter to them what they reincarnate into. 

if there is even a soul I have no idea . 

Edited by Sugarcoat

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Have to be careful about spiritual psychosis and believing an entity perceived as external has your best interests at heart let alone existent outside your own mind at all.

reincarnating could be seen in the same way as you dream. If you have not yet liberated your mind from the idea of being human, your mind perpetually creates the body. If you dream, you would think you would find yourself a floating invisible ball of awareness witnessing everything but you find your mind reconstructs your body even there. You wouldn’t reincarnate if your mind had let go of the idea of the body. If you can change your appearance in a dream, you know you are part of the way there. 

beliefs about spirits can occur during transcendental experiences but it is wise to understand that traps of the mind can happen at all levels. If the mind is trying to achieve liberation and enlightenment then all these stories are a distraction to keep you from seeing through it all. 

( I don’t dismiss other realms or spirits or entities in different levels of perception. Anything at all possible can occur anywhere but the entire spectrum of infinite experiences you can have are not the absolute truth. It’s important to keep that in mind with regard to whether seeking the absolute or just exploring infinite consciousness).

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It’s all you - even the guides. You reincarnate because you didnt become enlightened during last lifetime. Simple. 

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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It's all me, but i have no control over most of it. My own existence right now kinda like I'm pushed into it. And I'm all bound by a higher powers from birth. My parents, society, environmental forces, school, job boss, authorities... And i don't have the power of choice in most of it. I have to mold myself to what I'm interacting with. What if I'm interacting with a spirit guide or some higher entity and i don't have a say in their wise decision?

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You don't control the world, but you control the mind, and if you master your mind, you break away from the cycle of birth and death. 

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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12 hours ago, CoolDreamThanks said:


You don't control the world, but you control the mind, and if you master your mind, you break away from the cycle of birth and death. 


You’re full of great quotes! 🤗

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Do you ever find one part of your mind at odds with another part? 

In most people, this plays out by wanting to do something and sabotaging it, or by having a dilemma (two equal choices). If you are more sensitive or focused, you can catch the competing thoughts. The usual way to solve this is to do both somehow or combine the two. Collapsing a duality.

You've saved yourself a few lifetimes because you'll know if anything is talking to you at any point after the death/life illusion is over, it's just you. Tell it to politely go sit down for a while and give you a rest, or just smile and enter a calm state (something you've been practicing meditating right?) Remember, you are talking to yourself always. When you read these words, you'll give them meaning, represent them to yourself, and maybe give yourself an emotional response. I cannot reach into your mind or emotions and give you those things, you do it all.

You can also just move out of these things entirely because it's all in your mind. Someone will say there is no calm state, there is no smiling :). Well I'm doing it, and I'm not really here either. Its just energy moving in a certain way.

Edited by BlueOak

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