
Whats actually going...

13 posts in this topic

Do yous ever think about like, whats really going on here. On one half, you have this very consistent, very stable life where its predictable. You wake, and do whatever it is you do each day. Then you're tired, tired of that non sense, and you go to imagination land, subsequent images of things that shouldnt make sense are (for all intensive purposes) a reality. And the same way you were 'tired', whatever that means you start to question aspects of this 37-layer-deep dream, or something happens that signifies the next moment of you 'coming to'... And in that now awakened, and responsive last save-state, you do it over again.

Like, what is that. Thats not an arbitrary thing, that has to be like a machine of some kind that doesnt exist without one half strolling along w/ consistency, and the other half where things get all strewn about without the recognition of self identity/or anything self-related. But at the same time it exists... just like... perpetually... why... like, can we find out.... like when you were born as a clean slate, what was that?...

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THAT is you, who wanted to experience what is to have a predictable life, going to work, having to eat, getting sick, being vulnerable, and then feeling tired and going to sleep.

It's not a machine, is just you that you are the creator of everything, you are God, the universe, that, consciousness, Jehova, Allah, Brahman... whatever you wanna call yourself.


Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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6 hours ago, kavaris said:

Do yous ever think about like, whats really going on here. On one half, you have this very consistent, very stable life where its predictable. You wake, and do whatever it is you do each day. Then you're tired, tired of that non sense, and you go to imagination land, subsequent images of things that shouldnt make sense are (for all intensive purposes) a reality. And the same way you were 'tired', whatever that means you start to question aspects of this 37-layer-deep dream, or something happens that signifies the next moment of you 'coming to'... And in that now awakened, and responsive last save-state, you do it over again.

Like, what is that. Thats not an arbitrary thing, that has to be like a machine of some kind that doesnt exist without one half strolling along w/ consistency, and the other half where things get all strewn about without the recognition of self identity/or anything self-related. But at the same time it exists... just like... perpetually... why... like, can we find out.... like when you were born as a clean slate, what was that?...

This is partly why we are here.. You have the Absolute, the non physical realm of existence, this is Oneness, Completeness, Wholeness, but its place where Potential and Possibility exist, so via that somewhere Duality has to exist, because of Duality Creation happened, no Duality no Creation no Physicality and Materialism, then Billions of Years later there is You and I, we are here as Humans to explore this possibility and find out its limits via our Individual Karma and make up and situation. 

The sun rises on time everyday, the planet is spinning and moving thru space and at what point in space we do not know, we don't know the beginnings and ends of this one Universe but we are talking this crap on this forum like it is nothing, so realize that we are here on this round planet doing stupid things and not paying attention to what really matters, then your on Your way..

Remember we have Free Will, decided how to make Yourself within Yourself, then go from there!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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@abrakamowse Let me try to extrapolate that into my new form, and tell me how it sounds...

The "i" is the creator of all things, albeit subliminal, or unaware (a kindve staggered between the realization of) whether or not what we are, who we are or what we could be is. And so we are here, not as an idea of what it means to be here but more like what it is to be in a dream where you are just there. When the "i" is just there, the "i" is within the kind of experience or mindset where you are performing or experiencing, and those are the underlying principles that keep that force churning.


@Ishanga Tell me how this sounds...

We have the kind of freewill that is only limited by those ideas themselves, that is, to conjure some possibility or 'way something should be', creates the type of boundary that is then - like an island or peninsula, where the surrounding waters are those ideas that 'could have been', but didnt - so we're partly in - and partly outside, bounded in some way, free in others. As we spin on this round (sometimes oblong in motion) land mass, pushed by magical void-stuff of unimaginable perpetuity, we take for granted what REALLY is important. But then again, its an almost necessary thing to have existed in the first place, that is, to be involved in some sortve happenings that may or may not be important stuff, and how would we even know until we've found out it was right or wrong much later.

If that sounds right or partly, then i conclude one lasting thought. When i was little, i didnt learn things individually. Instead i took 'strings' or phrases of words and imitated the sound of those strings without meaning. That in itself is like a principle of experience, or one aspect that we could say follows the "Is-ness" of being here: First we're here, Second we're storing that impression into the fabric and then keeping it alive. Deriving from that   we then might say, "that is what we are.. some sortve fabric?... Or texture-like"

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5 minutes ago, kavaris said:

@abrakamowse Let me try to extrapolate that into my new form, and tell me how it sounds...

The "i" is the creator of all things, albeit subliminal, or unaware (a kindve staggered between the realization of) whether or not what we are, who we are or what we could be is. And so we are here, not as an idea of what it means to be here but more like what it is to be in a dream where you are just there. When the "i" is just there, the "i" is within the kind of experience or mindset where you are performing or experiencing, and those are the underlying principles that keep that force churning.


@Ishanga Tell me how this sounds...

We have the kind of freewill that is only limited by those ideas themselves, that is, to conjure some possibility or 'way something should be', creates the type of boundary that is then - like an island or peninsula, where the surrounding waters are those ideas that 'could have been', but didnt - so we're partly in - and partly outside, bounded in some way, free in others. As we spin on this round (sometimes oblong in motion) land mass, pushed by magical void-stuff of unimaginable perpetuity, we take for granted what REALLY is important. But then again, its an almost necessary thing to have existed in the first place, that is, to be involved in some sortve happenings that may or may not be important stuff, and how would we even know until we've found out it was right or wrong much later.

If that sounds right or partly, then i conclude one lasting thought. When i was little, i didnt learn things individually. Instead i took 'strings' or phrases of words and imitated the sound of those strings without meaning. That in itself is like a principle of experience, or one aspect that we could say follows the "Is-ness" of being here: First we're here, Second we're storing that impression into the fabric and then keeping it alive. Deriving from that   we then might say, "that is what we are.. some sortve fabric?... Or texture-like"

I think we have to work on it step by step, not try to have the Grand View of it when in a state of Being that won't allow that too happen. If Your stress out you won't be able to use your capabilities to its optimum level, so stress out over a situation makes the whole situation worse, so first accept what is as it is absolutely, this will stop stress from happening, then you can use your capabilities to its highest potential, knowing that not everyone has the same capabilities..

So lets say I get a glimpse of my Free Will capability, then I create the experience i want to experience within myself always, I want Joy, so that becomes my normal state of being, then from there every other perspective may change, and then life goes on from there, but first create a stable base, where You are not a slave to situations, then you can be more free to see what is the reality, Clarity becomes more pronounced and with that comes Ease in Life, and more chance to live to higher possibility and more Knowing... Hope that makes sense:)

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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All I think about. Lol.   

turns out its just an insignificant dream of duality that is starting to slowly disintegrate. 

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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10 hours ago, kavaris said:

Let me try to extrapolate that into my new form, and tell me how it sounds...

The "i" is the creator of all things, albeit subliminal, or unaware (a kindve staggered between the realization of) whether or not what we are, who we are or what we could be is. And so we are here, not as an idea of what it means to be here but more like what it is to be in a dream where you are just there. When the "i" is just there, the "i" is within the kind of experience or mindset where you are performing or experiencing, and those are the underlying principles that keep that force churning.

There’s two different “I” (not really but just for the sake of explaining the situation).


Lets say the big “I” that is existence, God, consciousness, Brahman, Allah, Jejovah etc etc etc 


and then there’s the small “I”

the small I lives inside the big I


In Buddhism they call it the Big Mind and the small mind.

The Big Mind being what creates all appearances and the small minds the characters we play inside that Big Mind. 

The cosmic joke is that the small minds are really the Big Mind who disguises itself to experience itself. As a unity it cannot know itself.

Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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If i could actually remember what would be considered my very first experiences, i could extrapolate that and build/present a very nice map of everything. alls i remember is flashes of scenes of grass outside, or layouts of houses inside and nothing prior, or after, that really connects, just like, its own void of memory... that which also makes no sense,

I can say, at some point there was a more obvious reason to explicitly remember things as opposed to living in a void without rememberances, but thats like, not analogous to anything helpful i dont think.

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What we need to do is make a story, or a compilation that we can then make into a story, of all our lives now, and then in some distant, magical land where we havent screwed up yet, we talk to those versions of us, therein trying to convince ourselves of whats to come, therein making something thats substantially related to those places (thoughts and feeling etc) that existed prior.... And possibly multiple intrusions because its like, it takes several round trips to convince yourself. Its like, the first one could have been an hallucination... Where as the 2nd or 3rd you that shows up its like, "okay why did myself keep visiting myself".

Or for our next dream journal, i think its worth trying to get that idea to sink in, and that adds alot of intent/direction... even if you havent screwed up yet its a good way to penitrate dreams if they're all over the place and hard to pin down so to speak.

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i get lost in "positive v. negative", in terms of like... asking those big questions, "how can anything be if i cant even properly descern whats a "this" thing or a "that" thing... like, the cascade that it goes by is constantly being requestioned and thrown back into some staggered state like uhhhmm.... "what is going on", -is my question still... like, in terms of birth, how we were like "max" calm, what is that?... ... ... is what im tryina say.

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You cannot discern because that thing you want to understand goes beyond your comprehension. That’s how the delusion gets created and the world gets created too. 

Because you are that thing you are looking for. And you because you are one thing you cannot experience yourself. You need to create ideas that you are separated. There’s objects etc others persons, that you were born etc etc 


You will never discern or understand with the mind or logic. It only can be revealed by an epiphany or some experience that will give you a glimpse of what you are.

You are what you are looking for. 

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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There is a spirituall battle going on over your soul. 

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We should have like... a "challenge everything" formula, or just a line of questioning ready to go when you need it, starting with things that are true in this universe like, "Are days of the week real" -like, is sunday a distinct day on earth? Then go to... something like, "Is [month: day: hrs: min: seconds] real. Is that (to you) saying something about the state of things in reality? Or is it a conceptual idea/space, a belief we hold onto in order to not be... like... lost in some other space.

This would bring me into a new domain of questioning, but thats like, the *intro* that we can communicate about.

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