
Israel is being attacked

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9 hours ago, tvaeli said:

Then there is a lot of work to do to integrate others and find out they are "legal jews" in some sense, in being the legal cityzens of their country? Are they friendly people for the jews, and are they willing to mix their blood, understandings and family contacts in a way that jews would simply evolve and get some new blood; or are they somehow inviders?

I like your fair and non-judgmental mature attitude I feel from your messages.

I think both Jews and Arabs should have their place to fulfill their cultural uniqueness and collective ego, so I am not sure if mixing (in the family level) is the best option.

I understood partially some of your points, I need to read you again before I can relate more 😃

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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Just a weeping reminder, by yet another song..

And a clumsy Hebrew translation, i guess:

Despite of the lie, the death and the woes of forgiveness
Through fire and water I shall walk with thee
With lies and difficulty of forgiveness
I shall be with thee in good and bad
Do not gloat when your enemy falls
Despite of the blood, the dark and the war
Through fire and water I shall walk with thee
With the end of the war and the darkness
I shall be with thee in good and bad
I shall be with thee in good and bad

Edited by Yog

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19 hours ago, Nivsch said:

I like your fair and non-judgmental mature attitude I feel from your messages.

I think both Jews and Arabs should have their place to fulfill their cultural uniqueness and collective ego, so I am not sure if mixing (in the family level) is the best option.

I understood partially some of your points, I need to read you again before I can relate more 😃

I think blood is a very complex thing and mixing to some degree is very important - the blood of Arabs has been long time ago somewhat mixed with the blood of Jews, and there might be important genes one of the family is carrying and evolving for the others. Completely pure blood is always bound to die - aristocrat families, which did not mix their blood, got a specific genetic disorder more or less every time this happened. Somehow, the genes are working for evolution, and families of jews and arabs, which have made love thousands of years ago, are bound to marry sometimes again, to keep their genetic information up to date.

I know about aristocrat blood - my father has aristocrat blood, and my mother is more or less pure viking, but also quite a good family of them. She has good relations to America, so I sometimes imagine she is american; maybe the blood was carried to america long time ago. Just because she always makes friends there :) Aristocrats of Russia as my grand-grand-father, they used to live a certain tradition and this tradition was dead one day; most of them was killed, but my family had not breaken the democratic lifestyle very much and was more of a modern family, so the people did not want to kill them. Now, in another condition, where more freedom and legal laws were introduced - and USSR was definitely a step up to a civilization in Russia, not down, even if it got broke later -, they had kind of depression; my grand-grand-father was definitely broken and with some inner hate as I can relate on the photos. The cultural shift meant that the family identity was broken and they were not so able to relate the family symbols and beliefs with democracy, as I am - somewhat they had to cope with the new thinking and this is absolutely yin, to surrender. Here, to fit into the new culture, you can not follow your ideals much - my grandfather could, as his ideal was science and he was quite fit there. So your own personality is very much shadowed as it does not fit into the new society. Probably similar thing happened to peasants as well as they could not live only by the tradition, I hear that there was a lot of pain there in some places at least, but I can speak of my own experience. I personally believe that this is a normal phase of human development that sometimes you have a shadow, you are very much concerned about not being perfect. In this phase, I can see my family was proud that they do like the new civilization, and want to build it more or less. They were very rich before and they had to learn that money is not everything, also the social relations and other things matter (well they were lucky to have built some - who could not be upgraded to new level of civilization, was definitely killed at these times, and something like this has been happened in every country in the world, as catholics ran through similar process of "genetic breeding", you could not avoid). Here the second generation, my father, was very much into the new society and identifying as such, but his past ideals were still very broken and the way to criticize the society by talking about old lost values he knew, was not healthy. So I had to work a lot with the wounds of my father as I was a child (and my mother) and I resolved into completely modern psychology and solutions, and adapted a lot. I found out that the family culture of mine had resolved into being part of the democratic process, and following strictly a mission of "doing their own thing", the music and a lots of things have resolved around this resolution. Now it's a society of free and equal people, but when you carry a high purpose, you can introduce it to society, and the aristocrat symbolism of the old had been resolved around this. Many are just free and happy members of the new culture, with power of, say, singing of engineering - as the "governance" is defined as building infrastructure, things like bridges, and other elements of civilization, they could simply do that.

So I defined lately that the first generation is completely overshadowed, not so happy as they have broken heart and thinking, and is not coping very much - even if they are idealistic, they cannot very naturally be themselves, but they have certain depression to solve. The second generation is more or less adapted, but the way they express their personal ideals is more or less broken. The third generation, if the family is healing, has integrated their own purpose with the new culture, and transcended their symbols in such way that the experience of the family would not be lost. For example, a King archetype would apply to famous singer like Eminem, the war and battle archetype to hip hop battles, and the victory into convincing the listener into the meaning of the music; so the successful leadership is if they get their message heard. About the positive and negative outcomes, the fairy tales of the past could be studied another time, given that the archetypes are not direct and physical meanings of the words, but similar powers in the new society, where the people are free. Well many families tried to keep them free in the past as well, so this is not a new conception for the christian fighters or the fairy tales, which were somewhat symbolic even in the past.

Now if this goes into integrating an arab into a jewish culture, you can think it's quite good when: the first generation is painful about the integration, but still carries the ideal of becoming a member and being fully functional, and they can look a little bit tortured even if they proudly avoid telling that and try to cope with their new reality. The second generation would be integrating, but they are hard to deal if they express their own ideals, which are not fully developed. The third generation is able to learn from their experience and more or less fully integrate. To grow appropriate roots into the society, this takes longer. Now, as they have some genetic powers, they have developed them again and successfully integrated into the jewish society - in this, they can be creative and not suspressed, and the jewish family generally gets something new, a new blood. Integrating with the arab families, which have a history of being successful friends with jews, can ensure that the jewish blood is decent and new "inventions" of the arab gene are not lost. Also their religion is more or less borrowed from jewish religion and you would like to ensure that you have all the new developments also in your genetics.

From the jewish side, they have some specific jewish genes and characteristics, and in all the mixing, they want to ensure that these continue to exists, they have to rebalance. I think we have some kind of masterplan for the genetic mutations we plan for our families, and this means keeping some central genetic information alive, but constantly getting the genes from others all around the world to stay up-do-date with all the "inventions" the genes are able to do; and to create stronger bonds with those families.

In some times, aristocrats have tried to keep their bloodlines pure - this is not modern, and also this is bound to fail by introducing genetic disorders. For a nation, they would come later, but surely the genes would not be up to date. So it's very important to know some characteristics you need from others; for example in democracy, you need some genes to serve, some yin aspects some family might be weaker in, or to socialize more and adapt with the culture instead of creating one; but also other families can introduce new genetic combinations, which are aristocratic in nature or introduce something new to this - this means, having more honour, being more civilized, more advanced in building the infrastructures etc. It's healthy to want those combinations and mix with new families, which have developed aristocrat characteristics or have developed something new you cannot compete with. This takes generations to get those genes properly, but I think there is something deeper and more substantial about a family or a nation than the genes; you have some model of ideal genetics and characteristics and the genes, they are also mixed to achieve that - over the generations, you get your face back and you are more yourself than before. The combinations you got from other nations long time again, they are evolved in their purity, and you want something more from these families over time, and the connections you got with other families, you want to grow them stronger.

With arabs, you have a very good starting point that they have direct lines from king David, Abraham etc., and they must somehow represent those values. They are large nation introducing many new genes and you have to "harvest" this. Actually, a genuine love has to do something here. When the ideals of arab families, their archetypes and lessons, are properly integrated, when they go through the shadow until they find the common truth behind truth of their new nationality and old one, the larger jewish archetype would carry on until the family structure with new genes once again has all the jewish ideal characteristics.

I personally think that jews and the aristocrats are the yin and yang of one polarity of "god-chosen" nations or families, aristocrats being yang, are chosen one-by-one, and jews as a collective. So the jews represent the material element and aristocrats the ideal element; the first ones achive a lot in the collective, material state, whereas the other gives rise to single personalities, who transcend some flat and wide aspect, like laws, into a new stage. There exists a relationship of hate and love in this yin and yang, but I think it has historically usually resolved. In this, when I put aside the religious reasons to live along with your journey to heaven, I have to think about king Arthur, who is marked as a special person in aristocrat history, and who went several times to fight for Israel. His deep meanings - well, of war - are of utmost importance to me; aristocrats also carried through the christian wars, which has jewish roots - somehow, this conception of heaven seemed to fit with the idealistic world-view, and beat the others, so it had to be introduced as a law. Jews have lived along with aristocrat activities sometimes supporting with the money, as aristocrats tend to be poor very often and not have money for the whole country, jews somehow manage this. And then, there are heavy incidents of war, but with so strong alchemy between two nations, this is normal that you see both extremes repeating, it resolves something greater - for a nation, if some people are becoming poor or die, it's not so big matter, but what matters a lot, whether the surviving part can build something higher than before. I don't have many feelings about many families killed in revolutions, they were usually too proud or something :) Usually these are local incidents, the big wars and peace processes somehow go on. Here I have some deep love for the jews, which is sometimes shadowed - in love, you always get angry when you see some imperfection; for some other nations, when they show imperfections, I don't care at all. But I think the genes of those two nations are not too easily mixed - well, we have kings of jews and jewish families, who have carried it to leadership characteristics.

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16 hours ago, Yog said:

Just a weeping reminder, by yet another song..

And a clumsy Hebrew translation, i guess:

Despite of the lie, the death and the woes of forgiveness
Through fire and water I shall walk with thee
With lies and difficulty of forgiveness
I shall be with thee in good and bad
Do not gloat when your enemy falls
Despite of the blood, the dark and the war
Through fire and water I shall walk with thee
With the end of the war and the darkness
I shall be with thee in good and bad
I shall be with thee in good and bad

Thank you.

I want to remind that in Buddhist system of elements - Mahābhūta - (here probably the western one is used, but there are connections) fire is the element of will, or the heat and energy; water is the element of flow through temporary situations, or of having the round corners. So "through fire and water" might mean flowing with round corners, with personal will or the energy and heat.

In the western system of four elements (Aristotle later added fifth, the Aether, corresponding to Space in Buddhism, making the elements worldwide equal more or less - but in some systems we have wood or metal in place of another element) fire is also associated with energy or passion, thus a personal will, and water is associated with emotion and intuition - thus also making us to flow through changing situations.

In the Jewish War, by my own intuition, Josephus in the Roma is determined mostly by the fire element, feeling his unique personal mission, which would change the history. The free will or personal will can never work properly if it's not related to Godly mission, or higher idea - the Solar Plexus would be blocked and non-functional -, so the existence of the fire element itself would somehow prove his mission; this feeling is associated with some "Godly guidance" or being in favour of the real-world facts. The word "mission" itself is associated with fire element; it can be personal and unique in the beginning, and then grow big.

In modern whichcraft, which also uses the five elements (and is more ethics-based than the old whichcraft, which was prone to excess of personal will), pentagram is associated with each element through it's corners. Sometimes I like whichcraft, but I rather compare it dangerous when related to Buddhism, Christianism or other major religion, as those are models based on modern ethics, whereas whichcraft was originally based on ancient ethics - but this is very important, as ancient ethics gives us archetypes simpler and more easy to see or compare with symbolized physical events and objects; if you go to the end with the ancient symbolics, they are as high as modern religion.

It's very good song about the shadows of mind - https://spireason.neocities.org/Yin and Yang in Meditation.pdf in this text I wrote about those shadows, how they appear in our mind, and how they are natural part of life's processes through Dukkha; we cannot avoid them. In the beginning, they get more unhealthy, but as we get more used with working with them, they get more healthy - if you avoid the shadow completely, keeping it out of mind, as some positive thinkers can do, they become underdeveloped and perverted concepts of the real thing and you do not learn to solve conflicts ethically; thus we cannot critizise too much when people are going through shadows; in jewish mythology, they say the it's the day and night of soul, and that you inevitably go through days and nights. This way, jewish is quite developed about shadows. Buddha says that you must watch, in meditation, things coming and going, neutrally - whatever happens; this is sometimes more developed concept than concentrating on bliss and love, which is rather the end result of every process, and the beginning in id phase (before eating from the tree of good and bad, you have the childish version of truth, after going through shadows - or spiritual battles - you develop mature and independent version of the same; religions go through atheism - in the end, they have some conception of higher truth or god again, but they are much more personally responsible; id phase is like living with parents, and superego phase is like living alone, but being friends with parents - the kind of atheism, which later becomes enlightened, is like the ego phase, where you have conflict with your parents and pain of being alone; I'm not saying that atheists, in the end, become believers, but I only say that they develop a high standard of moral and ethics, which is equal to having God or creating it in your life; I am saying that when you are kicked out of your Godly home, the lack of God in all the infinity you see, of theorems and of space, is so strong and the theorem of God is so empty, that your model is atheism even if you have some inner belief in God; so there is an aspect of God being psychological - when you enter the ego phase, start to develop your personality, the initial instincive presence of God will go away and you start to create Godly aspects, like presence of Truth, Love and Civilization in your life, and when these are very strong, you are in free flow as if God exists - but this is equal to creating God subjectively, as the flow of favourable events is equal and it's achieved through the aspects, which are told to be Godly; this way I have transcended the buddhist idea of being beyond existence and non-existence of God - what really exists, is much more complex and involves all God, atheism and things in between, and you haven't really philosophized about God before those start to seem to be one thing; if your karma about God is so bad that you receive nothing, the God would indeed disappear from your whole reality, and the reality you have created does not contain God - and philosophically, this reality without God is as real as any other). In reality without God, the Fire element of free will still only works when the situation is favourable and when it's the real thing, so then you can speak of Will of God. This way, the Jewish War, when you look at the will of Josephus, proves that "God has given Israel to Jews", and this fact is completely unrelated to the conceptions of God existing or not - God is far too complex to exist or not, is the totality of reality, and the atheist laws of nature are also a totality of reality, whereas God's attributes are there positive ends to follow, and in enlightening of culture - the kind of enlightenment which happened with scientific revolution or democratization - the Godly attributes become a part of totality of our reality, thus our subjective state becomes closer to some kind of existence of God, but we remain independent and co-creators. So the appearance of atheism is in the religion, which should see it as well, the case where one stops directly obeying the God and starts looking for a mature, independent, equal relationship with God, and this is where the relationship of child and the father leads as well. This conception of God also explains, why "Gods" of different cultures are different and why they fight about them - this is the process of independence, of subjectivity of God, as it's indeed equal or the same thing we create ourselves with out lives and our Karma. This is very hard to be an atheist and believe in the God at the same time, and this might appear in the end of enlightenment.

Edited by tvaeli

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51 minutes ago, Raze said:


GDF is a gold mine. Especially that Iraq video.

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