
Black holes: An interesting thought experiment

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I watched a video today, and learned how nothing ever "enters" a blackhole. Perhaps i didnt understand it properly, but if you consider two points ~ wherein, one person is at a point of view that they are close-up to the blackhole, and another is observing from afar, wouldnt it then be the case that no matter where you are, alls you would ever see is things frozen in time/never moving and never "entering", even relative to the closest point where light is also being distorted and "not appearing", i.e. the darkness of the blackhole.

Because, is there not a difference in terms of when you first start seeing things come to a halting stop, and you yourself being an item within that halting stop.

And again i phrase it like that as it is interesting, and maybe yous can figure out whats wrong w/ the analogy/ wrong with my phrasing or just correct me if im wrong.

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I would consider you entered the black hole if gravity is pulling on you so much that your light cannot escape to reach the outside world.

That seems like a pretty clear line.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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There are too many assumptions in this line of questioning. 

Is entering the black hole mean the event horizon, or the singularity?

No amount of scientific theorizing or thought experimenting will explain the experience of falling into a black hole. It's too alien from anything our minds currently know.

How would infinite time dilation and spatial compression effect conciousness?

It's like trying to explain psychdelics to someone using only words and chemistry formulas.

You'll have to jump into one to actually find out 😉

God and I worked things out

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