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False replicants of perspective and reality

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If I try to uncover that about the totality of my existence which is purely perspectival I find instead that my perspectives and the things that I have perspectives on are inseparable.

They can in other words only appear separated in my imaginations, and that this is possible implies that in my imaginations I conceive versions of "perspective" and "reality" that are false replicants. 

Why would I think that the false replicants were not false before and during the attempt to uncover the purely perspectival?

Edited by Reciprocality

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So it turns out that replicant did not mean what I thought it did, what I mean is "duplicate" functioning as a "replacement".

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My answer to my question posed in the post is that imagination and separation is identical such that not only do you have the separation of reality and perspective in your imagination but an alternative to this is impossible.

Edit: if the alternative is impossible then the imagination of the separation between perspective and reality is necessary.

Edited by Reciprocality

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When we discover that such things are necessary logically we are bound to ask whether they is metaphysically necessary too.

My last question then is this: is imagination or separation a metaphysical necessity, is separation something which will happen eternally?

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I can not help it, there are two ways of going about my initial statement in the thread (and therewith the seed to the rest), either you believe that I were presupposing the existence of the separation I conceded to exist only in imagination (this perspective would be very popular in the general actualised community) or you respond affirmatively to my last question posed above about the eternity of separations (stating it as an ontological primitive). This ontological primitive would exist prior to your imagination, your imagination would only be an instance of the rule.

The only way such an eternity could be true is if I am separate from others within it, and the only way it could be false is if I or also a limited number of others are the only existing things.


Culture is that which conceals this eternity from you, as it conceals that you are a part of that eternity. But why is it that it is able to do so? I believe the answer to this is that you need your sense of self, and it gives that to you by saying that you are a part of something different than the eternity of separations. Your true identity is concealed because it feels absolutely horrible to lose yourself.

This community is no different than any other in this regard, it gives you the sense of self you need.

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