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is it effective to hit on 30 girls during the day at the mall for example? or this kind of practice should be limited to night game in a club environment ?

Because leo said in the second video that he would only do 3 or 4 approaches during the day. and that night game is where you really learn. but if that's the case you're not gonna go deliberately practicing at the mall only for 4 approaches when you could do 30 at the night club. also is it socially acceptable to hit on 30 girls during the day at the mall or this kind of practice is only acceptable at the club ? i did so many day game at the mall like i did thousands of approaches but was this wise, or should this be limited to the club, and during the day you only hit on a few girls you encounter by accident and you practice during the night?

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Depends on the volume of the mall.

30 is a lot of approaches for day.

But certainly you could do that occasionally. Could you do it every day of the week? No, they will kick you out.

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