
Fighting back

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On 5/19/2024 at 8:48 AM, bebotalk said:

No. maybe you're from a ghetto or some highly spiritual place.

it's unacceptable to lean on others. not everybody shares your shoddy or sloppy personality. if not, then justify doing this. There is no justification. if people do that to me, they get shoved, I don't care who they are. strangers don't touch me. i don't know their intent, nor do I know them. you're not as socially geared as you claim. people i don't know hold no right to touch me, and only a fool or. ababy has any issue with that. 

As for asking strangers for information and getting offended when they cannot respond physically, no, I've never done that. even if a person has "done something before" so what? people often lie. That doesn't mean one cannot say it's wrong to lie. the fact that lying isn't desirable is valid. one DOES NOT ask strangers for info in such a manner. or what will they do? beat me? they can try. legally and morally, they're in the wrong anyhow. seemsin your culture, things are very shoddy and flimsy. if you don't know somebody, then your ties and obligations to them are lesser. you like to infuse your spirutalism as reality. you believe you're above law or life. i bet you'd get highly offended, when I've actually made several valid and prime points. Again, you don't seem as socially-geared and make up stuff in your brain and assume it's reality. or you take in these "nice societal points" and don't get their context or application and just lie and mispresent their spirit and intent lol. I bet me merely saying that strangers have less consideration than people others know offends you to your core, since it violates some internal metric or whim. 

If a women leaned on me or bumped into me and smiled and she is attractive I will capitalize the situation. 

Try to not see everything as threatening. Live a little.

  • Feminist 

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Posted (edited)

On 4/16/2024 at 2:07 PM, jimwell said:

You and I know that the core reason you hate and harm beautiful girls is because you love and admire them, but they don't love you back.

You reminded me of Elliot Rodger. I read his manifesto a few years ago. He hated girls because of the same reason I stated above. Initially, he did the things you did. I even remember him pouring hot coffee to a beautiful girl who he couldn't get. xD You and he are dangerous, but also pathetic.

I'm issuing a strong warning: If you continue down that pathetic and twisted path, you'll end up the way Elliot did. After all the harm he inflicted on beautiful girls, he eventually murdered them before murdering himself.

Here's a recent case of mass murder committed by a twisted Australian a few days ago, who might have been walking a similar path to you and Elliot. The 40-year-old Joel Cauchi also struggled with sexually attracting girls because of his poor social skills and schizophrenia.



I know you're too selfish to try to put yourself in the shoes of beautiful girls. But I think it's better if I talk about their perspectives. Yes, many of them may come across as rude, arrogant, or entitled because they possess the power of physical beauty. And you can't really blame them. If you were a man with a beautiful face and body, emitting masculine energy, and highly sexually attractive to girls, you couldn't help but be very self-confident or even arrogant.

Beautiful girls capture the hearts of dozens of boys in person, and hundreds, even thousands more on the internet, every day. That's how powerful they are. It's the reason they can earn a living without exerting as much effort as everybody else does. That's the power of their physical beauty. Their entitlement and arrogance are understandable. The beautiful girls who are confident but not arrogant are the mentally mature ones.

Another strong reason beautiful girls can appear rude and arrogant is because they feel they need to. Throughout their teenage and adult lives, tens of thousands of boys have hit on them. At work, male colleagues hit on them almost daily. Every time they walk down the street, a dozen male pedestrians hit on them. Inside the mall, another dozen horny boys, including pickup artists, hit on them. This constant, repetitive sexual aggression from boys makes beautiful girls feel repulsed and exhausted. It's important to note that almost all of these advances are UNWANTED from the perspective of the beautiful girls, constituting forms of sexual harassment.

How would you feel if an ugly and dirty male Indian homosexual with bad English approached you and initiated unwanted sexual contact? You would feel repulsed, correct? Now, imagine experiencing that scenario multiple times every day. It would undoubtedly make you feel extremely repulsed and annoyed; you might want to murder that homosexual.

That's how beautiful girls frequently feel. They endure various forms of sexual harassment almost daily, leading some to develop defense mechanisms such as aggression, rudeness, or arrogance to deflect unwanted advances. Beautiful girls aren't as physically strong as males, so their defense mechanisms are often subtle, indirect, or aggressive but non-physical. These mechanisms are sensible and valid. Beautiful girls have the right to say NO to horny boys the same way you have the right to say NO to that ugly Indian homosexual. (I'm not being racist to Indians. I remember this user complaining about Indian callers with bad English, hence an Indian homosexual is a suitable example.)

How do I know these things? I also frequently experience what beautiful girls experience. I'm not bragging but I must acknowledge that I tend to sexually attract beautiful girls (and ugly ones), and male homosexuals and bisexuals. Possessing beauty is a gift from God but it is also a curse. I frequently endure unwanted sexual advances, and most of them leave me feeling repulsed and annoyed - it amounts to sexual harassment. There's only a small percentage of girls who I want to fuck or impregnate.

I'm lucky because I can defend myself from sexual predators. Male homosexuals and bisexuals are much more sexually aggressive than girls but they fear and respect me, hence their sexual aggression towards me is implicit and subtle. Just a few hours ago, I deflected an implicit sexual aggression from a male homosexual neighbor via screaming at him and calling him a fagg0t until he walked away. I made my defense mechanism explicit because the implicit sexual aggression had happened too many times and my implicit defense mechanism was not enough to stop it. Humans are too greedy and immature to stop their shit.  

I feel very sorry for beautiful girls because they tend to be easy targets for sexual predators. And beautiful girls tend to endure explicit sexual aggression from horny boys, resulting in significant mental-emotional pain. And in some cases, beautiful girls are even murdered by these sexual predators as documented by the video below.

If you have some remaining goodness and sanity in you. Try to understand what I said. You can't blame beautiful girls and you can't hate them that much. You are free to dislike them but STOP harming them.

No. They tend to be the most disrespectful and entitled, with little to no ability to control their tongues. This is why acts of violence occur. The easiest targets are not the most attractive since the most attractive typically have more people around them. They typically are hurt due to retaliation of some sort.


This has nothing to do with gun control but has all to do with tongue control. Imagine if you controlled your tongue how many people could you potentially stop from commiting acts of violence.

Be the guy/girl/it where the shooter looks at you and tells you to leave, and then proceeds to go off hurting others(because you showed them love). 


  • Feminist 

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7 hours ago, MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI said:

If a women leaned on me or bumped into me and smiled and she is attractive I will capitalize the situation. 

Try to not see everything as threatening. Live a little.

i do't let strangers touch me. they could be a threat. or i probably didn't grow up in a shoddy environment. or my motor control is within the normal range. i dunno, really.... 

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Posted (edited)

On 20/05/2024 at 9:01 PM, MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI said:

If a women leaned on me or bumped into me and smiled and she is attractive I will capitalize the situation. 

Try to not see everything as threatening. Live a little.

I'd push a woman who leaned on me. your social sense is pretty poor. nobody needs to lean on another. or you're projecting your bad motor skills and co-ordination onto others. why should some arrogant pretty women assume i want her attention? I'm in public doing my own thing and not bothering anybody else. i have shit to do. is that wrong? though your logical reasoning and situational reading appears poor. 

I contend that attractive women are scum. i don't care who that "offends". It's my opinion. people need to get over it. 

Edited by bebotalk

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18 minutes ago, bebotalk said:

I'd push a woman who leaned on me.


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On 24/05/2024 at 0:10 PM, josemar said:


Minding one's own space is gay?? i guess this is some cultural difference. i don't know random women. in another avenues, that's a charge for a beatdown. and yes, women are weaker than men. but then these old school norms of men not hitting women are not as applicable these days, in given scenarios. it's not the 18th century. 


people are free to do as they please in public and not be bothered. moreover, if you're hostile to others, they will be hostile in return, especially if they don't know you. 

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I see the person who accused me of being Eliot Rodgers and claims "supreme social skills" didn't come back looool. what a dope!!!


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i stand pretty women are of a low moral and social quality. 

i see them as enemies. they plot, they're arrogant and thus they are enemies. it's simple. 

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No point in keeping this thread up anymore.

I suggest you first look into your own disposition to see what you can discover and transcend.

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