
Fighting back

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Over the past few weeks, I've had the following discourse with pretty women:


- Shouted at a group of pretty women, as they purposely cut in line in front of me at McDonald's. they looked shocked, but I didn't care. it's the norm not to cut lines. Being born with a pretty face or nice body doesn't give one a right to circumvent social norms. If that bothers people, then not everybody comes from your shoddy environment or possesses similarly shoddy comprehension. 

- Told one in their face on a train not to touch me, as she and her friend were literally leaning into me on a train station platform. Mind your own space, one doesn't need to touch another. 

- Scolded another hottie, when she asked me for directions to the nearest supermarket whilst I was sitting in a city centre park, eating sandwiches. As she asked me when literally had a mouthful of food, and thus couldn't speak, but she got "irate" at me not responding immediately. Yes, the world revolves around you. You're so cognitively shot that you don't get that basic truth that it DOES NOT revolve around you, since you were raised in a shoddy and pushy environment, like most pretty women seemingly. 


Since women are hot are enemies, and act as such, I treat them as such. I think people are offended that I don't. I thought all actions were free? I guess that hypocrisy in on others. I believe people with some social grace would concur at the root with my points here. Attractive women, nay anybody, warrant the treatment I've "harshly dealt them" in these examples. I genuinely do hate them. and if people tell me I'm "wrong" to have bigotries, explain why you condone racists and sexists. without seeing the parallels, and claiming you're "wise and mentally astute"..... rather an honest person (me) over a hypocritical whiner who cannot control their own thoughts/perceptions. 



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Posted (edited)

I’ve decided to unhide this. 

Men of the forum, please speak to this man so he can reflect on these thoughts. 

This here, is a good man going through an extremely toxic idealogy/ trauma. 

Brother, you are more loved than you know. 

Please, please get help. 

You might say “Thought art, don’t unhide this be kind” 


He literally posted this on the forum. 

If there is some chance we can help him heal this, and protect these women at the same time. 

He is a protector, but currently is seeing enemies in BEAUTY. 

Beauty, my friends… beauty is not an enemy. 

Send him some love guys.

Please speak to someone before you hurt yourself or someone else.

Your thoughts are currently extremely twisted. But, they are not you.

Most women you see are GOOD. They are good people, mothers, employees, lovers, etc

You are also a good man.

The pain you are experiencing is because of how you are thinking. 

It’s not actually true in reality. 

Women love people who love them. 

Whatever toxic material you’ve been consuming is untrue. 

Take the coming weeks to work through this, turn your ship toward higher seas. Do NOT hurt anyone. 

Your mind is lying to you.

Do you want to live in  world of hate?

Do you want to live in a world of fear?

Do you want to live in a world where your surrounded my enemies?

All that exists only in your mind.

It’s time you faced the truth. 

You are surrounded by beauty and love all the time but you can’t see it.


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Posted (edited)

11 hours ago, bebotalk said:

Since women are hot are enemies, and act as such, I treat them as such

What? Where is this coming from?

Edited by Thought Art

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@Bobby_2021 What would you say to a man going through this? 

Send him some truth and love. 

Come on guys. 

He isn’t the only many going through this. Let’s bring this thread around.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Posted (edited)

@bebotalk As a man, in my view we don’t view foolish, childish, or selfish people as enemies.

We see them as children, as people deserving of love but don’t know any better. 

Much like the love I’m showing you now. 

I am holding you accountable to man the fuck up, and love. Stop treating women as if they are your enemies. They are not. 


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Posted (edited)

@Thought Art As a dinosaur i fail to see where did he asked for help,he is just looking to justify actions he knows are off.

This type of guys create bitter women that you then complain on the forum, because you are sensitive just like him.

Again i fail to see how will love help here, like we suppose to substitue love of a mom and dad thats our job now? Last time i checked the mirror i didnt see myself as Jesus.

Feminine guys cant help him, become a man, if he was a man ,he wouldnt give a fuck if women is hot,but since he wants to fuck them so bad and life is not porn he attacks them because its easier than becoming a man.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Posted (edited)

@NoSelfSelf He didn’t ask for help. 

Okay, if you wanna be a jerk go ahead. 

I am surprised and disappointed in your response and attitude.

I expect more form fellow mods. But, hey. Hopefully you can self reflect as well. 

I want this thread to stay open so we can self reflect on this.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Thought Art 

This type of guys create bitter women that you then complain on the forum, because you are sensitive just like him.


Bro, are you okay? 

Is feeling, and thinking a problem? 

What is being sensitive to you? 

My approach to women does not make them bitter. I find your response bazaar. Please self reflect, Dinosaur sarcasm. 

With regards to Bebos post I want to be very clear…

As mods we are supposed to set an example. If you see your brother openly talking about wanting to hurt women, and women get hurt because you said nothing, and he gets hurt for hurting them…. That to me is sad. 

Be a leader, and even if you don’t know the right things to say you might as well try. 

A man who can’t see himself as a protector of women, as someone who loves women has gone deeply in the wrong direction. You’re here on the Actualized forum for a reason because you likely believe in personal development. You are here to grow.

We can’t police everything. Can’t help everyone. But, he posted this on the forum. This is an opportunity for him to receive feedback on this toxic and twisted aspect of his mind. 

What he is lacking is love. If he loved himself, and felt love from others he wouldn’t be hurting women, hating women, demonizing women and turning them into enemies. He would be a masculine, strong and decent man. If you don’t see how love could help a man like this, in this way you deeply misunderstood human psychology. 

Masculine men, are capable of developing emotional intelligence too. A masculine mature man, can recognize when another man is lacking love in his life. 

If you guys are having these types of aggressive thoughts towards women, see how that closes and shuts you off from loving and healthy relationships. 

Go seek help. It’ll be worth it.


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Posted (edited)

I adopted a similar way of thinking in my teens although not to the same extend. I was so insecure about women especially the hot ones that I needed of way of thinking about them which would allow me to interact with them without loosing my face. So the hotter a women was the more "confident", indifferent, distanced and cold I around them. I probably needed that picture of a hot women to justify my behavior. And I also figured that women like it more than my insecure natural self which would make them cringe. For better or for worse it was a survival strategy. 

Edited by Jannes

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@bebotalk Nobody is inherently evil or an enemy. Even tough I feel the same way but I don't go around hurting women like this. @Thought Art as for this guy forgive me if I am being a hypocrite but I hurt women who have hurt me in the past and generally don't hurt women I need to stop demonizing beautiful women which I need to work on. And also there is an avoidance of truth mechanism going on. You did excellent job by posting that video. The truth being avoided here is:

Beautiful women are also human, beutiful women suffer in their life too.



Edited by Rishabh R

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@bebotalk Imo, at a certain point you have to ask yourself what you want from life. Is this the way of living that you want in life?

Edited by Ulax


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@Thought Art You are such a good willed man im melting in your masculine presence,ill prepare some hot chocolate,tissues,shape my attitude that is full of unconditional love and undenying understanding,dont you worry bob we gonna save you,dont shout at women in meantime everything gonna be okay you are loved and protected.❤

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Contemplate why you feel this way.

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Posted (edited)

@NoSelfSelf Please self reflect on your behaviour. 


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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TBH, sounds like you just got sand in your vagina. None of these interactions are a big deal. Like, what are you afraid of?

If someone is annoying, you don't have to immediately escalate to shouting. Just letting them know calmly but firmly will make most people back down because most people want to do good with others. The fact you want to fight immediately says more about you.

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Posted (edited)

@Basman Not only is he emotionally reactive, and easily triggered.

He says they are his enemies, what do you think about that?

What would you say to a man who hates attractive women, and says they are his enemies?

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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