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I'm behind on my academic requirements due to being a transfer student

3 posts in this topic

A while ago I posted this:

A while ago I posted this:

I'm a student at a University, one that I regret going as it was not my top choice at all. I figured it was okay because "it was all going to be over soon", as I'm transferring as a Junior, meaning I have this year, than next, and what's the problem? Well it turns out that when I transferred from Community College, I more likely transferred in as a Sophomore, or even as a Freshman.

Only half of all of my Community College credits transferred into this new school, which is devastating because it took me three years to complete Community College instead of the normal two. I'm majoring in a B.S. in Physics, and in Community College, I took Physics I and Physics II. Neither Physics courses transferred as they were not "Calculus based physics courses". I'm only now taking Physics I. I could have taken it last semester, but they required for me to go through a "virtual advising appointment", and did not allow me to register for courses until I did this appointment, and the time slot was only late into the month after everyone else already did theirs. So by the time it was my turn, all the Physics courses were taken. I only took a Precalculus course  in Community College because I at the time did not know at all what I wanted to major in, and so i didn't take Calculus courses. 

I emailed my professor about realistically, how much time do I have left in this college, and he wrote my back that realistically it will take until Spring 2027 until I'm finally able to finish this stupid B.S. . *realistically Spring or Fall 2026, as the professor did not factor in me taking summer classes.

I'm so unbelievably frustrated as it seems that nothing academic wise is going my way. I wanted to get into another University, I got into this one instead. I want to pass my exams, I'm flunking each one again. I wanted to get a good SAT score, I get less than a thousand again. I want good grades, but finished with a D grade in my required CHEM 101 class. I wanted to have to spend on this and next year at this college, it's going to take my until Spring 2027. 

It seems that nothing in college is going my way and I'm extremely frustrated. I'm not just frustrated academically, but also romantically and intimately. I'm 21 years old, meaning I'm going to be older than most of the students here. I don't want to be creepy and hit on younger students. "So why don't you branch outside of your college?" Thats not an option, as my University is a commuter school. The school is an island surrounded by highways, meaning that there is no college bar or town. This school as well has no social life and is completely dead on the weekends, as its a commuter school where everyone drives home on the weekends.

And! I tried looking for internships and research opportunities, but I was so busy with school work that i kept postponing it. I just missed the deadline and now I have to wait for next year to do undergraduate research and internships.

I also found this neat article:

If you are a High Schooler reading this, please do not go to Community College. You will lose most of your credits upon transferring and it will take you longer to graduate. If you truly have to go to Community College, please stay only for one year and then GTFO.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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Life isn’t going the way your ego wants it to which causes you deep suffering and dissatisfaction. Welcome to planet Earth. 

If succeeding in school is what you want advice on so that you’ll be happy as a result, I’ll skip the bullshit and give you no advice for that as it is a fool’s errand if your goal is to actually feel better about life and feel better about yourself. You are focusing your efforts on a solution that doesn’t work in the first place. 

Even if you outcompete your peers academically, this will be a hollow victory. You will have put in tons of effort to fight against the expression of your natural traits in order to still feel empty. You can skip that nonsense and feel empty now. 

If you want to be in a higher socioeconomic status than your peers, having good money habits and investing in something would serve you better anyway. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Yup………I was in community college 3 years. Only half of the credits transferred, and I did poorly in the university. I have 2 Associate’s degrees and a Bachelor’s degree, though. And, of course, the debt that comes along with them. I started at the community college 2 weeks after I graduated high school, and I left the university at 26. Didn’t get my degree for another year because I had to retake a final and finalize everything with the thesis office. Let’s just say I don’t look back fondly on my life between the ages of 18 and 28.

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