
Vietnamese billionaire sentenced to death for $44bn fraud

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It is extremely effective for the sake of order to fk up one single person up as example of consecuencirs of clearly misbehaving and trashy behavior .

I don't believe in the saying " violence doesn't solve problems"

Sometimes it's exactly needed in just the right amount 


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As much as I oppose the death penalty, its great to see a Socialist country still upholding socialist/proletarian values and holding the rich accountable for there crimes. Whereas in Capitalist America we elect such people as President at most, or at least just excuse them for their crimes. 

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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8 hours ago, Schizophonia said:



Since when have you been a fascist? 

Killing the parasites won't make you fascist 

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Kill her, and she can reincarnate a day later. 
Put her in jail, and she's there for 20–30 years.

An authoritarian socialist would have her contribute to society for 20–30 years. Fix up some houses for the homeless, make some clothing for people who don't have any, and work in a soup kitchen, paying penance for all the harm she's caused, to the people she's caused it to.

If they wanted an example, they could show the former billionaire every 5 years on national TV in a soup kitchen feeding people, or in the fields making their food.  Humbling them while giving them a useful place in society, keeping them as a reminder to others not to do the same - That's authoritarian socialism. 

Better for society overall. The homeless issue would be a lot less of an issue if 10% of the prison population were made to do this, burglars, for example, come to mind as a very direct reflection of their crimes. But no capitalists will just bill the taxpayer and keep them in a small box for most of their young working life. - Logic.

Edited by BlueOak

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On 4/12/2024 at 7:20 PM, Leo Gura said:

And now you understand why corruption persists in the world.

But also, we don't have laws that execute people for scamming. Although we should.

We could just make the punishment is you have to take 5 MEO DMT daily for a week. That will whip you into shape. Don't have to kill you physically...just mentally.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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14 hours ago, Schizophonia said:



Since when have you been a fascist? 

Well politicians send young men to kill innocent people. When we have someone in society that is a mass murderer, particular a serial killer we sentence them to death.  
Someone that wages wars kill far more people than a serial killer so, there is some logic to exucuting people that kill hundreds of thousands of lives, or how about a company that releases a drug that kills or injures millions?   Is their crime lesser than someone that kills 5 children, because of corporate laws limited liability?

Edited by Tanz

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6 hours ago, royce said:

Killing the parasites won't make you fascist 

That's exactly the language fascists employ. What you don't realize is that you are actually the parasite, and that, by your own logic, you should be eradicated.


But of course, you don't agree with that, because you are a parasite, whose nature is ignorance and malice, and therefore believes that you won't be one of the people who should get executed. You're lucky most of mankind has transcended this laughably undeveloped mentality, so in the end you are privileged enough to never get to experience the consequences of your ignorance. But you are free to circle-jerk on here with all the rest of the socially and mentally defunct people on this forum.

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10 minutes ago, Scholar said:

That's exactly the language fascists employ. What you don't realize is that you are actually the parasite, and that, by your own logic, you should be eradicated.


But of course, you don't agree with that, because you are a parasite, whose nature is ignorance and malice, and therefore believes that you won't be one of the people who should get executed. You're lucky most of mankind has transcended this laughably undeveloped mentality, so in the end you are privileged enough to never get to experience the consequences of your ignorance. But you are free to circle-jerk on here with all the rest of the socially and mentally defunct people on this forum.

Glory to israel 

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3 hours ago, Tanz said:

Well politicians send young men to kill innocent people. When we have someone in society that is a mass murderer, particular a serial killer we sentence them to death.  
Someone that wages wars kill far more people than a serial killer so, there is some logic to exucuting people that kill hundreds of thousands of lives, or how about a company that releases a drug that kills or injures millions?   Is their crime lesser than someone that kills 5 children, because of corporate laws limited liability?

I'm for the death penalty, but not for "just" scammers.

Edited by Schizophonia

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It would be pretty easy to pass a law which says that if you scam or defraud over $100M, then you could get the death penalty.

Very simple, clear-cut law.

Honestly, why don't we have such a law? What innocent person is it gonna harm? You don't scam $100M+ by accident. These are highly intentional crimes.

The only reason such laws don't exist is because 10% of Wall Street would be executed.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura

8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It would be pretty easy to pass a law which says that if you scam or defraud over $100M, then you could get the death penalty.

Very simple, clear-cut law.

Honestly, why don't we have such a law? What innocent person is it gonna harm? You don't scam $100M+ by accident. These are highly intentional crimes.

The only reason such laws don't exist is because 10% of Wall Street would be executed.

   True, who's going to miss 10% of wall street intentionally criminal and ripping off 80% of the population?

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12 hours ago, Razard86 said:

We could just make the punishment is you have to take 5 MEO DMT daily for a week. That will whip you into shape. Don't have to kill you physically...just mentally.

   That law is too expensive. We'd run out of 5 MeO DMT. What genius would consider that without considering the tradeoffs?

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

It would be pretty easy to pass a law which says that if you scam or defraud over $100M, then you could get the death penalty.

Very simple, clear-cut law.

Honestly, why don't we have such a law? What innocent person is it gonna harm? You don't scam $100M+ by accident. These are highly intentional crimes.

The only reason such laws don't exist is because 10% of Wall Street would be executed.

Because you can't just make special exemptions on a fundamental principle of civility based on some socialist ideal you have because you listen to too much Hasan. The entire idea of killing defenseless people, which has never shown to have any impact on preventing crime, is something we are moving away from as a developed society.


Putting them in prison for life would be more than sufficient. There is literally no point in contradicting our fundamental values as a society so that we an feel validated about "punishing the rich". Especially in a context in which we don't even put these people in prison! How about you start putting them in prison instead of going for executions and opening pandora's box?



Mayber we should make a very simple clear cut law that executes people who advocate for the usage of psychedelics and moral nihilism, which leads to an increase in suicidality and social harm.

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17 hours ago, Razard86 said:

We could just make the punishment is you have to take 5 MEO DMT daily for a week.

That is too precious an experience to hand out to such cretins.

5-MeO is a reward, not a punishment.

Edited by Leo Gura

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7 minutes ago, Scholar said:

Because you can't just make special exemptions on a fundamental principle of civility based on some socialist ideal

Punishment for a serious crime like stealing $100M is no exception to civility. These are not harmless crimes, they go to the core of corruption and systemic inequality.

And if we start executing people on Wall Street, yes, it will be a huge deterant and wake up call for them. They have grown fat knowing that they will never face any serious punishment. Hundred million dollar frauds are run without a care in the world by these people, as if they are playing a video game.

Edited by Leo Gura

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34 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Punishment for a serious crime like stealing $100M is no exception to civility. These are not harmless crimes, they go to the core of corruption and systemic inequality.

And if we start executing people on Wall Street, yes, it will be a huge deterant and wake up call for them. They have grown fat knowing that they will never face any serious punishment. Hundred million dollar frauds are run without a care in the world by these people, as if they are playing a video game.

Your argument is fundamentally flawed because we do not even punish such people with life in prison. It wouldn't be a greater deterant than if you simply put them in prison for life. Your logic is just silly. You only get negatives, while achieving nothing that you could not achieve with deterants that are in line with fundamental priniples of humanity, civility and moral progress. Even ChatGPT is more sophisticated than you are on this question, which should be embarrassing.

Especially people such as the most vile criminals are essential for us as a society to transcend such flaws in our nature. We must understand them, we must allow them to to exist so as to demonstrate our core values as a soiety, and we must allow them to redeem themselves.

If you just execute everyone who is evil, how will we ever learn how these people came to be? Their self-understanding, as would be achieved through self-reflection, is of essential utility to us.

There are various other arguments for why the death penality in the contemporary context is simply inappropriate, but that would require you to think about what you say before you say it. Alternatively you can go and ask Claude for some guidance.

Edited by Scholar

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6 minutes ago, Scholar said:

Your argument is fundamentally flawed because we do not even punish such people with life in prison. It wouldn't be a greater deterant than if you simply put them in prison for life.

It's about the PR. Executing a handful of Wall Street goons would send a strong wakeup call to the whole finance white collar crime sector.

Look, it's not gonna happen. I'm just dreaming outloud here.

Edited by Leo Gura

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's about the PR. Executing a handful of Wall Street goons would send a strong wakeup call to the whole finance white collar crime sector.

Look, it's not gonna happen. I'm just dreaming outloud here.

Your dreams indicate immaturity. We need to be very careful, especially in todays climate, about upholding our ideals of civility. It might be the most crucial time in history to do so, because of how high the stakes are.

Civility is not guaranteed.

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28 minutes ago, Scholar said:

upholding our ideals of civility

I'm not talking about extra-judical executions here or vigilante justice. This would be done through the legal system. So I don't see a contradiction with civility.

People are getting fed up with elites who game the system. Without some justice there is actual danger of mob violence and vigilanteism.

Justice can be a more important principle than civility which keeps the corrupt status quo in place. Ordinary people who work hard are fed up with the unfairness of financial elites. And that is a dangerous place to be at. The damage these scammers do is not just in the money they steal but in that they keep getting away with it, rubbing salt in the wounds, creating the perception of a two tier justice system.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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