
Really lost after hearing about a « Man who works with energy »

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Si basically It has been really hard to forget about one girl and I sometimes have strong negative feelings and panic attacks so I opened myself up to see one man who works with energies.

I really do not know what to think about this now. 
I told him the story of me and this girl. And he told me that she was a perverse narcissist and that she was spiritually leeching energy out of me even when we do not talk to each other. 
That’s why I feel I have no energy and she feels like she’s full of energy because she is « vampirizing » me. 


I have to admit I do not know what to think about it. It’s true I feel bewitched. And he kind of make me a little paranoid if that is true that she’s leeching my energy spiritually everyday. Basically he told me that we were all connected on a spiritual level and that she was vampirizing me leaving me on low energy while she’s full of it. 

I’m skeptical. He also told me that he will have to cut all spiritual links between me and her to make me move forward. 

what do you guys think about it ? I personally am openminded about this situation but isn’t it bullshits. Maybe I feel bad cause I feel bad and she is not a « demon » like this guy say ? What are your opinions. Does he really have power ?

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The more time you will waste on this situation the worse you will feel.

You focusing on another person will make you feel lethargic. Especially if the other person is unavailable and low mood, there is just no other way.

The situation that you will end up together is unlikely as it usually is.

You need to find something that you are passionate about doing, for your own desire to enrich the world with.

Accept that she may be gone forever from your life, it maybe hurts but you have something to work with. I suggest working on the basics like the way you eat, socializing and staying in a job. Then if there is any medium here is can suggest that would be @Emerald,  you could do some shadow work to get rid of that loneliness and get a relief or pick up some form of kriya yoga. Good luck man. Rooting for you.

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@Applegarden8 Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you said. But I want to clarify.

I am not a medium, nor do I have any spiritual powers.

Shadow Work is just about making what’s been unconscious conscious again.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@thierry I wouldn’t worry about what the energy guy said.

It gives you the impression that your difficulties letting her go stem from her being an energetic vampire that’s sucking energy from you in some mystical way.

But I don’t believe that at all.

And it’s honestly an irresponsible thing for him to tell you because it makes you feel like she has some power over you that she doesn’t.

The power is only in your hands to let her go.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Posted (edited)

18 minutes ago, Emerald said:

@Applegarden8 Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you said. But I want to clarify.

I am not a medium, nor do I have any spiritual powers.

Shadow Work is just about making what’s been unconscious conscious again.

I am sorry for the mischaracterisation, but I think you are since shadow work is not part of our education today, I don't know why I think you are, but I still do. But whatever. I know that what you offer can personally really help him. I know other people who could offer that kind of help for free (shadow work being derived from ancient hindu teachings) but seeing them you will probably not do the practice.

Edited by Applegarden8

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Energy cords are a well-known concept in the area of psychic/spiritual healing.

Supposedly, psychic healers can actually see them.

I would have him cut the cords and see if you feel better as a result, and maybe you can get her out of your life.

On 4/10/2024 at 6:57 AM, thierry said:

what do you guys think about it ? I personally am openminded about this situation but isn’t it bullshits. Maybe I feel bad cause I feel bad and she is not a « demon » like this guy say ? What are your opinions. Does he really have power ?

You haven't really provided a detailed description of her behavior, so how would one know? It sounds plausible that she's toxic af and an energy vampire.  People like that certainly exist.

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Posted (edited)

I get the feeling that you're exaggerating the interaction with that guy. Remember working with energies is as simple as working out, once you start being aware of the energy flows. Just start by feeling the sensations of pain in your head. And enquire if there's any substance behind this pain. Often times, these physical pains are attributed to toxic relationships. 

Here's one personal experience. I was having a similar experience with a girl. So, I kept some distance and really tried to sleep off the pain, rest for a day, and really feel all the pain.. and suddenly something snapped and pain was gone in an instant. What happened was, from the beginning I was trying to be aware of what's going on, what am I missing. At that moment, something clicked. I realised what kind of guy is her type. And the difference in values, between her type and me, has become very clear to me. This was liberating. But this didn't stop me from interacting further with her. But it cut down a strong knot which was trying me to her.

Just pay attention to everything, with all your energy. Slow down for a bit. 

Also, do you really think she has energy? Does she ever expend energy to her fullest with you? And for you to feel so drained, you must have been expending all your energy while she was not. 

So, after that realisation, I was more sure of my values this, so I tried to interact with her normally and the very second she started showing signs of low energy, I started showing signs of high energy, because, why compromise? Then after that, I told her. Well, she's not really my type. And cut all ties. But it took a day or two to really get over.

There are women who value "staying silent instead of confronting", just to keep the relationship alive in some form. Realize this may be harmful for you. Here it's an air of compromise, compromise of your values. Just have a strong sense of what you value and it solves most of the problems, in relationship and otherwise. 

Also, I recommend watching Leo's video on Gaslighting. It's a deep video which talks about values, and how we try to superimpose our values onto others. 

Edited by ryoko

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