
Let me blow your mind real quick... You have never actually experienced 'NOW'.

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Posted (edited)

You are always and forever just a step behind NOW. Never quite catching its tail. 

No matter how mindful and present you are, you are never perceiving reality in real time. Not actually. 

And that is because of a little something called 'perceptual latency'. 

Perceptual latency is the time it takes for sensory information to be processed by the mind and become consciously perceived. It can vary depending on the specific sensory modality and the complexity of the stimulus.

Even though it is extremely brief, it still means that there is a delay between the occurrence of a sensory stimulus and your conscious perception of it. As a result, your perception of the world is always slightly lagging behind the actual events happening around you. While the delay may be minuscule, it's enough to suggest that your perception of reality is never truly instantaneous or in 'real time'. 

Your very senses, that you use to perceive the world with, are directly stopping you from actually being here and now.

To be fully here and now requires a complete dissolution of the 5 human senses.

Yes, death.


Edited by ivankiss

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Posted (edited)

41 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

You are always and forever just a step behind NOW.

It is possible though - its called enlightenment.   Merging or becoming now is enlightenment.   Becoming Now is Infinity or infinite Consciousness.   

Edited by Inliytened1


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48 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

You are always and forever just a step behind NOW. Never quite catching its tail.

Without realizing it one puts up barriers to keep oneself in Time.

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Posted (edited)

@ivankiss I think what most people get wrong is in living in time with its past, present and future.  Which seems full bodied.

But if they were to take a break every once in a while, from time and allow themselves to experience the moment of 'Now' they would soon see it is infinite.

*And to take that to the next level. They would discover it is really them that is infinite.

While these are only words that at best can only point to truth.  Truth with a capital "T" comes only in the form of direct experience.

Edited by cetus

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Posted (edited)

Hmm, Now

Materialist fantasy 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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How is it possible to be a step behind now? It is always now. You seem to be conceptualizing perceptual latency as something that actually exists that is as real as your perceptual experience happening now. That concept of perceptual latency is an illusion.

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Posted (edited)

18 minutes ago, Jordan said:

How is it possible to be a step behind now? It is always now. You seem to be conceptualizing perceptual latency as something that actually exists that is as real as your perceptual experience happening now. That concept of perceptual latency is an illusion.

I wouldn't be so quick to disclaim what he's saying. Idk for sure, but it I could see where it is the case. One thing I've noticed and that is that life mimicks reality in many ways and without going into the different ways, this could be one of them. Ever listened to two different televisions broadcasting from two separate rooms and how sometimes, if not all times, one is always lagging behind the other. Never hearing them exactly at the same point. I've heard this before also but never gave it any serious thought. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

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I've said this before, and that is we're not really experiencing anything and that nothing is really moving only appearing that way. This right here would fit right into that. A lot of other explanations also makes this seem to be the case, one of them is that God is the screen from which all things are appearing and how it's like God is watching a movie, which would be the reason for the delay as in our experience of television. There's always at least a 5sec delay in broadcasting.

Know thyself....

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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I wouldn't be so quick to disclaim what he's saying. Idk for sure, but it I could see where it is the case. One thing I've noticed and that is that life mimicks reality in many ways and without going into the different ways, this could be one of them. Ever listened to two different televisions broadcasting from two separate rooms and how sometimes, if not all times, one is always lagging behind the other. Never hearing them exactly at the same point. I've heard this before also but never gave it any serious thought. 

I would say it takes time for the mind to process/understand perceptions but experience has no delay. Experience is the antenna broadcasting the TV signal and the TV display is like the mind producing its understanding. Experience seems to be experienced without any delay. You might wonder, is there something that is sourcing the experience that precedes it, causing a short delay? I wouldn't know how it would be possible to know if anything sources experience because if you did become conscious of what is sourcing the experience, that source would be equal to experience. You can only really know what you experience now. Everything else you think you know is just stories you believe. 

Also now that I think of it, Time doesn't exist in the way that we typically imagine it. There is just now that changes continuously and when we want to describe how it changes, we describe it using time. Time is more a description than something that is flowing by. Experience flows along and it is understood through descriptions and comparisons such as time.

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It depends on how you look at it. If reality were not perceived, would it exist? Is there a perceiver and a perceived object, or is there simply perception? You could say that reality is perception, without perception there is no reality. Reality perceives itself, and therefore exists, or in other words, reality, when existing, necessarily perceives itself.

We could say that reality is infinite potential, but now only part of that potential is being perceived, so the fact of perceiving it is what gives it real existence vs potential, unperceived existence.

So you could say that reality is perception, therefore you perceive at the same time that reality exists, since you are the perception, and without perception there is no reality, there is nonexistence. An abyss of nonexistence can occur right now, and then existence, or perception, returns, and that abyss, not being perceived, will be nothing, less than an instant.

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8 hours ago, ivankiss said:

You are always and forever just a step behind NOW. Never quite catching its tail. 

No matter how mindful and present you are, you are never perceiving reality in real time. Not actually. 

And that is because of a little something called 'perceptual latency'. 

You are talking of the past entering to the present or the present affected from the past. Not about the now outside of time.

When you are present, you realize there is no perceptual latency, that was just another story you bought from science through perception. There is no delay in existence, your very act of perception is all there is, there's just one layer to Reality and it's this.

8 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Your very senses, that you use to perceive the world with, are directly stopping you from actually being here and now.

To be fully here and now requires a complete dissolution of the 5 human senses.

Yes, death.

No, it does not and therefore the conlusion is also not the case. There's no way you space here-now because it's all there is. No matter where you travel, you are always right here, just a change in sceneraio. You deconstruct space and such human constructions. 

It's the same with time, please bring time to me so I can see it. Time is just an abstraction, you see numbers or clock hands. You also confuse the mesure of time with time itself. You have milk and then you have a liter of milk. You have time and then you have seconds. As liter is not milk but a mesure of mil, in the same way a second is not time but a measure of time. What is milk or what is time outside of it's measurements is quite another questions you should inquiry about.

In this, you will discover that there is no now because there is no time and truly you don't know what time is it nor where you are right now. Usually, this awakening follows with a solid abiding in awake present unknowing

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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@Breakingthewall Would you say that perceiver cocreates perceived or that there is only perception itself?

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Posted (edited)

59 minutes ago, Davino said:

@Breakingthewall Would you say that perceiver cocreates perceived or that there is only perception itself?

Id say that the perceiver is the perception. Without perception, there is nothing, in the moment that perception is,  reality is, and reality is auto perceived. Then in the reality appears a perceptor, and seems that there are infinite levels of perception. If I die, one or those infinite levels dissapears, but infinite others remains. What we are is reality, or perception, or conciousness. We are a bubble of perception in a ocean of infinite bubbles of perception, but what we really are is the pure perception or conciousness. The bubbles are cyclical, they start and finish, and have continuity, then we could say that into that bubble the perceptor appears, because without perception there can't be perceptor. The perceptor is just the centre of the bubble, and can be perception without a centre, without a bubble, if it's infinite conciousness, then the perceptor is secondary, is the effect of the limitation, of the bubble. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Ultimately, there is no such thing as perceiving, only being. Being is in real time, only.

Perception MUST be lagging. It MUST be delayed. That is simply how the illusion works.

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Posted (edited)

10 hours ago, ivankiss said:

You are always and forever just a step behind NOW. Never quite catching its tail. 

No matter how mindful and present you are, you are never perceiving reality in real time. Not actually. 

And that is because of a little something called 'perceptual latency'. 

Perceptual latency is the time it takes for sensory information to be processed by the mind and become consciously perceived. It can vary depending on the specific sensory modality and the complexity of the stimulus.

Even though it is extremely brief, it still means that there is a delay between the occurrence of a sensory stimulus and your conscious perception of it. As a result, your perception of the world is always slightly lagging behind the actual events happening around you. While the delay may be minuscule, it's enough to suggest that your perception of reality is never truly instantaneous or in 'real time'. 

Your very senses, that you use to perceive the world with, are directly stopping you from actually being here and now.

To be fully here and now requires a complete dissolution of the 5 human senses.

Yes, death.


Powerful, but inaccurate at the end. You dont need to dissolve anything, ofcourse you dont experience Now, because it is the Now that is the experiencer and the eye cannot look at itself directly, but can see everything else. 

But why do you need to dissolve any of your senses, you jut need to not identify with any of them. You dont need to delete the painting to notice the eternal canvas behind it.

But maybe if the painting is too heavy and dark it might distract you from the canvas and then you need to start deleting/dissolving.

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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9 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Ultimately, there is no such thing as perceiving, only being. Being is in real time, only.

Perception MUST be lagging. It MUST be delayed. That is simply how the illusion works.

Being IS Perception. The illusion is that you are imagining an illusion where there is none, everything is naked in front of your eye

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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@Dodo Fair point. Especially if we are talking about living everyday mundane life. You need your senses for that, obviously.

However, in my experience, or better yet, in not my non - experience (lololol) in pure Light, in God - consciousness, if you will, there is no perception. The 5 human senses indeed completely dissolve, and idk for others, but for me it wasn't exactly a pleasant experience - to say the least. 

@Davino False. Even your average new age hippy knows that perception is illusory/illusion.

'Veil of perception'

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10 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Dodo Fair point. Especially if we are talking about living everyday mundane life. You need your senses for that, obviously.

However, in my experience, or better yet, in not my non - experience (lololol) in pure Light, in God - consciousness, if you will, there is no perception. The 5 human senses indeed completely dissolve, and idk for others, but for me it wasn't exactly a pleasant experience - to say the least. 

@Davino False. Even your average new age hippy knows that perception is illusory/illusion.

'Veil of perception'

Just from my experience in my own dreams at night, I actually dont want to wake up from the dreams, but I want to be awake inside them and play. Maybe thats exactly what God is doing here with this Earth project. And we trying to dissolve His playground. Lets not do that :D

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Posted (edited)

Yes. You are in patterns that are created before you experience them.
Now is a concept in people's minds also, BTW, so don't cling too tightly to it.

There is a lag to see the full pattern. If you've had dreams, intuition, or a predictive psychic ability before, it's not unexplainable. I get them when I am in a self-loving state for long enough, I can get a picture of an event before it happens, but even in this dense state I am in now, I can get intuition or ask questions of the bigger me. I look at everything in life as an ongoing pattern that is rarely deviated from, and the deviations are usually what interest me.

Develop a method of connecting with your larger intelligence, higher self, bigger self, soul, god, outer bodies, whatever you call it, to find a method that works for you, simple yes/no answers are the easiest. You'll be surprised at how much information is already set up in a pattern. No, you won't know the lottery numbers :D (don't bother lol), or probably what football team is going to win next week. Things with clear patterns and answers you can receive if one exists.

Some call this divination to get you started. My favorite simple tool is a spiritual pendulum, aka dowsing pendulum. Yes/No. A circling or side-to-side motion for the answers. For clear questions or to clear up dilemmas. The first question to ask is, show me no and then show me yes. 

There is no magic here, your subconscious stores masses of information, and to your wider intelligence, your life is a drop in the ocean. 

Another simple way is, to look for a sign of the answer in front of you when you ask or think of the question. - This takes a bit of faith in yourself, not taking things too literally or seriously, and flexibility in the mind. When you start setting this up in life, answers are often there for you when the question comes up, you'll find yourself in more synchronicities. - Again, sometimes there is no answer, or your question doesn't make sense. - Every day you are giving yourself signs and answers to your own questions, it's your mind all this is in.

Edited by BlueOak

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