
I got a THC vape cloud sprayed in my face as a prank — Trip report (?)

27 posts in this topic

3 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

What's the point ? 

What will you do with the results?

huh? I'm just trying to convey facts on THC metabolism to OP

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36 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

What's the point ? 

What will you do with the results?

You confuse with depression, hypomania is a type of excessively "high" mood, that is to say euphoric or angry.
It is a form of excessive or even pathological attachment (anxiety).

There is no neuroendocrinological difference between anxiety and euphoria, the hormones and neurotransmitters involved are the same depending on the context.


Whatever 👍

That's true  :)

That's why we don't only look at what neurotransmitters are released but also where they are released. Viewing mental states as simply neurotransmitters is reductionist. For example, releasing dopamine in the substantia nigra will produce a different effect than dopamine released in the prefrontal cortex.


Plus, your statement is incorrect as there are different neurotransmitters correlated with states of euphoria and states of anxiety.

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7 hours ago, Twega said:

THC metabolites is what lasts a long time and what can be detected in drug tests, this is different from it having effects which last this long. Metaboloites can be tested for up to 1 month while THC itself breaksdown faster.

The half-life of THC itself is still minimum 20-24 hours. I didn't even think about the metabolite 11-OH-THC which is more psychoactive and has a half-life of minimum 9-27 hours.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 minute ago, Carl-Richard said:

The half-life of THC itself is still minimum 20-24 hours. I didn't even think about the metabolite 11-OH-THC which is more psychoactive and has a half-life of minimum 9-27 hours.

I purposely chose 11-OH-THC because it lasts longer, and some THC is converted to it via inhalation anyway.

You mistake half-life with psychoactive effects. Something can have a long half-life but will not produce any psychoactive effect after a certain threshold. For example Aniracetam has an elimination half-life, 0.5 hours. Yet, noticable effects can be felt for at least 4-5 hours, sometimes even up tp 8.

Armodafinil has a half-life of 15 hours, but many will notice that beyond 12 hours, you stop feeling it.

Half-life doesn't tell you how much a substance is still effecting you.

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14 hours ago, Twega said:

For example Aniracetam has an elimination half-life, 0.5 hours. Yet, noticable effects can be felt for at least 4-5 hours, sometimes even up tp 8.

How does that work? Does it get stuck in the receptor? What is the situation for THC in this case?


14 hours ago, Twega said:

Half-life doesn't tell you how much a substance is still effecting you.

It could give you an estimate depending on the situation. In my situation (the prank), I was only subjected to the drug once, meaning no cumulative build-up of tolerance, so you would expect the effect curve to correlate at least moderately with the half-time curve, unless, again, you want to provide contradicting information about that for THC specifically.

You can talk about random mystery compounds and their counterintuitive properties until the sun goes down, but you can also just talk about THC. What properties does THC have that makes it lose its effects at the lower end of its half-life?

As a general rule, half-life is a good estimate for duration of effect. Again, you would have to provide specific evidence to the contrary for the specific substance in question.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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22 hours ago, Twega said:

Fat solubility doesn't necessarily mean a long half-life (as in all day long). For example, caffeine is also sufficiently lipophilic to pass through all biological membranes and readily crosses the blood-brain barrier. Yet, people can drink caffeine early in the day and still eliminate it by the end of the day without it affecting their sleep.

I wouldn't compare something that mimics purine nucleoside neurotransmitters with something that mimics fatty acid neurotransmitters. The Octanol/water partition coefficient in log P for caffeine is -0.07 while it's between 3.78 and 6.95 for THC. They're miles apart:


Caffeine is closer to water than it is to THC.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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22 hours ago, Twega said:

Are you talking about second hand smoke or smelling the plant itself? Smelling the plant is highly unlikely to get you high friend. The form of THC that is found in uncarboxylated buds/plant is Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA). This is a prodrug to THC and doesn't exert psychoactive effects. Conversion of THCA to THC in the body is very limited. Hence why decarboxylated via heat is crucial for getting high. Plus, the smell of weed is due to terpenes, not THC. Second hand smoke is possible but also very unlikely as most of the THC is being absorbed when someone smokes and diluting it with air is just so not effecient that almost no one gets really high just from being around weed, but not impossible especially if its hotbox.

Maybe read the story I wrote.


22 hours ago, Twega said:

Again, highly unlikely. A few molecules? No way, man.. The bioavailability of THC when smoking or inhaling is approximately 25%, with a range of 2% to 56% (although most commonly between 10 and 35%). So when you say a few molecules, cut that by 80%.

It's not impossible.


22 hours ago, Twega said:

Also, you use words like "poisoned" when referring to THC ingestion. Let me first say this: I AM NO FAN OF WEED. I realize its addictive and I was addicted to it.. I know it's not a harmless drug, and it does affect brain development, etc. But you weren't poisoned. Poison means there has to be some form of neurotoxicity involved. THC is not neurotoxic in normal doses, it can actually be neuroprotective in some cases, like protecting from stimulant induced excitotoxicity and reducing brain oxidation.

You can define "poison" in a myriad of different ways that has nothing to do with neurotoxicity. Besides, the effect on the hippocampus that I referred to earlier has actually been shown in people with recent cannabis use. I don't know if you could define it as neurotoxic or just harmful in that case, but both could fall under a definition of poison. Besides, I was using it mostly in a flippant and colloquial way. Most people know what I mean when I say I got poisoned with THC.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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