
Men are no longer seeking relationships of any kind & people are in DENIAL!

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Unfortunately, this is happening all over the world. But I don't understand why... Is it because of the fall of Christianity? The fall of religion?

Or what the heck is going on there? Because most of my friends are single.

There are so many single men nowadays that I can hardly believe it is happening.

Am I alone in this? Because I want civilization to continue.

Edited by eTorro

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I think they told a bunch of kids they could be anything they want while it not being true at all.

Kind of ignoring the caste system with the mind and causing a bunch of people to not know what to do so they are just disengaging cause they dont know what to do and nothing has worked.

Disengaging will lead to a greater enlightenment God is doing everything on purpose do not worry.

I think its just men subconciously saying this system does not bring happiness. The system gives them 0 confidence and they dont know how to act properly so stop trying to act at all.


Edited by Hojo

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I have been disinterested in relationships for various reasons

1. I am goal and career oriented, causing me to see this as a distraction.

2. I struggle to feel any emotional connection to anyone and feel dissociated from the rest of the world.

3. I have very little faith in relationships as see them as causing way too many problems to be worth it.

4. I can't afford my own house and there isn't enough space in my grandma's house for a girlfriend.

5. I see relationships as meaningless as all of them will eventually fell apart in some fashion or another. If I could feel love, then maybe there would be a point to this drama and suffering.

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Posted (edited)


Maybe the title should have been "people nowadays want or have the power to have a more conscious relationship" or "being brainwashed with family values backfires".

That YouTuber is the perfect target for toxic men.

Edited by Nemra

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Couple of factors 

  • Fall in family values is the single biggest cause 
  • Feminism and female independence
  • High rates of rejection

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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When it comes to why men/women might be forgoing relationships more and more, I think it 80% of it comes from the weakening of communities and that people aren't getting out and socializing as much.

People just plug into social media all day and see the worst expressions (or caricatured expressions) of the opposite sex, and they get into rabbit holes where they avoid connection when they otherwise would have sought connection and pair bonding.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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After a couple of long term relationships, the allure of relationships drop. Too much hard work. 

There is only one character, there is only you. 

If you can sit in your true nature, you shouldn’t need a partner. It’s just a distraction. 


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I actually sort of checked out like that several years ago. But then I realized I paid a price for it. there is something going on with my heart that does love women, and it's not just horniness, it goes much deeper than that. I think most of us are like that, we don't want to admit it. Once I admitted that to myself, I felt all this repressed stuff open up in me, I felt a lot better.  So I returned to hope again, even if the hope is sort of hopeless lol.  I can't deny a part of my self does still have it's hopes about romance, it doesn't matter what I choose, it's there.

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Maybe the society is losing the material element?

Material element is irrational, and negative. We need to work on this, instead of working only on ideals. The society would get more balanced and rooted.

Here is the youtube video about this (the society needs to open the root chakra and all the lower chakras):


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Posted (edited)

Here are 7 problems and 7 solutions.

1) Be this 10%. We'll highlight this 10% and promote it at the top of searches. Are you the 90%? Sorry,  my searches are for these attributes and qualities.
Current failed solution: Change the 10% to another 10% and the problems persists.
Solution: Focus on average people. What the average relationship brings into people's lives. Redesign the internet to promote average people, not exceptional people. Remove narcissism from the design of the internet.

2) Financial hardship, affording the cost of running a house and family. The money to do is in the hands of fewer people. 
Current Failed Solution: Pretend it is not the case or can't be fixed.
Solution: Acknowledge it is a serious problem, redistribute wealth, and pay decent wages to people.

3) Fearful populations have fewer children
Current Failed Solution: Inject as much fear into the population as possible to sell media and maintain political control.
Solution: Stop.
Double Tap: Stop burning up the planet, eliminate the warmongers from power, and get into sustainable energy solutions.

4) Reduce agricultural land use, and build more houses to make them cheaper.
Current solution: Vertical farming.
Better Solution: Get rid of Cows and Sheep from the food supply. The worst offenders in terms of land use.
Double Tap: Inject the cultural idea of large family apartments.

5) Promote people, and families. Not things, and the worship of money.
Current Solution: Religions and politicians tell you to breed, and peer pressure. Society tells you to buy, or worker harder.
Better Solution: Design society around families, not breeding to fill jobs, or social pressure to do so.

6) Cultural stagnation.
Current Failed Solution: Pretend to not understand how this effects society.
Better Solution: Invest in culture, get it vibrant, alive, and attractive. Growth, new concepts, and fertility need to be in all elements of society. If a society stagnates, people pull back, they conserve what they had, and things grind to a halt. People in that mentality are not looking to take on new responsibilities or commitments. 

7) Finally accept the left half of yourself, 95% of people I talk to no longer do. That half is the one that will care for a family, nurture it, be sympathetic to its needs, listen to it and care for the baby. Without it, nobody wants that in their life in the first place, only out of obligation or peer pressure.

For fun - 8) Your hail Mary solution is colonizing infinity in space, where everything we experience here now becomes infinitely large, including population, and the cost of things changes radically. Water/Air/Time etc become priceless (they already are), and metal things become cheap. 

Edited by BlueOak

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Posted (edited)

All these "alarming trends" are just clickbait and a way to make money. Alot of them are self fulfilling prophesies too. 

Edited by enchanted

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8 hours ago, Emerald said:

When it comes to why men/women might be forgoing relationships more and more, I think it 80% of it comes from the weakening of communities and that people aren't getting out and socializing as much.

Pretty much this. Car-centric urban design and technology among other things erode the need to talk to people and by extension communities. We have more entertainment than ever and we can get all our base physical needs met via online services and never leave the house if we want to.

We simple don't need each others like we used to.

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2 minutes ago, Basman said:

Pretty much this. Car-centric urban design and technology among other things erode the need to talk to people and by extension communities. We have more entertainment than ever and we can get all our base physical needs met via online services and never leave the house if we want to.

We simple don't need each others like we used to.

For material needs, yes.

For everything else, we still need each other. That's the gaping void in so many lives covered up by addictions, medications, suicides, and ill conceived individualist solutions to communal problems.

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because relationships have a large inherent toxic component. possessiveness, exclusivity, jealousy, prohibition of free sex, obligation of continued sexual desire, obligation to sleep in the same bed every day, obligation to be friends with the other's family, etc., etc.

Relationships are a prison, they were established with the purpose of having children and preserving the man's genetics, since he had to control the woman so as not to raise children of other genes. Relationships are built on the basis of genetic war, and for this war happiness is renounced if necessary, but if there is no longer this war, relationships are a true unbearable pain.

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I think it's about the process of the Yin and Yang element, and how people overcome the conflict between Material and Ideal worlds. Maybe we should study the I Ching, where the good family equals to good country.

For spiritual people, researching spiritual and material aspects of relationship might be a solution? In this forum, we should be interested about the solutions for the spiritual people and in other forums, the other solutions?

I had a nice girlfriend long time ago, but now for quite a time, I have been out from relationship. Now I'm becoming materially enlightened, and developing a healthy criteria for woman, which would fit me - some things, which seemed like starts of relationships, have failed meanwhile and I have developed some sense about which women I don't want. Now I'm 40, but I think I want children, and that's hard to develop the whole thing.

When we are materially more supportive, help people for material stability and all the things they need to have for children ..spiritual people need to develop all this and to be more represented in government, business and hospitals, to have the infrastructure, which supports their choices of life to be materially enlightened. So it's a part of a complex problem - with all the material back-up, maybe the children-thing would have been more easy and I would have done it already without losing my other goals. But now I feel energies, which make me materially stable.

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Deep down men just hate feminism even if they don't know it yet 

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1 hour ago, Twentyfirst said:

Deep down men just hate feminism even if they don't know it yet 

Interesting take.

Well, what does feminism mean and why can't it be labeled as movement for human rights, or some kind of egalitarian movement. I would accept it more. Now, like any other social movement (official or not) like BLM, manosphere, men's rights activists etc. Tend to care only about their agenda which in some point is inherently unhealthy and damaging for the society as a whole. Some radicals will agitate something, gather momentum and then create a stigmatized movement which you are supposed to agree with by default, but we all as individuals have subtle agendas, but we have many similar social problems.

And "just" hating is also not constructive or specific criticism with no root cause analysis at the end of it.

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Twentyfirst said:

Deep down men just hate feminism even if they don't know it yet 

Or I define feminism differently to you, which I suspect is the case.

For me, it's an interest group within society campaigning for equal rights. Like any such group, when it achieves equality, it's doing its job, when it unbalances things, it's not. This can only ever be achieved when family is a central virtue in society, not an unhelpful necessity. Example: A healthy maternity leave to encourage having kids.

I would equate women getting 2 years off to raise a kid as equality because, in my ideal reality, the family would be the core value it was based on. In my reality, men would be happy that a woman was getting 2 years of paid leave to raise a child properly. Jobs would be done for the family, rather than seeing it as an inconvenience. Then everyone wonders why people are not making families anymore: It's considered an inconvenience, at the least its difficult to time it right.

Men blame the feminists.
Women blame the misogynist.

Both genders would be better off focusing on promoting healthy family values, and then people would aspire to healthy family values. How is that achieved? In many different ways. I'd use education and teach a special interest subject called family values, next week: financial acumen, - social skills - emotional awareness, and then back to family values. Cloaking it under religion doesn't work these days, only being honest with people and teaching them these concepts at a formative age.

*I know someone is going to come back with I saw this crazy woman or man on the internet and he/she was shouting all this.... they were bitter and twisted. I know I've heard it all. It's what happens when you want something like companionship or love (consciously or unconsciously) but never get it for long enough.

Edited by BlueOak

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I'm wondering if we have to ultimately get rid of the distinction between man and woman collectively to achieve peace between them...

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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