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I almost got scammed, advice needed

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Hi all,

I hope you are doing well.

I want to share an event with you guys which happened to me recently and I need your guys advice on what action steps should I take next time to prevent event like this happening to me again. 

I live in an apartment with four other people. We share a wifi router with 5 sim cards. So each person gets one SIM card from the total 5 SIM cards. I have been using the SIM card from the last 5 months. Just last week, I figured out that I am the main card holder which means that all the wifi package comes to my SIM card and then from my SIM card, the wifi package gets shared to the other four SIM card. This is how the system of wifi works in China. I also figured out recently that the SIM card which I am using as the main card holder is not opened on my passport information but on one of the passport information of the other four people. The other four people knew about all this but I did not know about all this and just figured out about all this recently. The other four people actually hid this information from me. Some of the harmful ramifications which I could have face in the future because of this would be that the police could have caught me and put me in jail for using a SIM card on someone else information as you guys know their are many risk of an individual opening a SIM card on someone else passport/information and not his own respective passport/information. In response to this, I created my own SIM card seperate from the other five shared SIM card on the shared wifi router. My question from you guys is that what kind of action steps should I take next time to prevent situations like this happening again and I should not be made a fool again or get scammed again?

Thank you for your responses

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